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Everything posted by DRD123

  1. It really helps to own the news sources and Hollywood if you want to portray yourself as the good guy when in fact you have 800 military bases worldwide, have killed millions of innocent civilians and stolen said civilians resources in some cases. Look at Syria today, at what 12 illegal US military bases, stealing their oil illegally while children starve there. This is so called democracy today. All it takes is having the power of the press and call ing someone a 'bad guy' enough times. Works every time. Don't think it cannot or will not happen here or in neighbouring countries if things heat up with US-China relations. A coup is cheap for the US to remain dominant and the first thing they do is throw their allies under the bus. Look at Europe today. I suppose younger people don't know and some people stick their heads in the sand but the US is a bully and colour revolutions is their specialty.Go to Central or South America or Eastern Europe and ask let alone SE Asia.
  2. Globalism is the worst type of fascism. It offers zero benefits for the public and way too much power to bureaucrats.
  3. Haha this is the best thing i have ever read on this site...i cant believe this website is free! Yup Boomers have zero introspection growing up in the wealthiest portion of Western civilization.The good ones had it rough growing up, they are much more interesting people. Some are great but most i find rife with narcissism and ignorance. That scenario you mention is a bubble niche lifestyle. It seems to lead to a fearful existence because its as fake and contrived as they are.
  4. Cant wait for this new govt! Its gonna be great. Reefer madness all the way for the win, With Yabba pills dropping in price from 150 to 10b its not a problem at all, the real problem is marijuana, obviously. Pot kills, all the experts agree. I watched the reefer madness movie and people jump out of windows after smoking a joint! When Yabba is 1 baht a pill maybe then its time to look at it but until then better to focus on democratic values like making marijuana illegal before it kills again. All kidding aside nearly every Thai i talk to about this now all of a sudden is telling me how dangerous pot is....amazing! No idea how they found this out. Its not like programming of minds is possible therefore it must be true pot is very dangerous....but just in Thailand haha. 25,000 deaths a year on the road dollars to donuts yabba and or booze is involved in 80% of those deaths but we will never know because no one cares. 25,000 deaths per annum is the number of gun deaths in the USA everyone goes on and on about btw where they have 4 times the population Oh well....ban pot...that will fix it. [i dont smoke or use it and kids should not have access but the stuff is no where near as harmful as prescription drugs in many cases let alone booze and illegal drugs available everywhere here]
  5. I spent months motorbiking around the north and have seen a lot of homemade fires whether the deadly plastic garbage fires in the backyard or fires around the house with green banana leaves piled on top to smother the fire as much as possible to emit the maximum amount of smoke. Its a cultural thing too. Its almost like the worse the air quality the more enticing it is to go burn some litter. Reminds me of the 70's...introduce bottle return no more broken glass beside the road. Don't think fines work well but cash incentives might. All of this material can be burnt in a controlled environment to create electricity.I very much doubt fines will work when its an ingrained social habit to burn. Needs to be incentivized. TBH the North could hold millions of retirees and it would boom economically. Its the perfect climate and lovely people. Really its a wasted opportunity.
  6. I love the North and actually miss it everyday but will no longer live there. The burning season is not 2 months thats BS it's 6 months long. South of Chumphon is where its at for clean air with the occasional smoke from Indonesia but barely a blip when you look at the historical air quality data. Hope they can monetize the "smoke" ie: pay for the crop residue and burn it cleanly and make electricity or compost it but with lung cancer rates double up North its just not worth it. I will visit in rainy season.
  7. you mean its 36% combat readiness rate and extreme nosebleed price point for non functional stealth? Ya they know the US used to make great planes...
