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  1. Rice is a commodity. Less rice on the international market means those companies that need rice to make their products will have to compete with each other on price to secure the supply they need. Sellers are always going to see to the highest bidder, thus retailers have to pay more and charge consumers more. It is basic economics. You are not going to see rice farmers turn down higher offers for their rice so why would anyone else in the supply chain? If you were selling something, I doubt you would sell to the lowest bidder just because they cant afford to pay what others are willing to pay.
  2. This is a four lane divided highway in this area with no sharp turns. It may not have all street lights working but definitly not dark enough to easily see the road. If you go off the road there it is on you, not the lighting or the road. Not meaning to disparage the driver, <deleted> happens to all of us and it can happen in a splitt second at 120kph.
  3. Calling someone an idiot while advocating a bad alternative is a bit amusing. Shooting into the air risks blowing up a star or possibly shooting down the moon. Some people even believe in an obscure idea that what goes up will come down. Me, I prefer people know where a bullet is going before they send it. I believe this guy hit his target, he just didnt verify his target was who he thought it was before shooting.
  4. Searched Ko Mong on maps and nothing. I know klong Khud but cant think of a place in the area they would do this. Can you post a map location?
  5. well, cnn certainly is trash but i find this story ridiculously hypocritical. 1. cnn is not responsible for securing the crime sceen. Unless they snuck in somehow it is not on them but on whoever allowed them in. 2. it is common practice to show gruesome graphic photos in the thai press. Showing a several days old crime scene long after all victims have been removed pales in comparison to some of the picures i have seen published. just because "netizens" are upset due to this being high profile does not justify making cnn a scapegoat or sacrificial lamb. if someone needs to be crucified let it be whoever gave them access in this case and make it clear to ALL other officials that crime sceen photos is not something the press should be allowed to be taking. it is newsworthy to report on a murder but it is just gratuitous to include photos of a bullet ridden body sprawled out on the ground.
  6. I am thinking that is way too close to the forecast. Makes me think the numbers have been adjusted to reflect a better picture. on the other hand I would have expected them to come in a little under the forcast if playing games.
  7. It saddens me that so many of the commenters here want to ban other peoples freedom of choice when it has little to no effect on them. Offended by the sight of someone doing something they dont want to do, or god forbid, smelling a fruity sent as you walk past someone is hardly an imposition on your delicate lives. Perhaps you should reflect on what activities you enjoy that others might find offensive and want banned. personally I hate seeing people walking around the city in beach attire or having to smell stale beer or seeing guys holding hands with some girl outside the bar areas that is clearly a rented date. I accept these as other peoples right to choose. If you are so worried about what other people do, maybe you need a hobby. The world has too many petty tyrants already.
  8. Free enterprise, if someone doesnt want to work for that they dont have to take the job.
  9. If a constitution can be changed so often according to political whim, why would anyone respect it? BTW: is there something in the current constitution about militay coups? If historical precedent holds, we are about due for the next one.
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