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Everything posted by flyfrog

  1. Yes indeed, just bow your head if some crazy drivers doing stupid, problem ignored, don't use middle finger or you probably get shot, never know who's in the car????
  2. Life goes on, stop this scam and see this as a flu.
  3. The jail time for him gonna be worser here then the Midnight Express back in his home????
  4. Not every gangster is a biker mate????
  5. Not every gangster is a bike mate????
  6. Anonymous concerned citizen? You know what they do with snitches in certain countries????
  7. He should relax at the beach with a Margharita, did his time, enough, move on
  8. Hope the Indian trillionaires smoke a lo of weed, cause this is the new hype for the moment or will it attrack more back packers????
  9. Why are they so exite to announce more panic?
  10. I have a work permit for 25 years and still every year have to do the same paper work, I think I proved myself for all those years paying my taxes etc...so why not give me workpermit for 5 years or so, saves a lot of work
  11. Why people never panicked when having the flue in the past, oh I forgot now the flue has a name???? just get on with your lives pffff
  12. Another way to show tourists stay away, I think its the only country in the world that would double price the hotels for tourists, what a promotion for Thailand????
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