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Forrests Father

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  1. I am an old fart and I have no experience in Crypto. But it could be a great idea. Crypto would solve the problem about taxation of foreign income brought into Thailand. Right? 😉
  2. Not even the local amphurs or moo bans following the government’s instructions. Last weekend a mini marathon around lake Maprachan in Pong close to Pattaya. Some genius orderd that the shrubs along the lake need to be burned.
  3. There was a mini marathon at Maprachan lake near Pattaya last weekend. The air was already bad, the PM called to fight Pm2.5. Still some guy in the amphur decided to burn the shrubs at the lake. You can’t fix stupid
  4. I don’t see a problem. The powers that be make sure that Thais stay stupid and obedient with only a minimal income. And my maid works for 400 THB a day. Sarcasm off.
  5. “the survey encompassed 450 Thai nationals earning over 10,000 baht per month” I call that statistical BS
  6. I work here since 20 years and until two years ago it was Rev Dep 13 in Bkk. No issues at all and always within a week. Since two years it’s Chonburi and this year it took 8 weeks. maybe not only about extended checks but where you need to file
  7. I don't think we have a single waste incineration plant in Thailand. Put together some infrastructure and hire a crew of workers to collect plastic, wood/leaves and other garbage. Less PM2.5, less plastic but electricity to sell.
  8. You are right a little more care when writing an article would be helpful.
  9. It is not only about teachers. the education system does not encourage thinking, challenging and problem solving. it’s about repetition and following ancient rules which are not applicable now in a modern environment. and the leading class has no interest in having educated peasants.
  10. Not surprised I work here since 21 years. For 20 years I reported to Bangkok. No issue on tax return. Last year I needed to report to Chonburi due to move. 30k less in tax return despite same framework. There are not many income tax payers in TH but the few are having a hard time.
  11. If I remember correctly: I read the same article end 2022, Jan 2021, Feb 2019, Dec 2018….
  12. Can we get some details here? I haven’t seen any fake news about Thailand lately. Many actual news are so bad that you cannot make them up.
  13. What a BS. This is about the sovereignty of a state. Why not have Libyan police officers patrol in London?
  14. And? Every year the same. Rinse and repeat. New Year: Accidents Feb to Apr: PM2.5 Songkran: Accidents May: Heat Jun: Draught October: Flooding ok: Nov is early for PM2.5. Maybe there is a slight learning curve?
  15. It’s the same every year. just copy and paste. Traffic in December and April. PM2.5 from February to April. Drought from April to September Flooding in October. Chinese/Indian/??? Tourists down Jan to Dec

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