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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. McCarthy contends there is a “culture of corruption” around the Biden family, despite the fact that no direct evidence of wrongdoing by the president has emerged. The investigation might shake loose such proof — or not. “It’s a waste of time; it’s a fool’s errand,” one Republican senator who requested anonymity told The Hill. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4200810-the-memo-mccarthys-impeachment-gamble-carries-deep-risks/
  2. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) moved to launch an official impeachment inquiry into President Biden on Tuesday — without a vote on the House floor. But it’s a significant reversal for the GOP Speaker, who just 11 days ago said he would not open an official probe without a floor vote. It also leaves him open to cries of hypocrisy: McCarthy criticized former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for kicking off an impeachment inquiry of former President Trump in the same manner in 2019. Pelosi announced an inquiry on Sept. 24, but the House did not vote on the matter until Oct. 31. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4201155-why-mccarthy-launched-an-impeachment-inquiry-without-a-vote-and-why-he-can/
  3. With voters tuning out the House GOP's conspiracy-laden hearings, and Republicans' anti-democracy, anti-abortion agenda losing at the polls in every state where it's been on the ballot, this latest hail-mary effort may finally signal that the end is near for the GOP's plan to keep control of the House in 2024. In announcing his intent to launch an impeachment inquiry into the President, Kevin McCarthy has confirmed what many of us knew the moment it took him 15 votes (and many backroom concessions) to be confirmed as Speaker of the House: He is Speaker in name only, having ceded control long ago to the most radical MAGA members of the Republican Party. https://www.newsweek.com/gops-ill-fated-biden-impeachment-inquiry-may-cost-republicans-house-opinion-1826542
  4. Can I worry about all of them? Did I hit a nationalist nerve?
  5. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that the four separate criminal cases against former U.S. President Donald Trump are politically motivated. In the same remarks, Putin went on to praise billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who he described as an “active, talented businessman” and “an outstanding person.” In recent days, Musk has been under fire for purportedly thwarting a planned Ukrainian drone strike on Russian-occupied Crimea. https://www.politico.eu/article/charges-against-donald-trump-are-politically-motivated-vladimir-putin-says-russia-us/
  6. McCarthy has caved in to a threat of being deposed by Gaetz today by declaring an impeachment inquiry, something he has previously resisted. No vote in the house, he knows what would happen. This is a capitulation to the freedom caucus, nothing less.
  7. If there's anything incriminating on it we haven't heard that either.
  8. Somebody designed a massive operation so carefully that nobody knows what's really going on? Really?
  9. It’s time to tell the truth about Trump: he’s been an agent of organized crime and foreign governments for decades. And he’s continuing his work for Putin, Xi, Erdogan, and MBS — undermining Americans’ faith in democracy — to this day. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-erdogan/
  10. The judge correctly said that the Jan 6 insurrectionists were there in fealty to Trump, not loyalty to the constitution. This is the core problem for all maganauts. It's Trump or nobody. All hail Trump.
  11. The Republicans have been doing that ever since the wetback program. Do a whip round the vets associations and ask how many want to pick watermelons, work in meatworks or clean Trump's gold toilet. The government turned a blind eye to Texans’ employment of these undocumented immigrants, even after hiring undocumented workers was declared illegal. An estimated 4.6 million Mexicans entered the country legally through the Bracero Program between 1942 and 1964, and states like California soon became dependent on bracero workers. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Mexican workers crossed the border without permission and found jobs on the farms of employers willing to flout the law. https://www.history.com/news/operation-wetback-eisenhower-1954-deportation
  12. Huh, her comments about a proud boi engaging insurrection were accurate. In sentencing she MUST describe the crime. Move along Dumpsters.
  13. Yeah, Trump loves his family. He just wanted to make his family bigger.
  14. I never have any issues with FF either. I love Google programming tools. I use Dart / Flutter a lot for coding. Open source, free and supported by the largest software company in the business. Google have simply taken down the proprietary business model of Apple and Microsoft when it comes to software.
  15. I guess you didn't listen to the press conference. Nothing to see here. His press secretary cut it short. At least he's not an incoherent, ranting lunatic who can't complete a sentence. Ever.
  16. Classic false equivalence. You need to do a medical for your driver's license because you might endanger others. Difficult to do as a senator. If she can get the votes that's the democratic way.
  17. Or the US could put more pressure on the Saudis to stop reducing production in order to help Trump and Putin.
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