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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I assume you realise that very high inflation is currently a problem in every country in the world?
  2. I could provide an explanation but it would likely stir up a hornets nest.
  3. I think this is starting to flog a dead horse to be honest. You're just trying to re-litigate points which have been argued to the death.
  4. excuse the clip. Yes, previous infections are partially effective at preventing further infections in the same way as vaccines are. I think there is evidence now that infections are declining so the end is in sight, or at least a point where the rate of infections will be low enough not to unduly affect either the economy or public health. I think there will be a lesson learned about the flu arising out of this as well.
  5. You are correct. Each country has a different experience and the timing of a return to normal life should differ accordingly. I'm sure that is the goal for every country.
  6. I suppose politicians and royalty have never been concerned with public opinion? I don't like the next referendum on the commonwealth's chances of maintaining the status quo in Australia.
  7. He is saying what every other world leader is saying, in effect. His intention is to counter potential criticism that the inflation is due to domestic policies.
  8. Surely "long enough" is going to be defined by a marked and sustained decrease in infections and it is for each country to decide when that time is appropriate?
  9. I don't believe in permanent lock downs and nor does anybody else. I have said repeatedly what I believe should be done. Here is some excellent advice https://www.reuters.com/world/us/fauci-says-time-start-inching-back-toward-normality-2022-02-16/
  10. Which, if proved or admitted is an indication of human trafficking given her age.
  11. Because such sentiments are repugnant and an insult to human dignity.
  12. The coronavirus — the current variant or future ones that are sure to pop up — remains a dangerous germ. It is still infecting more than 130,000 Americans and killing more than 2,000 every day. Tens of millions of people remain vulnerable. And there will be future outbreaks. The notion of a “herd immunity” that could stop the virus has slipped away under the harsh reality of new variants, waning immunity, and the rejection of vaccines by some Americans. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-united-states-3e7ab3f74080bac8480aa6de3e65ecce
  13. Society has an ethical and moral obligation to protect all citizens, not just the healthy. Where have we seen similar sentiments before?
  14. Don't ignore the prospect that the longer a virus circulates and the more hosts that exist the greater the chance of further mutation. This is why omicron should be treated with continued caution.
  15. How does that change anything? If that's what Andrew believes then clearly it wasn't enough. Financial penalties are intended to be sufficient enough to act as a deterrent.
  16. They had jusrisdiction since Guiffre is an American citizen and they exert jurisdiction internationally for human trafficking offenses..
  17. People were originally hospitalised because there was no other practical way of preventing the pandemic from spreading and because of an observed history of non compliance with isolation orders Also other people for a variety of reasons.
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