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Joe Farang

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  1. Suspicious bank details aroused suspicion! A "Foreign Leader" looking for donations did not.
  2. Always follow the money. My guess is that this group represent employers who do not want to pay the same mimimum wage to these currently illegal workers, that they need to pay to Thai citizens.
  3. I decided to take a break when I thought these were baby Dinosaurs.
  4. How do you get to Thailand? Walk, Swim ?
  5. I think emergency exits on busses open from the inside, not the outside. It will be interesting to find out if the teachers on the inside were unable to open them.
  6. Any time I have flown domestically I am always seated in the emergency row. When you read the card it says anyone in those seats need to be able to speak english. I have never been asked if I can speak english. They just assume I can.
  7. Tomorrows news. Good Samaritan charged for cost of Fire Extinguisher.
  8. "The confrontation threatened to turn violent." "Another resident also captured video footage of the altercation, showing the groups attempting to physically attack each other." Sounds like handbags at 20 paces
  9. Maybe due to Brexit he now needs a Visa for Finland and is now stuck in No Mans Lands with Tom Hanks 🤣 I'm very suspicious of the whole story of someone that goes from the UK to Thailand for 4 days, then vanishes when returning via Finland. Sounds like the usual Social Media garbage of a made up story in order to go viral and get lots of Likes
  10. In the West parents dump their children with the cheapest childminders they can find. These complete strangers mind large numbers of children from dawn to dusk. Grandparents minding children whilst the parents go to work is the natural order that has all but been lost in the West.
  11. The US would be better off focusing their concern on their own electoral Clown show rather than sticking their pointy nose into the business of a country at the other side of the world.

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