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Posts posted by GDragon

  1. 3 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    You cannot obtain tourist visa. 

    It appears that you can obtain 60 day extensions. Some refer to as "covid extensions".

    Thinking your best option. 

    Thank you for the information! I hope I can get the "Covid" extension then. 


    Ideally, I would like to just stay with my current extension of stay, it doesn't make much sense to cancel my extension of stay and just after asking a new one.

  2. I graduated from a Thai university in November, my university told me that by the end of December I had to cancel my extension of stay but the thing is that due to the covid situation I can not go to the country I was planning to move and I have nowhere to stay in my home country... So, I definitely want to stay longer in Thailand. Until March at least (The month when I will get my graduation certificate) 


    What possibilities do I have if I want to stay if I want to stay in Thailand longer ? my extension of stay is until the end of March...  but like I mentioned above I need to cancel it... 

    Can I apply for a tourist visa ? "Covid visa" ? etc...

  3. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    I assume you have a extension of stay based upon attending a University. The non-ed visa you expired long ago.

    Technically your extension ends on the day you are no longer attending school. But unless you or the university informed immigration they would not know about it. But if you tried to apply for another extension without a letter from the school stating the last day you will be attending classes you could be considered as already being on a overstay.

    There is no 2 weeks to leave the country after the extension is canceled. You have to leave the country the same day it is canceled or apply for a extension, pay the 1900 baht fee and be granted 7 days to leave the country.

    It is possible to change the reason for the extension based upon attending school to one based upon working but the problem would be applying for a work permit required to apply for the extension. The Labor Ministry normally will not accept a application for a work permit with a extension based upon attending school. 


    Thank you for your answer ! Yes, my bad,  I have an extension of stay based upon attending a university. From what I understood my university for legal reasons has to inform the immigration that I am not studying anymore but as the semester didn't officially ends yet I have until the end of December to cancel my visa... 


    Anyway, I guess I'd better to get ready to leave Thailand...The law is the law but It doesn't make much sense to be forced to leave the country without getting any documents certifying that I completed my study.... (The certificate will be issued in March 2021...)

  4. Hi everyone, 


    I recently graduated from a Thai University and Pre-Covid I was expecting to move to South Korea (I can speak fluently the language and I had a visa) but due to Covid 19 I had to change my plans and therefore until the situation is getting better I would like to stay here and maybe even work here.  (I can't go to South Korea now and my country is under lockdown again...)

    My university told me I need to cancel my visa by the end of December but in my passport it's written that my visa is valid until March... if I cancel my visa in December, do I need to leave Thailand within 2 weeks ? What's happen if I stay until March ?


    As I don't know whether it's possible to stay until March I also applied for jobs and received several job offers but they told me that it was not possible to change my visa ED visa in a working visa... but I would probably need to leave the country in order to apply for a working visa but with the Covid I don't see how is it possible? I don't think it's possible to go to neighbor countries and even if I can I will need to do a quarantine...


    Am i doomed to leave Thailand if I want to stay here legally ? :[



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