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Everything posted by ILOVEBKKLONGTIME

  1. I am not confused, man. This is exactly what happened: 1. I went to several currency exchange desks (very popular franchise in airports, I will not mention the name in case they sue me) in different countries (I am connecting flights), and told the lady working there "How many baht would you give me in exchange for 1.250 Euros?". 2. She pressed a few keys on her computer and showed me in a small screen the amount of bahts she would give me, which was around 39.000 baht. 3. Using my smartphone, I used google currency exchange, typed the 39.000 baht to see how many Euros that was, and it was about 1.060 Euros, so basically they wanted to charge me almost 200 Euros for this exchange, total madness!!!!!!!! I told that to her face several times like "but that's about 200 Euros just for exchanging currency, that is super expensive?" and the Karen working there told me kind of "well, that is what it is". Apparently they have enough morons that are willing to pay crazy commissions/fees/spreads or whatever concept you want to use for that crazy abusive charge. 4. I tried to negotiate and they did not lower the price much to the point they told me that charging me like 190 euros is the best price they can give me. 5. I got annoyed about their insulting fares and the fact that they show the two prices in a screen so that it looks like the market (Forex) price, when really it is their own "rip off price". This changed just in the last couple of years, they used to charge me about 50 Euros and it still hurt me.
  2. I am at the airport on my way to BKK, and I am amazed how expensive the "currency exchange" places are. They are totally mad, a few years ago I used to pay 50 Euros commission max, now for the same amount of Euros that I want to exchange, they tried to charge 250 Euros commision, no fuc*ing way I am paying such a high rate/commission/fee. Please advice.
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