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Posts posted by ClambeachJ

  1. Definitely staying in California for the time being.  I have not seen my son or his family in going on 2 years since the last visit he made here.  Thought I would go to visit him, and found this forum to look up and do research.  Seems to me just like my son said, it is hard to get to Thailand and visit as a tourist now.  Had thought about moving over but with what I am seeing does not look good for a few more years.  He was going to build a bungalow on the property he has with his wife for me to stay in.  At 74 it is starting to look like I may need to rely on family sooner rather than later as my health is not the best.  I will take the advice and stay put for now.  Trying to figure out how many retiree's can afford between 5K usd and 7K usd before actually getting to enjoy a vacation visit with just a short trip.  Can not even use the airmiles I have or CC points to book a flight, as I am limited apparently on the airlines I can use.  I just had my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

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