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Posts posted by randyksf

  1. The funny thing is the Thailand is caught between a rock and hardplace. The fact is they need English speaking people to teach their young however they make it so hard for people to come to the Kingdom.

    Not just for teachers, I.T, Sales, ETC... The simple fact they say how much they someone has to be paid based place of origin is crazy. I am from the US and they say I need 60 per month.. Well I lived there for 11 months on less than 40k No Problem.

    Simple standard for teachers is a state run Class and test though an respectable origination. (yeah yeah if it can be found.) Say 4 week of basic English to Thai teaching and curriculum, that also has basic Thai and how to live in the Kingdom. Make it expensive enough and strict standards to week out the bad apples.

    Then biased on their test scores tell what level of English they can teach.

    Also putting a rule of English must be the native Language of the teacher. (exceptions can be made) This would weed out all the white folks that can speak a little English.

    Just ideas I know this will never come to reality so I am just typing I know...


  2. Seem like most of you are missing the point he was writing about. The constant double standards that exist in Thailand

    It’s funny how some of you talked down to him. When a lot of you have bitched about the same things. Most of you have become to Thai to see what is going on in front of your face.

    The simple fact that you are blasting him is; you agree that the Cop who killed the two tourists should be on bail to take care of his family??

    You like the fact that you will get ripped of if you are not Thai. You like all the things he said and it does not bother you.

    It seems that most of you would like Thailand to stay repressed.

    At this rate I can see Thailand in a few years will only have two types of farangs; People who can’t make it on in their home, and tourists.

    None of which will help Thailand make the jump to the next level in the world.

    The only way Thailand will grow is to have farangs come and teach a deferent way of thinking and to make it simpler for big companies to come and start there.

    The comments made are really sad. I have a lot of Thai friends in the states and they said it was simpler to start in the US and Briton than it is for a farang to get started in Thailand.

    Are you that inept to sanction this? Or are you just protecting the fact that you can live with a partner that is 20 years your JR. and survive on pensions that are meek?

    The funny thing is I found my self intellectually board, the level of conversation was pitiful. I am not talking only about the Thai. The cultural lack of critical thinking is something that need to change.

    My ex used to dislike me for forcing him to think outside the box. Now after 8 months he ‘s a producer on an English speaking talk show. Has only a 4 year degree and because he can think about everything that is going around him he has MBA working for him. BTW he is only 26 I am 34

    But that is all not trying to insult or talk down to anyone however some of the things you said are just off enough I need to call you on it.

  3. One of my friends did just what you are saying. He picked a school that is based out of the US. Applied to the school then applied for studant loans. After that he applied for an educational Visa.

    To make a long stoy short he received an American Degree, liviing in BKK. He was able to save so much money that way.

    Just a differnt spin your idea.

  4. Quick question.

    I have a savings account with BankThai, how long can there be no activity b4 they dissolve the account. I have about 20,000 baht in there.

    When I left I was supposed to be back in a few months. That was 7 months ago, just want to make sure there are no issues.

    I was thinking of having my friend put in a few thousand baht for me on his trip in Dec.

    Are there any risks? It looks like I will not be back for 6 months and it would be nice to have the account.

  5. This is a long thread so if I missed someone saying something to this my apologies.

    I have a few different experiences.

    Two of my ex lovers are Thai and I met them over in San Francisco living with there sisters. Typical for them to send all the kids to school together makes a lot of sense.

    However I found that all of them had only Thai friends and never spoke any English. Read Thai books watched Thai Shows, etc... What was funny to me is they were here to learn English the degree was secondary. On Girl was here for 7 years and only after that could I carry on a good conversation with her.

    I do have a few other Thai friend who have no Thai friends in SF because they want to learn English. On is now an English news reader for a Thai new program.

    The other sad thing is one friend mom owns a Thai k-6 school or P1 - P6. I was talking to the English Teacher. I could hardly understand her spoken English but her written was better than mine.

  6. I have the problem too of what to do with old hardware... I found that giving it to some needy people or to a Boyfriend or Girlfriend will give you much more joy than what you can get out of and old system.

    Also if you go to Pantip you can ask them what they will pay for it. then you have a low ball price work with......

    I gave an old P600 laptop so a friend and now I have a place to say anytime I need. Nice warm bed... funny how things just seem to work out.

  7. Good call RES....

    Did a format and new install?

    Also take all the devices off like modems, cameras, etc..

    However when the hardrive is pages all the time it is looking for something.

    Also what kind of hardware do you have?

  8. After adding sp2 to my computer, it boots very slowly and the HDD serems to go into a repetitive routine for a couple of minutes, slowing everything down.... any ideas?

    Sounds like your system needs a good cleaning b4 you installed the SP…

    Try this…

    1) Boot into safe mode. Click F8 just b4 the XP screen comes up. The do a search for *.tmp and ~*.* - delete them

    2) Reboot normal mode. Right click on your C drive and go to tools. Do a check disk. It might say you need to reboot. Do it.

