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Everything posted by Capiscum

  1. Capiscum

    Will Advice

    Kiwi here, teaching in Thailand since early 2000's. Been with the same Thai woman for 19 years, we married legally in 2017. We have no children, and both my parents are deceased. I have one sister in NZ, and she has no kids. I am interested in setting up a will to benefit my wife and sister. I currently have the following assets: Thailand: A condominium, Thai bank deposits, LTF funds with same Thai banks, and a retirement fund through my school. New Zealand: Bank deposits & some individual share holdings Europe: I have 2 ETF funds bought through a European bank/broker I am a NZ citizen, but I am non resident of NZ for tax purposes. In Thailand I am a tax-resident. Some online research has suggested that it may make sense to have 2 wills set up, one in Thailand and one in NZ. I wondered if it would make sense to leave the NZ (and euro) based assets to my sister, and the Thai based assets to my wife. This would result in a roughly 50:50 split. Any thoughts from the folks on this forum would be appreciated.
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