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  1. Checking if someone here has some light to shed/advice regarding following. Did annual Research Visa extension recently. For many years I'd get there early, get outside line queue number within first 80 and that would get me to the appropriate counter N among the first 15-20, after checking documents at front desk and I would be out the door by 10AM. This time I was number 63 in outside line-up, meaning I got to document check counter at 8.30 with the first 63 people within that morning, yet my queue number for counter N was 103 and I was only able to submit paperwork at 13.00, out the door by 14.00. Checked with multiple officers and while it was confirmed the queue numbers prior to 103 were not due to e-visa reservations, I could not get clear who these slots were then given to and if there is anyway I can speed up my experience or not next year. Clearly not the end of the world, but curious if someone gets it. Thanks!
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