    3) If you live near a computer place get a copy if Diskkeeper 7 or 8. and do a real good defrag.

    4) If not run the MS defragmenter, The right click on my computer, Properties, advanced, performance, advanced, virtual memory, No click on the C drive change to custom size. Change the max size to the same as initial size. Click SET


    5) Reboot and do a second defrag.

    What happens is, a disk drive is like a checker board and over time the squares get disorganized. The Page file or Virtual Memory will get put all over the place and windows needs to find all the files.

    Also you should keep your drive about 20% empty. The computer likes room to breath just like we do.

    Let me know if this helps…

  9. Again, be wary of people advising not to apply software updates. Bottom line...the risk of NOT applying SP2 is far greater.

    Please tell us of your of your computer related credentials. How man rollouts have you done of NT, 2000 and XP? How many desktop are you personally responsible for supporting? Can you promise to everyone on this board that you will come to their house and fix there system, if there are problems?

    ((( BOTTOM LINE)))

    Can you give specifics on what the new service pack has the critical updates do not?

    Not disagreeing there are improvements. In the ten plus years of desktop management I have seen way to many issues. Remember Windows ME the largest blunder in MS history.

    It seems the upgraded firewall is having some configuration frustrations.



    In short order the CD from the website it will take few weeks to arrive. Then install it when there are no articles and the few bugs have been worked out.

  10. All,

    If you are not a tech I would hold off on downloading SP 2 for a few weeks. I have seen a lot of issues with other SP releases in the past. There are a lot of nice upgrades in the new SP. Let remember what and SP is. IT basicaly a new operating system. They update all the core files.

    S Service pack has two purpouses for Microsoft.


    Its a role up of all the hot fixes, windows and critical updates made into one file. So if you are current. you will be no more vanurable to attacks. It would be really stupid for them to have SP 1 more exposed than SP 2. No corperation would ever upgrade to an new SP without testing first.


    Software enhasments: They also like to add new futures. I agree that SP2 has a lot of nice enhancements. Infact they make it a lot simpler to lock down a system from attack. Also the I.E pop up blocker is nice.

    What will happen the first few weeks of release is people from all over the world will have little errors and send the report to MS. The a few weeks later there will be an update to the SP...

    SP are so large and can really mess up a system up. I was a tester for SP2 I took it off my main sysetem becuase of glitches.

    Also if you are in Thailand make sure you have recent copies of your hardware drivers from the manufacture. MS drivers are not as clean and often opmit functions that the manufacture had. (Video and Sound cards are the best example of it. )

    Just a word of advice unless you don't mind doing a reinstall. Give it a month lets make sure its not a repeate of NT 4.0 (SP6) two months after that they released SP6a.

    Not to diss anyone but after supporting 2000 workstations in a few differnt companys I have seen lots of little problems.

  11. Can someone tell me why this forum is so self-centered?

    In the IT-MGR case (AKA David) there were 16 pages of about David, yet no one talked much about his kids or victims. Not one person even thought of trying to help out he kids. Really makes me wonder why most of you are in Thailand.

    You keep complaining about things and know how to get things done without upsetting the Thai. Yet I never see anything posted that really matters. Living up to the Thai government perception of us.

    It goes without saying we all love Thailand yet it seems few of you do anything to make a change for the better.

    Personally I am in the states now for business reasons; I did not see what was going on until it was to late. I even Sent George a PM saying that I can help with some high level contacts. Yet I never heard a reply back.

    It really makes me sad to see how much most people just take from the Thai. It seems the only time letters are written is when it affects you. Such as visa issues, land ownership etc?

    There ways to help! why not start make this board a sounding block for helping the Thais. Most of you are overly intelligent and have a lot to give. I ask you to start giving back to the people.

    We will gain respect if we start to do things that are good for the Kingdom. In addition to really helping the people and land we love

  12. suggest you read though the main site at www.thaivisa.com. Most of what you asked is there. It comes down to one thing how much funding do you have? If you have not been here, spent any real time, and have a Thai to help you. come for a vacation and dream of riches other places. Once you have done a little homework then repost with questions pertains to your situation.

    Sorry to be harsh but there have been so many people not willing to do a little work on their own first. Then they expect to run a bar or shop, you can lose your shirt faster than you can put it on. Here in Mong Thai

    see comments

    Which are the correct visas we need and how do we obtain them?

    On this site

    What will be the visa renewal requirements and how often will we have to leave Phuket?

    On this site

    Do we need to set up a Thai company (How many partners)?

    On this site

    Can we work the bar, if not what is allowed?

    Lost of postings on this.

    What savings and earning do we need?

    years worth of business expenses, just like anyplace a business is a business. Plus living expenses and bribe money.

    Lots of postings

  13. I like everyones thoughts they are all true so how does that help you?

    Name brands such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Sony etc.. are all good. It really comes down to these simple questions.

    1) Looks, if it for your daughter looks are going to be real important.

    2) Feel, how are the controls in your hand. can you get to the buttons and work the camera.

    3) Size, do you want it to fit in your pocket or what?

