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Everything posted by NanaSomchai

  1. Newsflash: They already have. (gone under)
  2. Here we go: https://landsmaps.dol.go.th/ Upper top right corner there's [TH | EN ], pick English obviously then use the drop down menus and search the area by title deed numbers if you know them or if any actually are registered. Otherwise, good old point and click, keep on zooming until you reach the desired area; Walking Street. A red grid should then appear, each properly gridded area represents 1 unique title deed for each parcel of *properly registered* land piece. You get then access to more informations including links to land size, estimated value, ownership details, tax reports, etc. Now I've gone ahead and done the counting for you; the right side of Walking Street (the one that's encroaching on illegal land aka the beach) only has 23 properly registered chunks of land. Whereas the other side of the street, the one on firm concrete land has well over 300 properly registered land chunks. 300 to 23. 23 to 300. Do I need to say more or is the "myth" an actual reality this time around?
  3. Phones and readily available access to cheap junk food are both things that have ruined the beer bar scene in my opinion. Those pesky phones turned girls really lazy slugs, there would be no need to learn basic English to communicate anymore whereas they could rely on translating apps, thus leading into an English proficiency levels sharp decrease overall, alas granting them access to your Facebook profiles where they would stalk us back home (some of these girls are nuts), whereas they would be in touch on a daily basis with 10+ different mongers at once through either LiNE/WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger/Viber, etc. The junk food did not help either; gone were the days of the slim petite looking girls. Then most of these girls would eventually flood Thaifriendly and other "dating" sites turning them into you know what rendering the beer bar middle-man obsolete. While it's hard to predict the future of Walking Street, I don't see beer bar complexes becoming a thing ever again. It's gone.
  4. Always blame the Farang. Always. (also charge them double, just because you can, the Thai supreme courts said so).
  5. Don't under-estimate their love for KFC either. Buy one of those large KFC chicken wings buckets, bring it to your local beer bar pod, watch it dry up under 5 minutes, tops.
  6. Best Thai women are from Nakhon Phanom and the northernest regions within close borders to Laos. Best looks and best attitude. Other than that, Chiang Rai works well if you fancy a trek all the way up north. After that the best girls can be found in Hanoi, Vietnam. They're even prettier than your average Thai issan female but the real pretty ones are "reserved" for the Chinese overlords. There you have it.
  7. Precisely. That was pretty much my experience as well and the jest of my entire post.
  8. If boredom had a face... I'll rate you 2/10 though at least you posted with your real account unlike the other troll above you.
  9. There was absolutely nothing even remotely xenophobic said in my original post... but nice try posting slanders with your *1* post new "burner account".
  10. More like you need to read between the lines. Hint: If you still aren't getting it, the answer is in my profile picture to the left.
  11. And there we are, this is exactly how I remember my first time in Thailand back in 1999. Everyone around me was either Swede or Danish, etc. The other mongers around me weren't those obese farangs wearing no shirts, covered in Tattoos, wearing flip flop tongs, swearing using the f-word in every single sentence coming out of their foul chain smoking mouths filled with crooked teeths, having a bad breath that would only match their awful body smell because they didn't a) use deodorant or b) shower for several days in a row, those pesky Monty Python lovers already drunk to boot on warm Heinekens at 7AM. My first Thais wife's prettiest sister married a very well groomed and educated posh Swedish guy, whom injected 50 million baht in the Kingdom almost immediately, gave their parents a 1 million baht dowry then took their daughters back with him to Sweden. They celebrated their wedding on Koh Larn, almost privatizing half of the island for the evening, 250 attendees showed up to the party, all of them were Scandinavians. ABBA was played almost the entire evening, it was quite an experience! Nowadays what remains of the Scandinavian community has dwindled to a very select few either in the Jomtien area, or bought condos at the Royal Cliff Garden Condominium Complex (that's the 3 big towers up the hill you see behind the big PATTAYA City sign at the end of Walking Street), where more than 50% of the residents are Nordics. They do their best to keep a discreet low profile life in Pattaya as they tend to stay away (for very good reasons mind you) from the obnoxious despicable filth that roams Soi Buakhao, Tree Town, Soi Lengkee and of course the dreaded Soi Chaiyapoon aka Soi Pothole. So yeah, I'm not surprised at this top 10, this is a Tourism reboot and what the Thai economy needs is an economy reboot. Enough with the shirtless obese folks roaming around on Beach Rd. and those others ordering 1 beer and sharing it with 3 straws. We all know who they are.
