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Everything posted by Gimbo

  1. More like a holldiday month. We used to live up there, but Life called me back to the home country, so I have not been to Thailand for over ten years. But we (wife) has a house in the village were we lived, and she and the kids have been there. But due to covid even her has not been in Thailand for over 4 years. We were all set to go when the world locked down. So this is the big family get together and let the kids meet grandma.... But wife has a brother in Chon Buri, so we stay there a few days to rest after the flights. Takes us 3 travel days to get to Bangkok. then we drive up, becosue I simply love to drive, and I would like to see those bits of Thailand agaion instead of fly over it. And wife wants to do some shopping, egt a spa tretament etc before we head into the sticks...
  2. @MJCM, thansk for the tips. They where building that road approachiung the hills when l last drove up there. Got stopped for speeding, and let of with a warning as we came down from the hills on the korat side, lol extreme politeness from me and a few jokes from my wife that made them laugh helped I think 555
  3. Thanks. As we start from Bang Saen, so the natural route for uss is the 304 up to Korat. Wife wants to stop for some shopping. And then take the 24 or 226 across to Buri Ram. Avoid rush our , okay ???? We'll probably avoid it by waiting it out in Korat, get som food and presents for the kids etc... ????
  4. Hey, Driving up to Buri Ram from Chon Buri mid next week. Wondering about the road condtions? Have not been that way for ten years. Any road works to avoid? Floods? etc? Bothersome police check points? Any recomendations for a place to stop for lunch and sights to see en route is also apreciated ????
  5. Life happened and I forgot about this, sorry about that. Anyway, we are not going to Buriram city, as my wife is from a Village near Satuek, so we are staying in that area, and will use that as base for traveling around some. But we have had a change of plans. Her brother just bought a new Double cab- Pick-up , and will lend us that one, as he has a smaller car he uses for commuting to work. So instead of flying up to Satuek, we'll stay a couple of nights with her brother in Chon Buri, get rested from the flight, and relax on the beach and let the kids meet their cousins, and then drive up to the Satuek area, like we did often when we lived up there back when we got married 15 years ago. And we'll torture the kids with stories about that on the way, lol. Is a a fine for "Driving while farang" still a thing?
  6. Grandma in Buriram is getting frail, and due to covid we have not been in Thailand for 4 years as we where set to go when international travel simply closed down. Time to get the family home. It may be the last chance for my wife and the grandchildren to see her. On all previous trips we rented a car from Bangkok to get up there. But this time the wife insist on flying from Bangkok to Satuek. So we need to rent the car from there. I cant find anything online, but thought there might be someone in here that can clue me in? Wheels down planned fro mid july.
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