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Graham n So

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  1. Yes the good old days have gone. I was lucky to have moved a good amount of £ to Thai Baht when it was almost 70 to the £. This year I bought £'s with those Baht and made a bit for my troubles. Only wish I had done it back in Jan 2021 when it was 24 to the £.
  2. It's not so much about how much money you can afford to throw at private education as what you get for the money and how much the child wants to do well. From what I have seen of it in Thailand some are wasting good money and time with some of the private schools there. I myself could not see a way to educate my children in Thailand and it simply came down to a choice. Ether we stayed in Thailand or we moved to where my children could receive a good education. We chose our children's education and opportunities in later life over our short term enjoyment and are glad we did. Now we holiday visiting friends in Sweden, Spain, Florida and sometimes Thailand, so get the best of both worlds. It's not always easy to make the right choice, but you will know who took preference when you do decide.
  3. I spent four years teaching in Thailand, I quickly realised that I would need to move the family to the UK so my two daughters could have the chance of a good education. Both now in a good Grammar school and doing well. It was not an easy decision for my wife and I, but having made the move we are very glad to see the real progress the girls have made. My wife surprisingly loves the climate here and is a keen gardener. I miss the warm seas and winter in Thailand, the girls enjoy their holidays in Europe and are not very keen to visit Thailand again as it's far too hot. Over lockdown they had to study at home online, this required some adjustment and it was not easy for any of us, but I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for many Thai children. So in summary, after seven and a half years in the UK we are settled and happy, I don't think any of us will ever return to Thailand other than the odd short holiday to visit family.

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