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Everything posted by WingFat

  1. 8 years in prison seems quite a light sentence. But then again, 8 years Thai prison time is like the reverse in dog years. For him it will be like 56 years...
  2. FYI to all you pot smokers...I quit smoking tobacco cigarettes over a year ago. In the course of doing so, I studied up on all the massive health horrors of smoking. And guess what ??? I learned that pot smoking has many of the same health hazards as smoking tobacco. In some ways, even worse. When one typically inhales marijuana, they deeply inhale and hold it in...DEEP in their lungs to obtain the maximum high. FACT: many but not all, of the same toxic ingredients of tobacco smoke are present in marijuana smoke. Look it up for yourself before you "toke up".
  3. And of course, the Chinese pilots are fully competent and China Eastern Airlines kept up with the required maintenance of these airplanes...yeah right, B***S***. I've flown China Eastern Airlines before years ago...and decided never will I do again.
  4. Well, he may not be all wrong...it just depends on which world he is referring to that includes Thailand; high resolution space telescopes and deep space radio telescopes have determined that the worlds of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune have not recorded even one case or one death from Covid...????
  5. I relocated back to the US from Phuket 5 years ago for a business contract, thinking I would return to the LOS after the completion of the contract. Then "Grandpa Duty" emerged in the form of awesomely wonderful twin granddaughters. So I stayed in the US. I have not even tried to date in the US since I've been back despite several opportunities to do so. US women in general (by all means not all) are spoiled, self-centered, self-entitled drama queens; even the fat ugly ones have bad attitudes. I am thankful I've had the discipline to refuse them. That being said, during my 9 years living and working in the LOS/Taiwan and in 13 different countries in Asia Pac, the EU and N. America, Asian women in general reign supreme over the Western Witch Women. I learned a guy can get "instant love" with many Asian women by virtue of their fat wallet. But to have a true relationship with a Thai (or most other women) it takes time, patience and often times compromise. As good as Thai women can be from the good ones I've met, Vietnamese women are Number One in my book.
  6. If I ever want to get married again, I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her a house. That being said, my USD 0.02 is before a guy thinks he's ready to be married, he needs to be happy and content being alone. Then if the right lady appears before him, he can rationally decide if she's worth it.
  7. I am a dog lover and have trained some dogs for various duties during my lifetime. But I could never understand how many dogs in Thailand behaved. Whether it was in BKK, Phuket, during the daytime hours they would lay around on the sidewalk appearing almost dead; very docile and aloof to passerbys who had to either step over them or go around them as they lay on the sidewalk. But after the sun goes down, watch out; those same sleepy dogs on the sidewalks were like a swarm of hornets and would come after you ferociously snarling. How they became that way, I don't know. And these were not pack dogs, just a lone dog here or there.
  8. Good for her...in many Asian cultures, including Thai culture, violating a person's head is forbidden and very insulting. This doofus crossed that line and he paid the price for learning this lesson. To wit, some years ago, the Miss Universe Contest was being held in Thailand. The contestants were in a photo shoot to promote and advertise the event. They were all in skimpy bikinis in the photo shoot, and the angle of the shoot showed a Buddha statue far in the rear, such that the ladies looked like they were on the head of the Buddha statue. When the pic was released in the int'l media, the Thais went nuts over what they viewed as Buddha being violated. The whole thing about not violating the head in Thai and many Asian cultures has to do with their belief that the head is where the spirit resides. You may not buy into to this, but they do...and if you violate it, just ask the doofus in this story how that worked out for him.
  9. I can share a real live example of the efficiency of the RTP. Back in about 2009 or so when driving from Nakhon Pathom (where I was living) to BKK, I was pulled over for speeding on the expressway, which I was indeed a bit over the limit. The efficient RTP nudged up to my window, looked around, and opened his had towards me. Now at the time, the going rate for a farang paying off a ticket was THB 500 (300 for a Thai). I only had THB 1,000 notes with me. So I handed him one and asked if he had change. He looked at me and laughed and laughed....Lack of change for a 500 payoff paid in 1,000...now that's an efficient payoff.
