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Joe Farang

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  1. Cannon fodder to work in areas that Israelis will not.
  2. I never thought I'd see the day that the US would abandon it's alliance with Western Europe and form an Alliance with Russia. After the scandalous behavior earlier from the US President, it leaves little doubt as to where their alligiance lies.
  3. "The secluded, unlit location made it a hotspot for unlawful dumping." Yep, it's the Darkside. I thought so
  4. Is it 94% of ACTUAL bookings that have been cancelled Or Is it that TAT predictions of tourist numbers is down by 94%
  5. His Thai adventure began with hope and ambition in April of the previous year, as he planned to settle and start a business. However, his dreams crumbled in November" Maybe an overstay of 18/19 months if his adventure started early in the previous year.
  6. Maybe he had already gained his Experience in Ireland and did the tests in Thailand. Probably cheaper. You suggest he may have rushed his Ocean dives before he was ready. The Article advises that he was from Quilty which is on the West coast of Ireland. He would have lived 1 to 10 mins walk from the Atlantic ocean. All of his diving would have been in the Ocean.
  7. Suspicious bank details aroused suspicion! A "Foreign Leader" looking for donations did not.
  8. Always follow the money. My guess is that this group represent employers who do not want to pay the same mimimum wage to these currently illegal workers, that they need to pay to Thai citizens.
  9. I decided to take a break when I thought these were baby Dinosaurs.
  10. How do you get to Thailand? Walk, Swim ?
  11. I think emergency exits on busses open from the inside, not the outside. It will be interesting to find out if the teachers on the inside were unable to open them.
  12. Any time I have flown domestically I am always seated in the emergency row. When you read the card it says anyone in those seats need to be able to speak english. I have never been asked if I can speak english. They just assume I can.
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