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Brian Hull

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  1. So she will be Trump's answer to Hitler's Josef Goebbles?
  2. If they are charged then all the fish and other sea creatures should also be charged for peeing and defecating. "Its just a drop in the ocean" as the saying goes.
  3. Bring on the Referendum. These is no place in the governing of Australia for its citizens to show deference to a foreign head of state. Bring on The Republic of Australia.
  4. Why do Thai authorities take overstaying so seriously? A visa is only a rubber stamp that serves no real purpose other than getting foreign currency for the government. Applying for a visa should be for the sole purpose of vetting would-be visitors before letting them in to the country (Visas on arrival do not meet that requirement). While somebody is in Thailand they are still spending their foreign money with local businesses whether or not they have a current visa..
  5. For Buddha's sake Thai Police - GROW UP and get your priorities right.
  6. Surely the Thai cops have more important things to worry about than a bunch of guys playing cards. How many Police Colonels were included in the raid? Why haven't we seen the usual photos of the heroic Police officers who carried out such a dangerous mission?
  7. Maybe it was the same guy twice
  8. If the King contributes it could be done in one year.
  9. I would say it's pretty stupid
  10. i am not American and so won't be voting but on the balance of experience, capabilities, track record, and what's on offer, the margin should be much greater. In any other western democracy it would be Harris 75%, Trump 25%.
  11. I can never understand why countries like the US and Australia get so concerned about China buying rural land. It' s no different from what the British and Americans have done. If there is an international crisis the Chinese can't take it back with them - time to worry about that if and when the time comes.
  12. Why does it take three police Colonels plus a police team to arrest one guy overstaying his visa? Surely two cops would be sufficient. It seems to me that Thailand has far too many cops doing nothing. Perhaps they should look at retrenching one third of them and increasing the pay of the remainder but make them earn their money.
  13. The wave of Anti Semitism internationally is directly caused by the neo-Nazi Israel government's appalling treatment of the Palestinians over many decades, and by Netanyahu and his thugs in particular .
  14. That's what I call creative thinking. Thailand needs more imaginative people like this.
  15. Why is it so difficult to get Thai embassies worldwide to follow to the letter any directives from head office in Bangkok. It is still a problem that each embassy seems to make its own rules and the people need to shop around to get the best deal. Just imagine if the military operated that way with each regiment deciding what orders they would follow or would not. I realize that Thailand is not a democracy but how can a country run efficiently that way?
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