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Posts posted by Maliproto

  1. 7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Civil settlements often occur after the criminal case(s) are settled. Typically, Not Guilty equals a lower amount, Guilty a higher amount.

    That the city and their insurance carriers are offering $27 m now means, well the obvious...they expect they'd have to pay more later.

    Justine Diamond's family got $20 m from the city of Minneapolis.

    Just think of the improvements Minneapolis could make in policing with $47 m.

    The city would not be able to make any improvements with that $47m because, as you said, it's insurer's money that was paid out as a claim, not the city's.

  2. 43 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    It would be polite, wouldn't it, to have received some kind of explanation from the owners of the site. Apparently they can't be bothered.

    Why, what do they owe to us, the freebie members?  Perhaps they directed their explanations to the only ones who deserve explanations, i.e. the advertisers who do pay to be here!

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