  8. Ya not my guess it’s from an Indian channel and that is the highest estimate given by a long shot —they had much lower estimates than that in Lahk and I simply did the conversion to THB—it’s an Indian made bike like the other fellow says Bajaj is making it —to be seen if they send over the bits to Thailand and these bikes are assembled here to avoid excess duty taxes. Stallion dealers aint easy to find so I will go to main showroom in BKK…not the best sign but TIT. RE is killing it worldwide with sales but not sure how they are doing here in TH. They are rolling out a lot of new models this year. The Himmy450 is one I am watching but they are releasing a Interceptor 650 Scrambler as well. I like the Interceptor and so do it’s owners it seems from talking to them and reviews. I have not bought a new bike since 1978 but will look at that with these bikes to get some warranty for what ever that’s worth. TH is dominated by Japanese bikes and for good reason they are excellent machines but lack character and style at least to my old eyes.
  9. I will do…. A little more clarification and some English reviews of the bikes available in TH would really help. I like facts and actual users reviews not conjecture or sea Of the pants opinions which can be found here in abundance. My Stallion deal fell through so off to the Stallion BKK showroom later this week. I wrote TH Triumph, they won’t spill the beans but the baby Bonny 400(?) announcement is end of June. Hi Dian channels say it will be ABS, 40hp possibly and have two modes street and ADV scrambler style for what they say will be 140,000tbh from their educated guess. The new 450 Himalayan will be announced in September but not available until 2024. 40 JP range with a first fir RE a water cooled engine the spy shots also look pretty darn interesting. I’m goi g yo look at the slightly bigger Oder stallion CT400 as well this week and test rinse a few.
  10. I am jealous I am jealous, i would have loved to look at the ADV800X up close. Very cool. We need more mid sized bikes i feel and hear. Large ADV bikes are covered well but the likes of 400-600cc ADV and Dual Sport bikes are lacking IMO and the Japanese do not seem to be too keen to go through the motions of making these bikes so Aprilla is [440 coming soon too] and I welcome the new Chinese manufacturers. I just sold my Honda Rally after many trouble free km's here in TH but would have loved ABS and more power but very happy with that bike at the same time. More option the better. Hope KOVE gets into TH sooner then later but they are upmarket so to speak. Even the MASH bike range is not imported into TH which is quite different then the Stallion range which seems to be more basic to keep the price down. Pity because MASH line is a great Royal Enfield alternative. I have been seriously considering a RE Interceptor as my next bike but i see RE is coming out with a scrambler version this year of the Interceptor and as well next month Triumph is releasing their street and scrambler/ADV 400 bike made in India. The Indian bikes have been getting better and better and the Interceptor owners i talk to love their bikes and have had no issues at least the newer designs. I try to stick to bikes made in Thailand for the price point even though i drool over the Euro bikes. Triumph TH would not say to me whether these baby Triumphs will me assembled here in country but the announcement is in June.. The new CL300/500 from Honda did not do it for me in the scrambler category so passing on it. I need to assemble a quiver of 3 bikes here i think maybe 4 haha.I am going to pick up a used SM400 next week and ride the crap out of it.A Honda engine made in China of the old Honda XBR 4 valve by Shineray under license is fine by me. Personally i hope KOVE makes a 300-500 Dual Sport thats ultra reliable but thats just me. There will be no Yamaha WR450R and their KTM seems to have bailed on the 490cc twin bike which is a pity.
  11. Excellent reviews on Stallions which are Mash bikes in Europe on Youtube--most have never ridden them here and are racist and will never try one. Google some MASH reviews lots online and many happy users in Europe/UK. Ignorance is not bliss and yes i own and love my Honda too.Check out KOVE bikes fr what China has coming next, they will be the next Japan of innovative bikes.
  12. From what i understand it's due to modernization. Combines and mechanical harvesting cannot get as close to the ground as hand cutting the harvest so there is more stubble left and burning is the fastest method. Its more then the stubble though thats burnt. The potash from the burnt residue has negilgble fertilizer value. Again the"waste" needs to be monetized to incentivize the recovery and sale of plant waste. Bottle returns changed the landscape back home. I am old enough to remember people chucking bottles out the window...and drink driving etc etc Its not that complex, its just trillions of baht being burnt up instead of captured in electrical production recovery steam turbines or soil building. This drags down the economy and makes everyone poorer, drives up health care costs and dissuades farang from spending money here. I wont live up North but i will visit in the rainy season and enjoy the beauty there.
