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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. George W Bush's advisors knew that the Southern strategy could be a winner. The GOP are doubling down on that theory lately. We are seeing a polarisation so deep that's affecting state migration statistics. Everything GOP has moved to the south and DC has been declared the devil's playground. Third GOP debate to be held in Miami https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/14/third-gop-debate-to-be-held-in-miami-00116086
  2. As I understand it, that was pretty much in line with the penalties imposed in the plea deal. Fine and bond I think.
  3. What relevance do Biden Gaffes have on a thread about Hunter Biden being indicted?
  4. Who thinks the ultimate outcome won't be exactly the same penalty as the plea deal?
  5. I'd put money on that whatever planet he's on, he'll be on it longer than Trump will be.
  6. I'll just put it bluntly. Persuasion is not control. People are persuaded of their own volition, mainly by presentation of a good argument supported by evidence. They aren't subliminally "controlled". No grand jury member, randomly selected from the public, has ever pointed the finger at the prosecution and said they'd been offered an inducement to vote guilty. Bias is not a crime. Everybody has political bias. Everybody. The notion is that we would expect that they do their job in good faith, abide by their oath and make rational and sound decisions, free of corruption. We know that's not always the case (think supreme court) but it isn't cause to point in that direction anytime you don't like the outcome of a decision or grand jury vote. To claim that because one is corrupt that they all are (at convenient moments) is risible.
  7. Nope. It exposes those whose adulation of Trump runs so deep they can't admit that the sky is blue at noon.
  8. "a good prosecutor could persuade a Grand Jury " I hate to break it to you but that's their job
  9. It's not looking so red now. It's gone a bit rotten. Romney just said so. ‘You’re screwed’: Romney’s exit threatens a collapse of Senate’s middle https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/14/romney-exit-senate-middle-dealmakers-00115785
  10. Oh look, more deep state stuff. Of course, never ever been a credible accusation of a rigged grand jury. Never let that stop a good conspiracy theory.
  11. Ah, you conspiracy theorists never understand nuance. It's all binary. The FACT is that the vaccine prevented many, many, many infections back in the day when the virus was deadly. Oh, that would be about when your article was written. Meadow did not (obviously) intend to mean that nobody ever would get the virus if vaccinated. Nobody has ever said that except for looney tunes talking points accusations lacking any kind of common dog from the right wing vax denier press.
  12. While being an addict? I can play that game as well. At least "Hunter " never shot somebody like another famous coke addict.
  13. Nah, Biden's crimes are a far bigger fish but we won't know unless we go fishing.
  14. Does one need to have a job on the other side. Music and arts degrees guarantee nothing. Are they worthless? Is education only about work for you? Plug into the system. Work, consume, die.
  15. You were told? Is credible your middle name today?
  16. Trump claims he never gave Fauci a presidential award. Either Trump is the senile one here or he's just been caught in yet another lie. And people love him.
  17. “This is a fig leaf designed to deflect attention away from the real problem: the Biden family is selling out U.S. foreign policy for their own family’s private financial gain,” Ramaswamy wrote. Trump never did that. He never let MBR off the hook and got 2 large in return.
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