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Posts posted by lapamita

  1. 23 hours ago, Airwolf said:

    Does every country include VAT on the shipping cost, or is it just Thailand?

    I paid 120% duty/fees on a shipment from France, as they dinged me for the shipping too. 

    every country import tax calaculated  goods + shipping=import price


    i send the lot from eu VAT 7% impotdutys btw 10-14% , of flattax 30%by post below 1000usd


    for 120% must be the wrong shippingmetode, low value ,and on that heavy fees of a courier , that can happen if you send 100-300-500 usd ...............

    NOTE !!! send by post only if value is bellow 1000usd and pay flat tax!!! and not forget to fill out the correct customs tax forms



  2. 23 hours ago, tgw said:

    VAT on imports isn't really a big issue, 7% on reading glasses that cost 35 baht won't be much.


    the problem will be with the "service fee" - I guess they will collect that on every import to pay for the manpower needed to process the volume.


    No, for samll shipments will be no fees.

    actual , i send many packages to thailand , if send by post (not companys like ups,dpd) all shipments are related to flat tax of 30% up to 1000 USD shippments.

    i avoid curoer services why ? service fees  even tax  is lower 7% vat 13.5% import duty (EU import), wahts cheaper than flat , have the service charges ,and on low pricetag for import , they are more,as well need the taxnumber for import


    small shipments will be handled by post without extra  feees

  3. 1 hour ago, lordgrinz said:

    How about we tier the VAT, 0% on anything under B1500 (to help the poor), keep it at 7% on everything up to say B1.5 million (help the middle-class), then 25% on everything over B1.5 million, that should hit the superrich where it hurts.

    seems no knowledge of econommy..............

    it not hurt the superrich, it hurts everybody , mostly industrial and manufactures, and would lead to massive price increase in all sectors and prices. and at the end hurt  at most the low/middle class


    to collect VAt on  under 1500 ,  is the result of the massive growth of imports  (from china) since e commerce bomming

    • Confused 1
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  4. 4 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

    I've travelled to Kazahkistan before for business. 

    Because of their oil & mineral exports, they have a relatively high standard of living.

    And, they're much cleaner than the Russians!

    i traveld to in Kazhkistan just 2month ago, and can confirm that. clean citys,safe  and quiet high salarys in the city (for ex servicesector 700 usd Itdevoloper above 2000 ,from people i know)

    the prejudice in the west is unbelivable and arrogant

    all estern republics ,all , has nothing to do with what it was in the 90s ,and i was in KZ,KY,UZ,AZ,GE

    and enjoyed every stay ,10 time more like in any western city

    • Like 2
  5. The real Money#

    up to aprox 2008 when the financial crisis strat a lot of centralbanks incl thaialnd and singapore issuing face valued backed goldcoins. sine 2008 they off. ( printing paper is cheaper)

    still france issuing them

    here a coin ,can buy on secondary market 1000 euro face value( can return for 1000) , gold 20 gr 999 reatil secondary market 1200 euro

    New coins are issued with  facevalue 2023  250,500,1000,5000,10.000 euro Goldbacked 60%  SALESPRICE FACEVALUE

    if i would live in france iwould have no pappermoney,only this coins bcs i can return daily, in case of any event i have gold#


    i bought a lot of coins on the secondary market (even selling nonface coins to facevaluecoins), in case gold go down still have the facevalue

     the coins are trading on secondary market at premium to gold of 2-5% and always at minimum facevalue ..for ex 2020-2023 trading at face older versions with higher gold at premium

    this coin for ex  1000e face 20gr  today is trading arround 1350  , 1000 e  2011 17gr 1150

    250 e -older dif years--3,7gr  at 270 euro


    so you cant losse ,can only win ( ex intrestrates ffor fixed deposit last 10 years nearly 0)


    NOTE!! the market is Illiquid ,so need patience for buy second hand..Dealer prices are overpayed ..best place to buy from private germany and france in marketplaces...there are no copys of this coins out ,so dont worry


    new issues can be bought direct at https://www.monnaiedeparis.fr/fr/ors-de-france-le-louis-d-or-monnaie-de-1000eur-or-qualite-bu-millesime-2024


    waht is there paper money or epayment card or telephone against


    ( image upload failed  ..go google 1000 euro gold france

  6. 57 minutes ago, MrPancake said:


    Now I understand why what happened to me at the airport happened to me.

