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Everything posted by Kanada

  1. ***Collective healthcare cost of Covid over 2 years estimated to be between $56 Billion to $556 Billion i love these estimates….why bother if you could be 500 billion out????
  2. Reactions to vaccinations are much more personal than “same across the board”. All vaccines have side effects minor to more serious and side effects have nothing to do with whether the vaccine is working or not???? Apparently the older you are the less reaction to the shot and also women tend to have more reactions than men as testosterone dampens inflammation! so says Cardiff University….great article read below ⬇️ Veenu Manoharan, Cardiff Metropolitan University
  3. Walk away for a couple of weeks until the poison kills the roots….the roots of some trees spread as wide as the tree is tall. Then hire a man for 400 baht a day plus tip to dig the stump out by hand!
  4. One of my favorite flowers to grow in Canada was lilies but having not seen them around or available at the flower markets or garden centers I put them on the back burner! Today I saw the prettiest potted lily outdoors in Samoeng (photo included here) . We live on the mountains here in Samoeng North Western Thailand! Anyone growing them or seen the bulbs for sale?
  5. I don’t see where he said that at all !! The self appointed experts he’s referring to are half dozen TV meme era that have appointed themselves as experts on all subjects pertaining to Covid????
  6. Just drill the five or six holes…and put a half teaspoon of pure glyphosate in each one…that’s it…walk away for a couple weeks while it works! I’ve done dozens of them and they die quickly and I’ve never once had roots “translocate” to another plant or tree! or you can make huge weekend project out of it if you’d rather
  7. Drill 3/4” or 1” holes and pour in glyphosate (it’s the ingredient used in a product called Roundup…not available here any more)!….it won’t damage anything else but it will kill the stump quickly but even more importantly it will kill the roots quickly and stop it from growing and doing further damage to your deck 180 baht! Then hire a man for 400 baht a day plus tip to dig the stump out by hand! Some trees have a huge network of roots and they can pop up anywhere in your garden so you need to make sure you kill them with the glyphosate “before” you remove the stump! Diesel fuel in the drilled holes will also work but the smell lasts forever! Give it a couple of weeks to take the poison into the root system before you dig out the stump! Don’t waste your time with “green products”….they don’t work or take forever as do copper nails!
  8. Agreed but in reality it’s a small group fortunately….a half dozen members here who feel the need to speak as authorities on “anything” pertaining to Covid! They present half truths, innuendo and partially/poorly read social media reviews that help them to keep other members upset and off balance! There’s always been that tiny faction of conspiracy theorists that honestly believe themselves!
  9. For a guy who’s admitted he “doesn’t know” on more than one occasion you sure talk a lot of s””t!
  10. Important to realize they are “trying to vaccinate people” not the opposite as some on this site would have us believe!
  11. I made my application on the original site Wall of ChiangMai two months ago…received my 13 digit code and sat back and waited…had to be over 60 at that time! Those in front of me were all producing 13 digit codes that were only issued thru Wall Of ChiangMai I believe! I also registered at the later Expat Vac site but I won’t hear from them as my passport number will show I’ve had my first and second scheduled!
  12. Well Fred I can’t understand a thing you say or as you call it “debate” ???? It’s obvious English is not your first language and that’s certainly ok but it’s tiring for me attempt to read! You and your cats have earned a trip to my Ignored Users column You can continue to write dozens of posts a day or an hour if you wish…but I won’t feel a need to try to read them! I’d wish you a “good day” but…well you know???? Maybe just Cheers
  13. Boosters “every month” now???? Youre really ramping up…from six months to 2-3 months and now every month! As someone here said: alarmist b/s
  14. My dear old grandpappy used to say: Don’t eat that Henry…that’s horses**t
  15. Seems perhaps whatever he was on tonite is “wearing off”!
  16. No one has ever claimed you won’t get Covid after two shots of any vaccine…it’s less likely and not as severe that’s all! Most know you will also need booster shots as the virus morphs and changes….probably less often as vaccines get better but certainly in the immediate future Just an opinion but they still don’t understand this virus so I don’t think Covid isn’t going away tomorrow or anytime soon like some seem to think!
  17. Seriously is there something wrong with you….give us all a break from you….please!!
  18. Better people just think you’re an idiot than to type your statement above and remove all doubt!!
  19. 9:30 appt today….got to McCormick Hospital around 9 and there were about 150 already lined up…maybe 50 more lined up behind us….by 10 I had my shot and 10:30 heading home with second appt. for Pfizer Sept 15! No side effects….none Well organized and run start to finish…. When you see 200 falang all over 60 in one place the first thing you notice is 1 out of 3 have serious mobility issues! You just have to stay active to stay healthy…..some there 70ish in terrific condition and spirits…healthy and happy! Many were with their Thai wives all seemingly in the 40-50 age range???? .
  20. I’m looking for a reciprocating saw or perhaps a Sawzall is a more familiar name! Gardening and pruning at this point however like most tools once you own one the work comes! Not particularly heavy work so I think the battery is one of the more important parts and the blades (which are a separate item!)! Looking for middle of the road both saw and price….I’ve looked around and many of our local merchants don’t carry them. Any advice that would save me aggravation and money would be appreciated ????
  21. Anyone help with this? I really like this veggie but can’t find any info on growing it for some reason! I like container gardening but have plenty of space to make an area for them! When? Where? Seed? etc… Any advice appreciated
  22. I’m not one of those to bash Thailand and their people but…any close call I’ve had or seen in Thailand has involved one of these trucks! Driven by people that don’t seem to understand “consequences”…they just don’t seem to understand or care about injuries/death they could cause and do cause! They are totally out of control???? If an extra 10 minutes on your trip is that important to your business your business is on borrowed time anyway! Perfect and dangerous example of once again….“no consequences”!!
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