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Everything posted by Bravefart

  1. or perhaps leap from a balcony 😛
  2. very sad news that someone died , but if he did not drive the way that we all assume ( speeding or alcohol } then he would more or likely to be sitting at home with his family or friends today , but that will never happen again and I feel more sympathy towards his family members than for him , we are all responsible for our own actions and therefore also the results of taking those actions. RIP to the driver
  3. and this is news worthy , there are people from ALL over the world doing the same , so why is this any different.? Whinging about paying rent of over $1,000 may I suggest and climb down off your high horse and rent the same as most of the population . Moves out here also with over $1,000,000 in the bank and yet complained about the life in Australia where most would be struggling to have $1000 or $5000 in the bank.
  4. so in your opinion "verbal abuse " warrants being stabbed to death
  5. verbal abuse does not warrant being stabbed multiple times by a 30cm knife
  6. so can we all expect to see you hit the headlines soon
  7. even though you lot hammered United I have to say that I agree with you. 😛
  8. I have no manure on my doorstep and I also obay the laws,two wrongs do not add up to being right . Fact is the porky pie was porking the Thai end of debate into jail they go or deport him
  9. I could walk down Soi 94 with a shirt on and nothing else and the description could easily be referred to as being partially dressed , his y-fronts were around his ankles
  10. your key statement here is in a quiet spot in the back of the car or sorry for even thinking about it but a bedroom may have been a better option.
  11. does the word " BEDROOM" or "PRIVACY" jog your brain matter in to action
  12. agree but make sure it is about 12 months in jail then he can have as much sex as he wants in public
  13. the ladies do not do it in the back of Tuk Tuks or openly in the street that is the difference , was just some overweight pensioner that had to take action once his magical little blue pill kicked in
  14. i bet that she charged him more for riding her than the Tuk Tuk driver did
  15. Not all Thai`s plead innocence or blame the foreigners. Last year I got rear ended and ended up being the meat in a sandwich at the traffic lights , eventually after we all recovered from the shock and impact and I got out of the car by crawling out the passengers window , the driver behind us a Thai guy came towards me apologizing and saying how sorry he was but he was busy on his mobile talking to his father . I guess being on the mobile phone whilst driving ,not wearing seat belts, no helmets being worn on motorbikes or bicycles and even up to on a scooter 5 on a scooter , sorry nearly forgot about the driving on the wrong side of the road are all acceptable here. RIP to the deceased .
  16. considering this unfortunate man is comatose your very weak attempt to be amusing is very immature and sadly just allows everyone to see you for what you are and that is an #@#@$&* @*&# $#%# , now toddle off and go play with one of your snakes.
  17. Sorry I must have missed the part where it said helmets were not worn
  18. would not be the difficult , if I found myself in his position I would just approach a few farangs explain your situation and I am fairly sure someone would help or you can also contact the tourist police but aside from that I agree that 2 days is a wee bit early to panic.
  19. you probably just recalling looking at your head this morning
  20. Little prepubescent boy should refrain from making immature statements .
  21. Go away and come back when you have reached maturity.
  22. Why do all the comments seem to be posted by immature prepubescent boys , who obviously regard themselves as being amusing or witty. Regardless of the subject which could be about an assault, drug bust,rape or even murder , the so " I want to be a comedian " always appears.
  23. I don`t know perhaps it is just me and yes I am one of the so called tight assed Scotsmen , yes I am proudly one of the only race that can peel an orange in their pocket and the good old short arms and deep pockets joke. . But seriously why not give the man the extra baht I assure you that for the price he was asking you could not sit in a taxi in Australia or ,USA,Germany,France or anywhere else let alone get to your destination.
  24. I wish everyone would read the article thoroughly , it clearly states $7 million in fraud ! . Also what does his partners hair got to do with anything or as usual the , I want to be stand up comedians crawl out from the shadows and try desperately to gain a laugh or two if lucky. Even a mention of the color of his shorts , perhaps I will in future have to contact the person who commented about the color of the shorts and ensure that I wear a color that is more appealing to his tastes. Overall I guess all of these sort of comments , perhaps indicates the maturity of some readers.
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