  13. The best i could come up with for health stats in the North was lung cancer rates were double compared to the South. Along with that will be the inflammation damage a particle like 2.5PM imparts, diabetes, heart disease, brain damage etc. I think the solution is monetizing the crop waste. Dry it, chip it burn it at high temps and scrub the exhaust and make electricity thereby giving the farmers a reason to collect and sell the crop waste. Compost facilities that produce heat as a by product will serve to preheat the water that is then sent into the steam turbine that is heated to boiling by burning the very same crop waste. So two by products: power and composted soil. Speaking of economics digging around i daw a stat that the smoke haze costs TH up to 5% GDP. I think more if you factor in slow crop growth due to lumens being blocked by the smoke ie: smoke reduces crop yield in the billions of baht lost...likely trillions of crop yield lost let alone the health costs associated. I have also seen a statistic saying that road carnage has around the same effect on GDP. These two areas of concern to myself and many others, if mitigated would propel TH into another realm wealth wise. As for me I have chosen to live South of Chumphon to avoid this air pollution which is bittersweet because I love the north and it's residents very, very much. If you look at historical data, which is available here: https://aqicn.org/station/thailand/surat-thani/regional-environmental-office-14 in some locations at least , the best i can come up with is the North/South mountain range hems in the smoke all the way down the isthmus to approx Chumphon where the fresh Pacific air hits and there is no mountain range to hold the smoke in. This is the best i can come up with from daily observation of the AQI sites and wind patterns and the NASA satelitte burn map. https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#t:adv;d:2021-01-07..2021-01-16;@103.3,14.6,6z Here is an amazing documentary on the North on Opium that has smoke haze at various points quite visible. It was filmed in the 1980's and is a fantastic watch. Asia's Golden Triangle - Behind the scenes of the opium trade
  14. Well done --looks great any details would be great, time,costs and materials etc thanks
  15. You remind me why i quit using this site...slipper clutch prevents rear chatter under hard braking. Cush drive rubber blocks that dampen the drive train chatter. Either way thanks for being a winner. Got my clutch replaced two weeks ago at Honda dealer here he said no to the slipper clutch wont for in my 250 Rally but maybe he should talk to you because your an expert in these things.
  16. I like took prices and took bike...cheap and cheerful. On a test ride of the 501 something broke and i bailed out on the purchase a few years ago.Its more bike than i need i will only end up hurting myself.Rather wrong the neck off a smaller bike than have too much power for my skill level. Not getting hurt is the goal at my age.
  17. Euro bike suspension is insane if i get richer i may yet but a Husky 501 but i think progressive front and a YSS would be pretty nice. I have turned my last bike a DR650 into a decent bike with Cogent suspension but that bike was horrible from the factory. This Honda Rally is a Dr650 killer IMO, kind of fills the same niche for me but its seems so modern.
  18. Ya i will play around with gearing when i build the CFR dirt bike out...i am happy with my Rally gearing now but for dirt i like to lower the gearing as well for slow speed work.120km is all i wanna go at these days anyways.
  19. Your set up sounds nice...so i found out there is no ABS Rally 300 in Thailand so nix that dunno if its worth it on a small light bike anyways. I asked the superstars at the bike shop a few questions and i know what i am gonna do now....keep the Rally 250 set up for street touring and backroads with soft luggage and drive the heck out . I got 30k on it now i will keep it until either the bike or I wear out. But i am gonna build a bike like yours Seedy. I want a street legal dirt bike for woods riding with some power. Mechanic said start with the CFR300l and bore the 268cc out to 301cc then add pipes headers and do suspension and ECU--his quote was 20,000 baht to do all that--yes i asked him a few times the price...now i did not get into what that means for suspension because it wont be Ohlins. I know how good Ohlins is. I will ask him what he does exactly.. This way i don't need a truck to drive out to trails and can put 606's on the back with MT21's on front and have a cheap reliable but a bit heavier and slower then a KTM dirt bike. The Rally is too top heavy for dirt and all that plastic on it. I love how cheap parts and quality bike work is here and Thai's love their motorbikes as much as i do.I still need a scooter and a scrambler but one bike at a time. The CFR platform will work for someone like me that is older and wants reliable bike and at a good price.
