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Charlie Halliday

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Everything posted by Charlie Halliday

  1. Can't see him risking it.. UK and US would have special Forces infiltrated with the Thais and take this monster out. He won't risk it. He's so paranoid that nobody knows where he is in Russia, so he's hardly going to change that and visit Thailand where any of his enemies can fly in and take him out.
  2. Just deport the fool. Don't need these types here giving us a bad name. Drinking is fun but not getting paralytic and then making a total fool of yourself. Deport.
  3. Ground hog day as macho Thai morons kill eachother with their blind stupidity. Absolute morons.
  4. Forget it. Won't happen in the next 20 years
  5. You can be absolutely certain his demand is purely self interest. As with all Thai politicians he buys vast amounts of USD for the day he's sent into exile. Remember July 1997 when Chavalit shorted the THB the Friday before the following Monday when the Tha baht crashed. Sources in HSBC say he made USD400m personally off the trade. He was never investigated! Amazing Thailand!!
  6. It's a pity it's during the kids half term as mine will have to miss the tournament since we'll be away on holiday as I suspect a number of the kids will be. I wonder if the event planners thought about that.
  7. A weak baht is good for exports and tourism, Thailands 2 biggest contributors to GDP. With the world on the verge of recession an exchange rate of USD 40Baht would help enormously with both these sectors.
  8. Nobody has a right to touch a girl regardless of her profession without permission. I must have knocked out a dozen animals in the early years of my marriage who felt they had the right to grope my wife. 30 years later and its now my daughters these animals are gaping at.. God forbid them if they touch my girls
  9. Quite sad really as their problems were no doubt caused by poverty. It sucks being poor as most of us have been at one stage in our early adulthood. There are way too many messed up relationships in Thailand which stem from poverty. We should all be more compassionate and help where we can.
  10. Why the hell are tourists still riding elephants. Surely by now they realise how cruel it is and they are simply funding future torture of these magnificent giants. Riding elephants destroy their backs as its the weakest part of the elephant. Sickening that this practice still exists. The sooner it stops the sooner these illegal wildlife traders will give up their elephants and they can be relocated to some of these wonderful wildlife parks in chiang Mai or even WFFT in Petchburi. They cannot be released into the wild but these parks at least mean no more riding, no more chains, no more shows but just live out their lives peacefully with other elephants. Please don't ride elephants or support elephant shows. Watch a video of an elephant calf being "broken". It will bring the very toughest man to tears.
  11. Thats a place to avoid for sure. Who the hell goes to the police about something so trivial.
  12. These sort of losers are what give the rest of us a bad name. Lock him up and throw the keys away.
  13. Why the hell does anyone need a gun in thailand! Safest place in South East Asia to live outside Singapore and Hong Kong.
  14. Total waste of time and money. The 1 year renewable visa takes about 30 mins once a year at Immigration if you've prepared the documents. Costs peanuts. This govt are such scamsters. Quite a few wealthy friends currently overseas have looked into it and decided its worthless.
  15. Why bother. Samui was trashed years ago with over development and the presence of the Thai mafia. Phuket and Samui are finished. Samui was paradise back in the late 80s and even the early years of the airport but from the late 90s onwards it changed for the worse. Won't ever go back. There are much nicer places in Thailand.
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