    4) Memory type, there are several type compact flash, SD, Sony Sticks what memory do you want to have. You can also share. My friend uses his SD ram in is Palm and camera. works great. Also price per meg. Sony tends to be the most expensive.

    Few facts

    1) Don't look at digital zoom look for a good optical zoom.

    2) Megapixal. 3 - 4 is all most people will need. Also when you start shooting 5 meg you have to have huge cards.

    3) Digital cameras are like file expect for the media and focal length of the zoom. Use good old fashion horse sense.

    4) Buy in the Country you live in. Sony, Canon, and Nikon all say the warranty is only good in the country purchased. (found this out the hard way.)

    I have owned 3 digitals.

    The Nikon's are good for people with big hands and have simple dials. Lots of red eye. When light is good it take great pics.

    Canon is what I shoot with now. I have the S400 have over 10,000 pics on it. Nothing to say bad about it. Also have an underwater case have taken it down to 34 met with no problems. The camera does not have any filters or can't add anything to it.

    Sony are nice. Good pics good movies. The stick memory is a downer though. really expensive.

  14. kasi

    Anyone one who would say Homosexual propaganda is a homophobe. You talk about is such a passionate and descriptive way. Are you trying to tell us something?

    Christian Research Journal is where your link is from. If you can print something from a medical center such as UCLA, Harvard, etc. Then I will read it. It?s publicly known that the Christian Research is slanted to fit the needs of the bible.

    The only thing gay people want; is to be accepted for who we are and to have the same legal rights as anyone else.

    Let me ask you this one question. If homosexuality was discovered to be a genetic. For example right handed vs. left handed. Would you still look down on it?

  15. It is not excepted any more so. The age is a gray area though should it be 17 or 18? But I know this is the fact in all areas. 99.9% of gay people would never think of having sex with someone in there early teens or less.

    What the poster saying is just because he was gay didn't and had gay porn. Didn't mien he was setting up gay pedo tours.


    a little advice only put the highest level of cert. MCP MCSA are lower than MCSE and the same is true for your Cisco stuff.

    Come to Thailand to have fun and not to make money. Stay in the feild and to keep current. It will also look good on your resume. If you can find a job here for 30 you will be doing really good..

  17. About 10 % of the world's population

    Chiangpet: the 10% is an erroneous figure. Typical homosexual propogandizing distortion of the facts. There is no way 10% of the worlds population is gay. The figure is more like 1/10th of a percent of the worlds population is gay. That is just the way is and the way it will always be despite current homosexual propaganda. :o

    Face it homosexuallity is only normal that 1/10th of a percent. For most of us it is not normal and is just tolerated. In Thailand homosexuality is only tolerated not accepted. That is reasonable.

    Spare us the defense of some accused homosexual pedophiles with some false statistics..

    Chiangpet are you a homophobe?

    Let me explain how stupid you are.....

    The number come from a study called the Kinsey research from 1948 and its suggests a 10% homosexual PRESENCE in the general population.

    PRESENTS can be defined as thought or fantasy. Does not say they are actually gay. 10% has been come the defacto statement used by most of the world. It reality 2% - 3% percent are homosexually inclined.

    Now you said 1/10th of a percen of the population is gay. I assume you have done a study on this? Please send us the link to your findings.

    Also have to ask you how you can tell if someone is gay?

    I am gay and when I worked in SF most people even the other gays had no Idea I was. You will find that that is the norm. You only see the exaggerated flamboyant look in a small percent of the gay population.

    What the true % of the gay population is we might never know. Because thousands of people keep there true feelings repressed and follow the what is considered the norm. Just imagine if there was a world where you could love who you want..... And if you don't believe me, I can introduce you to 100s of men one women that came out in there 40 and 50's.

    I understand this is a sensitive subject, I agree if the guy is setting up sex for boys under 18 he should be shot and left to rot.

    However your statements are ridiculously closed mined and off the subject.

  18. I found renting a car for about 1200 baht is really easy. We headed down to Trat on Saturday did the crossing in the afternoon. Then spent the night in Koh Chang. Made a nice little weekend of it. But renting a car saves a lot of time and some cash too.

    Its reall qute simple to get down there the roads are clearly marked in English. I think the other Cambodia section is closer though.

    Just be prepaired to say Mia Aw to the locals. As posted on the board they are extreamly agressive.

  19. Why not contact IBM Thailand and see if they have a fix?

    I took a look at my Think Pads and there is no option to change. However Idea of contacting IBM Service center is a sound one.

    With this little warning. IBM Thailand are the most incompetent bunch of techs I have ever seen.

    I had a laptop that was freezing intermittency. Each time I told them it was the mother board, the just said they need to re install the drivers and format the system. 6 Fxxxing times. Finally then came to the conclusion it was something else when I picked it up and made it freeze.

    Best way to contact them, Call the Singapore group, or if you have to call here. Have a Thai speaker call them or go in person. They are next to BTS ARI white building on the Toyota side of BTS platform. walk about 100 meters.

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