  20. Well i picked up my Rally 250 with the ECU flash and its a 300... was 23.96 hp now 27.88 torque was 23.46 now 27.74 I loved this bike before but now its perfect.
  21. I live in CNX and bought a used 2017 Rally250 with modded cam from a CBR300 and have put on around 5000km so far locally here and love this bike to bits. I tricked out the seat to a seat concepts style wider one locally here for 800 baht and am getting an ECU reflash today but like a quiet bike so not messing with exhaust. Suspension was a pain for me because the last owner stiffened the bike by added a longer clevice on the bottom of the shock--i am 6 foot 32" inseam but tippy toed on it. I will try the 'stock" suspension when i pick up the bike but i reckon i will just leave it cause i am 90kg and only carry 10kg of gear when i travel. I ride 80/20 road/dirt small secondary roads mostly up here and this bike is ideal. There are plenty for sale on FB for around 100k, i paid 90k but have done the clutch and a fuel pump but no complaints. Well its a bit jerky with fuel injection but no where near as bad as Huskys and other new bikes that come too lean these days. I hear the ECU reflash helps a lot but i find all fuel injected bikes to be like this and i do get used to it and accomodate with the clutch. I am thinking of buying a new 300 Rally for : 1-ABS brakes--look i am old and have had dozens of bikes but i am wondering if i am missing out by not having ABS? 2-slipper clutch-it works like a cush drive to some extent which just smooths out power to wheel delivery from what i hear as well as being one finger light. 3-a little more power without modding the bike. 4-warranty-not a bad thing to have but mind you its a Honda not sure the value because these bikes are so damn reliable. Downsides -i wanna pick one up and ride away which seems difficult cause they are so popular up North. -Closer ratio gearing...not sure how that will feel tbh. -75,000 baht extra will i even notice the difference? Like everyone says if i was offroading more i would get the L version and have some nice street legal 606's knobbies on it and probably mod it heavily suspension especially. I like the Rally for wind protection and larger range-its my poor mans Adventure bike that is cheap and cheerful and many smile per gallon. I might have to buy both versions because they can be made into a reliable enduro bike for offroad with the L version and a damn fine, maybe the best lightweight Adventure bike like Itchy Boots has shown. I do 500 km days and love it but am also happy farting around town cause its small and flickable. You cant go wrong with this bike but it is the jack of all trades so its the best at nothing and good at everything.
  22. That is exactly where wearing paper masks shine, retention of spit and mist. As to the other posts re: mask study being valid or not it still boils down to particle size vs mesh size. It really is that basic and irrefutable. No paper or cloth mask is suitable against a virus, it's simply too small in size. Use a silicone mask that is the proper size for your face and shave that morning or before use with the proper filter selection if you want to have any control over inhaling a virus. Better yet get a dive bottle container of air and have a full face mask with bottled air if you want to play it safe. Keep in mind the covid virus is inactivated within seconds in hard UV light but you all know that of course and therefore all this talk is moot and neurotic. This is why hard UV light is used in meat packing plants and biolabs to cleanse air of bacteria and viruses.
  23. Get to work. I would give you a summary but you won't like it and will respond with more insults so i shall refrain. https://www.icandecide.org/pfizer/
  24. You don't read studies mate. Get off of MSM you will be in for some catching up. I'm the one researching journals [led by the nose] your taking someones word for it. You do the math.
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