  10. No loss for humanity; may the rats, maggots and cockroaches enjoy a feast on his rotting carcass.
  11. I'll print out this article and His Highness Anutin's proclamation about masks not being legally obligated, and maybe I'll get a discount on the bribe, errr, umm "fine" I need to pay the BIB.
  12. Covid (chinese virus) mania has taken on a life of its own; or rather a whole new culture. Kudos to Denmark. California in the USA in contrast, the New Covid Culture is sacrosanct to them; what the gov't and health cabals tell them to do is gospel. I state this as I am a former 3rd generation CA native and thoroughly disgusted by what CA has been turned into, above and beyond the Virus culture it has adopted.
  13. A. I understand the travellers are not required to be well-heeled, but that's the sort of traveler the Thai authorities prefer to have. B. It's one night IF the test result comes back promptly.
  14. I don't know if I had Thai social medical; I and the Thai Co paid the required payroll taxes while I was employed. When I needed medical care, I generally used private int'l hospitals/clinics and paid out of my own pocket. On a few occasions when I needed a simple medical exam for my Non-Imm B visa renewal, I did use local public hospitals and paid 100THB for the exams. So perhaps I did have Thai social medical and wasn't aware of it. When I went to these public hospitals, they did ask to see my work permit as well as my passport/visa.
  15. "However, they must stay at a SHA++ accommodation on Day 5, undergo their second Covid-19 test using the same method, and stay within the room for the result." Let's see if I understand this correctly, these (alleged) well-heeled tourists will be required upon arrival to stay a couple of nights in a SHA++ hotel while waiting for the first test result. Assuming the result is negative, they are free to romp around LOS UNTIL Day 5, when they must stay in another SHA++ hotel for the 2nd test...and if they test positive on the 2nd test, their effective "vacation" lasted about 2-3 days before enjoying a 1-2 week (or longer) stay in a hospital. Yeah, this will go over with prospective tourists (well-heeled or otherwise) like a ton of bricks...
  16. When I lived and worked in Thailand for 6 years (with a bonafide Thai Limited Co and work permit), I had several million in THB in a Thai bank with the main reason that if I needed extensive medical care for whatever reason, I had the juice to pay for it. I also had a substantial amount in overseas bank accounts if the THB funds ran dry. If one desires to live overseas, I believe one must be set up to weather the storms life tends to throw at us and not become a financial burden to someone else or another country.
  17. Sure, let Thailand toss its hat in the ring for a high-speed precision road race requiring a high level of discipline, detailed planning, competent execution and order...and while the F1 planners consider Thailand, let them also consider downtown New Delhi and Lagos...
  18. Even in the US, by merely grabbing someone by the arm, most prosecutors won't touch it. Because all the "grabbing" party has to say is the "grabbee" was threatening or intimidating the "grabber". There would need to be physical evidence of injury and the cost of that injury to the grabee. If the grabee was a minor, or depending on location in the US, a person in a "protected class", then there could be criminal legal enforcement action taken. But in LOS, I doubt it, unless you got a fat stuffed brown envelope in your back pocket...
  19. This isn't the first time the LOS has charged an entry fee. When I first started visiting Thailand in 2002, an entry was charged. Can't recall the exact amount but it was in the THB 300 range. Then they stopped it a few years later. It's not the 300 THB entry fee that bothers me so much, but rather the ever-changing draconian covid rules and the associated cost of compliance with those rules, and importantly, one positive test (whether a false positive or a valid positive) and off to the hospital you go for a most expensive and miserable holiday. Throw rapidly increasing inflation gas on top of that bonfire of expense and headaches, fogeddabout it....
  20. Anutin and his staff will graciously volunteer themselves to test smoke the home grown weed to check if it has more than 0.2% THC.
  21. Ah the "Whack-a-mole" approach is being smacked down...the natives came up with a workaround and WHACK !
  22. I sure would like to know the names of the insurance cos. that are stiffing these people. At such time I make a needed trip to LOS and I need to obtain insurance to meet entry requirements, I will avoid those cos. like well, the "proverbial plague/virus".
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