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  1. Yes no infection, no hole, no cavity and almost no enamel in front. They drilled it to remove composite restoration on front. I am not comfortable to live like that. I would ether pull or put new composite restoration, but i need guarantee and bio compatibility tests for each material will be used before i put something in my mouth again. What i found in internet self etched bonding agent can cause intoxication and burning mouth. If some doctor can put composite without self etch agent i would try. Also guarantee they pull tooth 100% if i have intoxication again. I am going to Pattaya soon, should be much more clinics and hospitals than in Surin.
  2. I suggest It might from pills or prescriptions you use or even from dental fillings, crowns implants or anything. Try to figure out what causes this happen to you and eliminate it. Anxiety attacks cannot start on empty place, there is body contamination with something.
  3. I payed 1500. It took around one hour to remove it and they cut it and remove by parts., painful experience, but result was very good, I was able again to chew both sides.
  4. Dentists sure will try to sell something expensive like crowns or implants. The problem is that some people like me have low tolerance to dental materials. The only solution is to remove teeth and removable partial dentures after. I know many people can live with amalgam fillings with mercury, i myself feel like i am sick a lot with that filling until it was removed. Crowns usually placed on luting cement, how it will affect my health with crown material? I would pull teeth instead. The problem is they refuse to pull tooth, so you need to go through pain until tooth become so bad so they ok to pull it.
  5. I had similar symptom when they put amalgam filling on me. My grandfather also had amalgam filling and issues with saliva going from mouth when he become old. After i replaced amalgam with composite all symptoms gone in two days. Do you have any fillings with mercury?
  6. The problem with implants it is much harder and more painful to pull from bone than natural teeth. If it will be an issue with implant like infection, allergy or like that. I personally would not go for implant, i think too much risk. Most implants on sale here have rod made from titanium alloy, there are other metals there, having metals can cause sensitivity problems for some people.
  7. I would agree with you. I am too young for dentures now, have only one tooth removed and want remove one more. However I think removable dentures is the best option. If you do not like them you can remove them your self. If your body rejects implant or implanted dentures you might have a difficult situation. Doctor can look and say, Oh your implant is fine we not going to remove it, or we do not have tools you need to ask company implant producer. With removable dentures you have full control on what is inside your body. with significantly lower chance of complications.
  8. I had some issues with stomach when i was eating every day grilled chicken and fish from market. However after moving to home cooked food all gone.
  9. I have frontal erosion and also traces from doctors drilling on my first premolar tooth. I feel constant discomfort and annoying pain on it all the time. It does not have any cavities or hole. I've been some clinics and asked to pull it by they always refuse. Several months ago i had not much corrosion and small crack on top on that tooth, crack was around 1.5 to 2 mm deep, so I can live like that for years with minimal discomfort. Here I made huge mistake which ruined my life I went to dentist to fix it. They did acid etching, after they put bonding and did composite restoration. Doctor did a mistake and dropped some bonding agent with composite on nearest tooth. However first tooth was restored and looked beautiful, but I got strong intoxication after that procedure. I do not know why intoxication happened, may be composite was under cured or overdose of bonding agent. I could not live like that, feel burning in my mouth, heavy breath, sleep disorder and like that. I visited several clinics after to remove that they put. They remove all composite and most of bonding. After 2 months I feel much better, most intoxication gone, but not completely. I hope with more time it will go away. However that tooth was drilled many times to remove composite and bonding, i just not feel comfortable living with broken tooth. I want to remove it but doctors said it is fine. I really do not know what to do. When first time I come to do composite restoration doctor did not tell me "Your tooth is fine, you do not need restoration". However now when i want to pull broken tooth, they all say "Your tooth is fine"
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