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Everything posted by Aina24

  1. Thanks for the advice. Yes my tax I.D is on the forms. What other supporting docs did you need? T.I.A
  2. I might just pay an accounting firm to help sort my issue out. Do u have any recommendations? ????
  3. I appreciate the information. From my understanding I'm owed a refund of some sort. All my colleagues received a few thousand baht, I just didn't claim mine....
  4. I see. I earn more than 300k - less than 500k bracket. I'm just confused from conflicting sources. As I've been told by family that the tax-forms I showed said the deduction has already been made and tax paid. *sabai-Sabai*. Now it's past the annually cut of period. Am I subject to a fine of some sorts? ???? ???? ;(..
  5. Hey All! I'm a bit confused regarding witholding tax certs. If I'm not mistaken it's a "pay as you go/earn" sceme and each month I'm deducted %3 which gets paid directly to the goverment on behalf of the company I work for. I assumed that means I'm paying the neccesary tax required by law. I was told if I don't wish to claim a tax refund, it's not neccesary to submit the certs at the yearly report (unless I want to recieve a tax refund of some sort). Is this true? Then now I'm reading conflicting reports I may be subject to penalties ehhh.. Please take into considration I'm full by the way, so my case might be different.
  6. Yes, that's what I was told if I wish to claim a refund of some sorts that I must submit the forms, but if I don't I'm just not ellegable for cash back... right? I just want to make sure .. TIA
  7. Hey All! I'm a bit confused regarding witholding tax certs. If I'm not mistaken it's a "pay as you go/earn" sceme and each month I'm deducted %3 which gets paid directly to the goverment on behalf of the company I work for. I assumed that means I'm paying the neccesary tax required by law. I was told if I don't wish to claim a tax refund, it's not neccesary to submit the certs at the yearly report (unless I want to recieve a tax refund of some sort). Is this true? Then now I'm reading conflicting reports I may be subject to penalties ehhh.. Please take into considration I'm full by the way, so my case might be different.
  8. Wow! That Bangkok dental center looks absolutely amazing. Good vibes already from the website! Thanks for the recommendation by the way. Kob khun ka.
  9. I definetly and most certainly would need to be knocked out 555. As I mentioned money isn't an issue. Also, if someone who has done extensive work and knows an oral surgeon, any recomendations would be even better! Thank you, i'll check those links out.
  10. What antibiotics did you take? How many days and what was the infection? Sorry, I'm just curious. Thanks for your reply. I'm glad you are well now though
  11. I really appreciate this comment! Honestly made me feel less stressed now. Well I'm 33 y/o and need my bottom 2 taken out, so I should have no worries. But the crown on both sides have broken covered by gum, I believe my extraction might be a little more complex. Did the surgeon suggest you take antibiotics or you simply refused? Did he put you under or were you awake? Also, can you recommend me any reputable clinics? Money isn't a factor, I'd prefer the best treatment avaible! Thank you ????
  12. See this is where I've been getting mixed opinions. Some people say don't take them and others suggest I do as a precaution! Technically, the meds should only be administered if signs of infection are current ... and post OP the dentist cant tell usually due to swelling.. Your reason is justified, I might have to buy a thermometer.... or just take the meds ahhh..
  13. May I ask how many times have you taken Amoxicillian and for how long? Hmmm, so many mixed opinions here. I know realistically as a safety precaution to decrease chances of infection sometimes the surgeon will indeed recommend them. HOWEVER my ONLY concern is that I had recently consumed alot, otherwise actually I wouldn't be worried at all. I don't want to risk making another mistake due to the 1st doctors incompetence that I saw. This has somewhat kinda put me at ease! I appreciate your kind response.....
  14. Hence my concern. I don't think my initial post was me simply being over paranoid.
  15. That's true for certain infections and low dosage.. I'm just a little concerned, that's why I'm here writing this post..
  16. I know you are just taking the <deleted> now. Cheers anyway.
  17. To be honest the MAIN reason I've been concerned is because the 1st round of meds was prescribed by an incompetent doctor. I consumed 6 days of Clindamycin before the abscess was even cut open, which I find out laterr I'm supporse to only take ONCE the abscess has been drained! Yes, I went to a local hospital and he took less than 2 mins to examine me... thats why I was given a 2nd round by another physician who prescribed me the 2nd course after drainage of the abscesss.....I apologize for freaking out, but its no joking matter... zzzz
  18. Hey guys! Some of yall remember me from my "abscess" post where I was concerened about taking tooo many antibiotics! That was definitely a gruelling 18 days of continuous medication but thankfully it cleared up the infection nicely and I feel well... By the way, I took Augmentin and Clindamycin during this period and they were strong ones too! (Honestly, I'm still a little concerned). I will need to get my wisdom tooth extracted soon both left/right bottom ones and I GUARRANTEE the oral surgeon will require me to take more antibiotics, but since I was on such a long regime recently, I'm afraid of becoming somewhat resistant this time and the meds won't be as effectively, and plus my gut flora isssss probably not doing good.. My question, Since I'm in no rush to get them extracted right away, how long should I wait before it would be safe for me to start another course of antibiotics provided the surgeon requires me to do so? I mean, I will postpone seeing the dentist until then and use this time to build up my gut flora and try to get my health back to normal... note, its been one month since my last dose!
  19. Hello bike enthusiasts! I've been looking at the possibility of buying a 2nd hand motorbike! I saw one on FB market place that caught my interest. It's a Honda CB 2017, 53,000 bht and has clocked aprox 17km.. He is the 2nd owner, the bike looks in mint condition from the inspection... Thoughts?
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