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  1. The Thai governments logic is retarded. Get fined and imprisoned for vaping yet the use of methamphetamine is ok, with 4 or less MA tablets on your person not being an offence. I shudder to think how many deaths are caused by the paranoia of prolonged use and the road accidents due to sleep deprivation. The amount of stories we all read about Thai drivers falling asleep at the wheel and killing people is horrific.
  2. Can those that purchased flights based on the 60 day visa exempt and are worried about it being reduced to 30 days not just pay £35 for a 60 day SETV ? 30/40 minutes on the Thai Embassy site and job done, i've done it every year except last year and it's very straight forward if you can use a computer. Just a thought.
  3. I just read the article you mentioned. Could be trouble ahead. Thanks.
  4. Agreed. It was put in place to pay for the vote buying 10,000 Baht gift. Unfortunately, in the past year Thailand has turned into a s hole if you are unfortunate enough to live in a high tourist location.
  5. I think the "altered state" is referring to the altered body position not the state of body due to decomposition.
  6. I can't see where the puppet strings have been photo shopped out. Good work.
  7. Thanks, headline had me fooled as well until i read the first line of the story.
  8. As a casual observer, i see the country going downhill quickly after the visa relaxation. I am so glad i am not in high tourist destination, the popular destinations seem like they have turned into war zones. The Pheu Thai government had to relax the visa rules to attract more tourists to pay for the 10,000 baht gift for votes.
  9. You are having your pants pulled down mate. As has already been said, pickups and cars are due an inspection after it reaches 7 years old, bikes and scooters is 5 years.
  10. Keyboard warrior complainers at it again. It's a quality, respectful tattoo.
  11. I'm sure the EV heros will be pleased to know their green cars are being charged by fossil fuel burning.
  12. As has been said a few times, pot n kettle, but, he speaks the truth regarding the complaint.
  13. Bull ! He is worried about chinese money making its way into thailand. We all know the chinese have a massive gambling addiction.
  14. Hardly suprising considering the state of the country since thailand opened its arms to the dreggs of society with the 60 day visa free travel.
  15. I read it differently. A wanted Brit was apprehended on his return to the UK for UK crimes. Hard to tell with vague details though.
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