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Everything posted by inThailand

  1. Don't you just love guys trying to sell you something but won't tell you their prices? Scammers pretending to be professionals?
  2. Like most professionals here, did the instructor have any training? Incomplete training? Safety training? Or bad training? A taxi driver turned to be an instructor?
  3. Another way to milk tourists? How many rent a car companies here will provide a child car seat?
  4. Doesn't this just show that f...ing falangs around is good politics and gets votes? It's a popular sport here!
  5. Based on the headline wording, are they really blaming falangs for this? If I was a betting man, I would be betting its the locals.
  6. Slogan change coming to reflect the current environment... LOS Land of Smiles replaced with Land of Smith and Wesson?
  7. Performing arts? Isn't this where they learn to tell a convincing sick buffalo story with tears? Now I understand the high ranking.
  8. Will they start by replacing the corn in ice cream with some weed?
  9. Was there a lucky lottery number up there? Asking for a friend.
  10. Many of Thailand's top brass at the Royal Thai Police got together yesterday for a "what to do about Songkran" meeting. They decided the plans they used for the last couple decades were a success, so why change. Meeting adjourned to the brothel?
  11. Deputy Public Health Minister Dr Sathit Pitutecha said that under the new rule, traffic violators who do not submit to breathalyzer tests will be required to submit to blood tests conducted by officers manning checkpoints. Who would let an untrained moron on the side of the road take a blood sample from you? No less, endorsed by the Health Minister. Amazing!
  12. Passanger without helmet, who pays the fine? Don't give them another idea of how to scam falangs? Motorcycle taxi picks up falang and has no helmet for him. Police pull them over charges the falang the 800B fine for no helmet. Police and taxi driver share the fine.
  13. TIT! Maybe the bank employee making some baht on the side? Employees running an illegal business on the side is uncommon here? The point I was making was it MAY be possible to get it done without all the needed documents.
  14. But he would be more careful in future as to where he leaves his curry. I heard that uttered by more than one expat regarding a lady.
  15. For beating the dog... The police say he will face charges that carry a 2 year prison term and/or 40,000 baht fine. Isn't it only a max of 500 Baht if he beat a falang? Falangs really are at the bottom of the pecking order here?
  16. I never said it was. What I did say was I wouldn't be surprised the bank could get it registered without it. Using their clout, money or a fake one. TIT!
  17. The registered name in the title book will be the bank who is financing the cars purchase. When you pay it off they will transfer the book to the person on the loan documents. As mentioned above you need an address certification for this to happen. Being LOL it would not surprise me for an envelope the bank could get the name change done without this. If for what ever reason you are not ready to transfer the name after paying the car off you could get the LTD two documents signed by the bank undated, with these documents you can accomplish the transfer at any time without the banks further involvement.
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