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Bill de Burgh

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Everything posted by Bill de Burgh

  1. "...foreigners who are not respectful of our laws must be deported especially if they are being aggressive and are a threat to the country." Oh, how much I would love to hear those words from a official of my home country. Or any western country...
  2. Not only in Thailand. Can happen everywhere. It's called "religion".
  3. Yes, yes, yes... I thought I was the only one who feels that way. Gratitude and loyalty to their host country seems to be a entirely foreign concept for many. Love it or leave it.
  4. Warden, please take me back to my cell!
  5. No, it wasn't. Because of the Covid situation back then, everyone enjoyed automatic visa extensions up until almost years end, remember?
  6. A very diplomatically worded statement. Well done, RTP.
  7. Good luck with that. I wonder what legal action could be taken given the fact that the lowlifes have already eliminated themselves. Case closed.
  8. Do Not Overstay. Being strict on their immigration law is a still a thing in the kingdom of Thailand. Your are not dealing with one of the pathetic "open borders" western countries where most of us originate from.
  9. ...or the other way round for that matter. (What would be great IMO.) Note: Never ridicule the efforts of the Thai people to keep their country for themselves.
  10. Never choose FedEx if you want to get your items through customs without a insane amount of paperwork. DHL is definitely the better choice.
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