    What a bunch of useless pencil pushers 😄

    Pretending to do something to please the boss...






    I was in thailand  within a 12 month period  3 month and 14 days all on visa exempt stamp

    in winter i  had many stamps in passport within 2 month i was 2x cambodia 1x singapore 1x malaysis

    never stayed even the 30 days

    After 1 hour witing in donmuang, bcs 2 counters ipen and 2 chines planes in front

    i was in a bad mood, given them only passport and not a smile , the lady started a lot of question  ( i done have boarding ticket only number )

    and then she called the immigration ,a lot of blabla , they said i have to make 12 month visa or other ,i sayed cannot bcs not live in thailnd and normal T visa not fit

    after can enter,..i ask them can i go again next week to vietnam..answer ,,better you stay here , it not sure can come again


    after leaving suvanambum ( immi office) want to ask them , why ?? answer dont know ..ask when you back


    really fed up from this immi checks, already since years come only a feww weeks per year, after 25  years in thai

  7. 22 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Wrong.  That has been the case for a long time - no dispute.  There has been a lot of legals and illegals in the past.

    BUT since they changed the Visa rules - free easier and longer - a lot more people are in Thailand working illegally. This issue with the Philippinos is only one group - there are many more across a lot of industries.   

    it has  nothing to do..for smaller companys are to expensive and difficult to obtain workpremits.

    neverless thailand inthe service and construction ..will come to standstill withiut foreign labour,legal,or illegal

    we have free a workplace for cleaninglady ( legal incl social sec) - no one in 6 month intrested

    and the only working since 7 years !!!! is a cambodian ,and in 7 years there was more than 10!! of thais who come and go

  8. 1 hour ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    There are a LOT of industries in Thailand that are currently having troubles with illegal workers from 3rd world countries who arrived on this idiotic Visa free entry scheme - which was all in the name of tourism growing the economy.  They are taking jobs and income away from Thais - and most of them are sending their money back home and then coming back later in the year to do it all again and again and again. 

    what bul....they taking away the jobs..and thais taking away the jobs of others in ither coutntry and so on


    cheap balbla ..their are no( not enough) thais who want cleaning jobs,carwash, waiter,and so on

  9. 5 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    and praying there will be a Government bail out to prevent another To Yam Gung Crisis of 1997

    the 1997 crisis was completly diffrent, than today. In 1997 it was more or less a finiancial market crash and a small group of rich thais loose money, the normal population was nearly unaffected ,due to nealr no outstanding depts ( bcs for most credits was not aviable), and the total ammount involved was  only a fraction of the money today.


    today situation is diffrent , high depts in consumers compare to 1997 , and growth prospective are bad,as well an housing bubble , today it will be an " all in crisis" , with summs of credit involved ,what are not compareable to 1998 ,and even not compareable  in terms of Gdp vs dept ratio

    5 hours ago, Cake Monster said:



  10. 15 hours ago, mark131v said:

    Anyone backing Russia and Putin is morally bankrupt

    so call me morally bankrupt , better than judging with double standards in our western system .

    i was in russsia,ukraine ,azerbajan,kazastan,kirgistan , and would prefer better living there (except Ukr) than in criminal western citys ,and this was the opposite 30 years ago

    People talking like you  , are  full of prejudicies  , and one sided


    there is not only black and white

    • Confused 3
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  11. On 1/27/2024 at 6:38 PM, spidermike007 said:

    . I have a business in America, I have many friends that have businesses in America, and they all say the same thing. Sales are way down, confidence is way down, and these studies mean nothing to us. They are abstract, we have no idea what questions they're asking, we have no idea how leading the questions are, 

    the real economy is already in bad shape since a decade , but who cares .... ( the middleclass have since the 90s only 30% asset growth in nominal terms, in real terms they have less than in the 90sn, you cant find any stable state in the world who have less growth in this sector from A like azerbajan to Z like zambis, yes climming from a lower level)

    money making is by ponzi sheme , banks,fraud,alternative acounting,zombiecompanys,dominance in the worldfiancesector,steeling blocking or sizzing foreign assets ,  the finacialwhores must be wrotten out

    Gdp is  all about finacial industries , this the rats caring about

    • Confused 2
  12. On 1/26/2024 at 10:51 AM, Guderian said:

    Could the Baht's decline since the start of the year be in any way linked to the fact that hundreds of thousands of expats are no longer remitting money into Thai Baht on a regular basis due to the taxation uncertainty?

    you feel as farang to important


    its just a small part of the economy ,and your and other remitancce sure not influence the price of THB


    and just send money to thai  20.1.24 over 10k usd , and nothing charged  ohh 500thb for receiving and sending from us was free

    no tax charges and there will no tax charges minimum for next 3 years


    to much blabla and speculation  for nonesense

    • Confused 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Yes, if trump is jailed and Biden re-elected, the good times (+3.3% GDP just announced) will continue and gold price will drop.

    good times under Biden ?  this warhead ( bfr iran/yugoslavia) and today announced before vote tax reform and after voted 3 month revoked, heading the world for chaos , war in ukraine with his support , middle east chaos ..what him done good in his terms??

    Trump , was founded the covid programm, the release of the senstaional news that found a vaccine was released one day after biden in power hmmm :)  , he started the redinundstrial programm ( for relevant industries  TCMC biggest participator) , tryed to protect us from immigartion ( wall) , tried to resolve nato ,and at all amrica first


    US 3,3% gdp , real ?? ---america is a 3rd world country, if you go out of the comfortzone , middelcalss disapearing , crime and so on ,every statistic shows it , america  is a shadow of its self

    3,3% based on financialfraud ,alternative accounting ,absurd valuations and zombiecompanys realting on cheap ccredit and so on .... hows profiting from that ?? --answer easy---, sure not the worker the middleclass and the industrial production where this number came from

  14. this news is a filler..

    goldprice traget nominal in usd or other currencys 1.0000000000XXXXXXXX or more , goldpricetarget in real terms : gold is not cheap and trading near the highs in terms of pruchasingpower. chart mediumterm 2500-2800 target if break 2100 monthly base,and to downside 1500 ,if cant hold the 1950 level


    and for thailand applies the same , if the THB weaken in mediumterm ,sure gold will be up in nominal terms,and if thb strenghen agin aigainst the usd to levels of 2020 ,what i not excpect , the price would go down to bellow 30k


    to earn money with gold in REALTERMS will be more difficult like in the past ,neverless gold is a basicinvestment 

    My preferd metall if Platinum ,trading at 50% discount to gold and is 50x times more rar ( in the 2000s it was gold 500 and platimnum 1500 -today the opposite) , problem platinum is illiquid and inmost countrys Vat taxed ( exmption UK)


    the news is here is anothing ,just for fillling

  15. On 11/29/2023 at 7:13 AM, gearbox said:

    The Chinese real estate sector is in distress, which IMO is very good thing.  It would be good if the Aussie government  has  the guts to smash the property speculation cockroaches the same way.

    distress is  nice talk ..its in a complete crash

    china smashed the cockroaches in speculation NO !! they done years the opposite of it ,in terms of credit relaxaion, tax advantages, and since 2 years in terms of direct help. Goverment was the major supporter of the property bubble that  exist today

    this in terms of money is the biggest the world ever seen


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