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Everything posted by WingFat

  1. Can't wait to hear a rendition of "Hotel California" sung by singers wearing masks..."Wuulllhum to whoful kulfurmuh"...
  2. OP...It's been my long lasting belief that there are too many of the wrong people procreating...that's both men and women. You provide the seed, pay for the deed. Don't stick the bill with the rest of us, and that's what happens when you cheapen your unintentional offspring akin to something on Ebay or Alibaba.
  3. Hey, if you buy into what the Chinese are telling you and selling you, I got this magic cowpaddy to sell you...wear it around your neck and the Thai bar girls will think you are more hansum than anyone else...
  4. Yes, at least 1/2 the Thai population will indeed be inoculated in November...that's maybe November 2022, or 2023. There. Fixed the headline.
  5. I truly do hope I am wrong. But I don't think Thailand (or the world at large) will be the "normal" that was pre-covid in the future, as many posting here are hoping for. The new normal is likely to be based upon the Great Reset as envisioned by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. If you don't know about all this, Google great reset, Klaus Schwab and decide for yourself.
  6. Yeah, and these would be assassins won't have much trouble leeching into the USA across the border, as many have no trouble doing so. And there are MANY Americans willing to stop that nonsense, by whatever means necessary.
  7. Yeah sure, OK...but will he be allowed to return to OZ ??? He may have skated on the drug thing in the LOS, but can he bypass the Covid entry restrictions in OZ ??? Maybe North Korea will take him...
  8. Oh <deleted>, you mean the Yank scumbag is back in the USA ??? Just what we DON'T need, another druggie scumbag here.
  9. Well, maybe they managed to wiggle out of their druggie stupidity in the LOS, but try their shenanigans in Singapore...they'd be "hanging out" quite rapidly.
  10. Uh oh...I guess I should not be playing marbles, jacks and tik tak toe while drinking Kool Aid too...question are these alleged "felons" going to be subjected to the "3 plastic bagger interrogation" ??? This is just a glimpse of things to come as the LOS cozies up to the PRC...authoritarian and brutal control over the masses.
  11. Uh Oh...I guess I should not be playing marbles, jacks and tik tak toe while drinking Kool Aid too...question are these alleged "felons" going to be subjected to the "3 plastic bagger interrogation" ???
  12. Monday it's the farang's fault...Tuesday is the migrant workers' fault...Wednesday it's the farang's fault...Thursday it's the migrant workers' fault, etc, etc, etc. Thus is the logic and reasoning used to assign blame for all that ills the LOS by the spotless and blameless authorities.
  13. What, no three layers of plastic bags to get her to confess ???
  14. There are many people who protest being required to wear masks; but with this "delicacy" laying around, they'll pay to wear a mask.
  15. Some people should lay off the hard drugs. This is perhaps one of the most ridiculous "news" I've read in a long time.
  16. During the Asian financial crisis in 1997, which was triggered by a Thai financier strung out with ridiculous loans piggybacked on loans throughout various Asian banks, the THB sank to about 50THB vs the USD. Maybe we'll see something similar again. The difference now is, the US is decoupling from the global outsourcing model focused on China which rapidly increased after the Asian financial crisis. The US is now bailing out of China, and thankfully so. So who will benefit ??? Mexico for one. Who else ??? We'll see. So long as China bites the dust for their foisting this lab-made virus upon the world. Hopefully the LOS can benefit from China's insipid and murderous tirade against humanity.
  17. How about LOS focus on getting the quantity of quality vaccines it needs ASAP before it ponders greater heights ??? Delusions of grandeur don't end well.
  18. But he claimed that so far "we have done quite well". But next year it needs to be good. His new initiative is off to a great start; he contradicts himself right off the bat with those statements.
  19. There is one silver lining to the crass incompetence on display by how the Thai "leadership" has been handling this crisis; and that is, many MBA collegiate programs will be able to offer their students the opportunity to produce Masters theses about what NOT to do in this type of crisis.
  20. There is one silver lining to the crass incompetence on display by how the Thai "leadership" has been handling this crisis; and that is, many MBA collegiate programs will be able to offer their students the opportunity to produce Masters theses about what NOT to do in this type of crisis.
  21. Their is one silver lining to the crass incompetence on display by how the Thai "leadership" has been handling this crisis; and that is, many MBA collegiate programs will be able to offer their students the opportunity to produce Masters dissertations what NOT to do in this type of crisis.
  22. Unless the Thai "leadership" gets their collective heads out of their left and right b*tt cheeks and gets a high quality vaccine (i.e. NOT the Chinese Sinopharm CR*P) in the arms of the people they are obligated to serve and protect, they may as well sing the song "To Dream, the Impossible Dream"...
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