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  1. There was a guy a while ago who went to jail, wrote a book, ceased power, eliminated the opposition, tried to rule beyond his imagination, destroyed many countries, was finally put in his place. Hope this guy doesn’t become one of those guys.
  2. Married man with kids traveling to Thailand alone hanging around sleazy places says a lot.
  3. A corrupt lawyer in Thailand? Nooooo!!!!
  4. Practice run for when and if it becomes necessary to get a one way ticket.
  5. Thais ganging up on someone rather than confronting one on one seems bred into them. If he recorded his own act he could’ve been more creative and enlarged the thing.
  6. How about a TGNT show. “Thailand Got No Talent”
  7. Well if they’ve sunk that low how about the lady put some make up on and a short skirt and offer short time.
  8. Be thankful you got something. If it was a Thai rider he would’ve fled with no payment.
  9. You’ve raised her expectation by providing funds. Now you wanna destroy it. She may be banging other guys but she only loves you. She’s probably doing to it maintain and improve her bedroom skills in preparation for your next visit. Don’t be cruel. Think of it like when you go away for a while you ask a friend to start the engine once in a while.
  10. There are loads of Thai speaking online gambling sites advertised on various platforms for quite some time. They’re probably not owned by their rivals.
  11. He fears if returned to the place where he’s wanted on criminal charges. Daaah. All criminal fear that.
  12. Don’t worry about this guy. Often irrelevant replies to the topic and rather trying to mock. Sad man😂
  13. Here we go again with “In a related….” How are the two incidents related?
  14. I think they help themselves to overseas packages. I’ve had 2 credit cards sent by banks overseas taken. I know this because one of them was used near my home for movie tickets and Grab food delivery.

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