  12. This. Experienced this from SCB in 2010 at a local branch in South Pattaya. Me: I would like to open an account here. SCB: No sorry sir, we don't open accounts to foreigners at this time. Me: So you're saying I can't open an account and xfer 16 Million baht here? SCB (her eyes wide opened, she blinked): Sorry? How much you said, sir? Me (repeating very slowly on purpose): Sixteen million baht. SCB: One moment sir. She rushed to the back spoke with the branch manager on duty on time for a minute or two, every 15 seconds or so they kept glancing in my direction presumably to make sure I didn't leave their premises. 30 minutes later my account was opened at that SCB branch. 4 days later the money was wired into that account. A week later I was called and sworn in SCB's main headquarters in Bangkok; they wanted me to sign documents that the money xfered in was mine and was not obtained fraudulently, probably something to do with money laundering. TL;DR: I learnt on Day 1, if you want things to get moving in Thailand, SHOW THEM the money.
  13. I'll still hold my breath for the Sanofi-GSK-Pasteur regular non-mRNA one, if you don't mind me. Thanks.
  14. Sputnik... would you really inject yourself with either Sinovac junk or Sputnik?
  15. I beg to disagree Ryan, if things were that easy, I'd be either living in the USA or Canada or Thailand or Hong Kong right now. Those are the only 4 countries that I find appealing to me (for different reasons in each case though). I do believe that those living in the USA holders of a green card have more rights than those of us living in Thailand with the Thai pink ID card. Maybe. Probably even. I'll give you that one. Actually it has helped me pleading my case to junior Thai immigration officers on several occasions during these past 9 years, "Why you stay Thailand 2 much sir?" and "What u do in Thailand?", then showing them my Thai kiddo's birth certificate would then ease the situation 90% of the time. When I was asked to shell out 5k THB to round the edges, it was fine, I turned a blind eye, when then I was asked to shell out another 10k THB to smoothen my entries-exits into the Kingdom, it was fine as well it was nothing to me, however when they started asking 15k THB every 2 weeks regardless of me entering or exiting the Kingdom, I knew this was becoming an unstable and unhealthy relationship with the local authorities on the long run. I had to do what I had to do. The Thais greed has no limit and this is how in several ways they have killed the golden goose. It's not just the government Ryan, it's every single Thai you come across eventually, from that maid cleaning your hotel room all the way to those politicians convicted of serious drug charges in Australia, flown back in emergency to the Kingdom to eventually get offered yet another prominent position into this (joke of a) government. Not to me. I'm pretty satisfied where I am right now to the point I'm seeking ways to bring the Thai kids and the 2nd Thai wife over here and potentially staying where I am. I'm not seeing it happening. With that said, I hope I'm wrong. Have a good sunday.
  16. Truth be told, I wasn't even aware there were non-mNRA vaccines on the market yet (apart from the Sinopharm <deleted>). I'm still waiting on the regular Sanofi-GSK-Pasteur regular non-mRNA vaccine to come out, was slated for December 2021 and it's now been pushed back to March 2022 at the earliest. It was not that obvious to me, frankly.
  17. In before the "dirty infected farang imported Omicron into our beloved Kingdom" rhetoric kicks in yet again. 3... 2... 1...
  18. How many times do we have to say this over and over again? The vaccines and their subsequent booster jabs does not make you immune to the virus, you can still get it, become an infection carrier, etc, etc, etc. It merely serves as a booster to your immunity defenses, and that's it. The sooner people understand that, the better it'll be for everyone.
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