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  1. Yes brakes fail to stop a vehicle driving at high speed with little distance between it and the object. More accurate to say this than just fail.
  2. Why would he comment. It’s aligned with his stance - hates non-Thai/non-buddhists and doing favors for Master Xi.
  3. When leader of a country says (lies) things like this knowing her people won’t bother scrutinizing her reaffirms the notion “you deserve the leaders you have”.
  4. The horrific and inexcusable act on one side I’d like to comment on how quickly Thai women hop from one bed to another. My Thai ex once mentioned after she had a fight with her boyfriend she slept with his friend to spite him. They know how to use their 🐈‍⬛ to manipulate/hurt men. Of course not exclusive to Thais.
  5. She got two pandas. That was the exchange.
  6. I know some people would pay money for Thai flavored Ketamine.
  7. Well it tells me most of the visitors are related to scam or illegal activities.
  8. Most of the blame is with owners renting them out. Young tourists have paid good money to have fun.
  9. I doubt he only got 500. I bet he’s not telling the whole story. Registering a company is quite involved. Naturally he’s trying to lessen his culpability.
  10. Fair enough. There are victims there but I bet majority are willing participants.
  11. First, your homeland issues right they may be have nothing to do with this topic. These days we have international laws that forbid it. Second, oh never mind.
  12. Watch porn on work computers all day you may get hacked.
  13. Definitely not cleaver. 😂😂😂But definitely more knowledgeable than you on the subject matter. Having a few pigs roaming around the streets instead of soi dogs would also limit their numbers. They have a habit of settling in places they like whether it’s legal or not.
  14. Just set up a few pig farms. This will reduce tourist overload from certain origins.
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