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About Nickelbeer

  • Birthday 04/04/1950

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    Pattaya since 2015

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  1. It’s probably murder, but legalised murder is pretty much a part of society. I.E. drafting youngsters to fight in unwinnable wars, death penalty etc. It’s only an issue if you are an American conservative. Most of the rest of the world is not so concerned if they are not deeply Christian.
  2. Good news on the abortion front. Now, if they would legalize casinos, Thailand could benefit from the tax revenue. It would be interesting to see the statistics on how decriminalization of marijuana is affecting tax revenue.
  3. “The Un-fire-ables”. How long would such a plonker last in the USA or UK???
  4. Interesting, but I would really like to know what you think a comfortable monthly retirement wage would be in the UK.
  5. No hate from me. I understand that money is the main factor in attracting Thai women. When you remove them from Thailand, you are then subject to western laws which favor women in all cases. Plus, (as already noted) many of the men in her age group will be as well-compensated as hubby. Best to RETIRE in places like Thailand and the Philippines and avoid the hassles of dealing with reality. Ride the train until it crashes.
  6. I would think at least 4 thousand USD for UK. I live in Thailand on. 2680 USD a month.
  7. The UK has some of the smartest economists on the planet. Thailand seems to ignore basic economic theory or at least they seem to think it’s hardly worth considering for planning purposes. Only my opinion.
  8. Brits generally don’t appreciate the fact that many people in the world would give anything to live in the UK. Same situation with the USA. I am satisfied with having retired in Thailand with a nice retirement income and a Thai girlfriend who wouldn’t think of leaving Thailand. I am a big fan of the UK but could not possibly afford to live there.
  9. The lack of knowledge of economics on the part of Thailand’s leadership is appalling. I know they have advisors, do they LISTEN to them????
  10. Tradition is best left to religion. That’s where it works best. In all other spheres of endeavor, tradition only destroys efficiency and progress.
  11. Hope to see them both back in Thailand and back in office. My favorites among all the regimes. I DID like the Abhisit regime. He was the ONLY one who ever mentioned making Thailand a welfare state. Badly needed.
  12. Thailand: a country that follows America’s idiotic drug laws but virtually nothing else American. Wish they would try innovations such as “rule of law” and “Innocent until proven guilty”.
  13. Ocean Pharmacy has it, also the pharmacy next door to Chanya Clinic on Theppraya.
  14. The US Embassy says they will no longer issue Statutory Declarations of Income. I wish they still did because that method worked well for me.
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