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  1. Isn't it even the government's job to change the rules of the road? All vehicles with blue flashing lights and two-tone horns have priority over all other traffic. Abuse will be punished.
  2. Can't say it seemed successful though, rolling on more next time.
  3. You should not blame him, he is a Dutchman, and they sometimes do more strange things like the other day in Pattya with a motorbike, that too was a Dutchman.
  4. Those authorities are not blind to it but they have no understanding of it. You need experts for that, and where do we find them?
  5. Did a quick look on Google earth, streatview, there are also just houses in between. You shouldn't think of living there.
  6. And that already for many, many years, and believe me nothing will change.
  7. You know the answer by yourself, TIT.
  8. It is good that you show the video but every time the image is too big, maybe next time you can make the image smaller before uploading.
  9. Hey Dave, you can still comment on your issues?
  10. A common image, dictators friendly in photo with children. Can remember one in WW2
  11. I recently ordered a desk lamp from Shopee, it turned out to be the biggest mess imaginable. So sent it back, which already took some effort, but in turn it was sent back to me. 500 thb wasted, so no more Shopee for me
  12. Apparently, you are too young to pass judgment on that.
  13. They might live to regret that, this Thai government, perhaps going the same way as they did with allowing soft drugs.
  14. Will never forget one of the first times I was on holiday in Thailand and especially to Phuket some 30 years ago. There, too, we went into the jungle with a guide in the middle of the island. And you'll never guess, he too lost his way and we got lost with a group of about 20 people, as a tourist in your shirt and short sleeves into the jungle.... It took more than 2 hours to find the right path again, apparently including someone pretending to be a guide, heavily sweaty we regained our freedom.
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