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Everything posted by NanaSomchai

  1. PHNOM PENH, Nov 14 (Reuters) - Cambodia will stop requiring quarantine for travellers who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 starting on Monday, Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Sunday. The prime minister made the announcement in a voice message on social media after the Southeast Asian country has required lengthy quarantine for more than 18 months. "After seeing that people have two doses and a negative COVID test, they will be allowed to travel all over the Kingdom of Cambodia," he said. Hun Sen said travellers will have to show their negative test 72 hours prior to travel and have two vaccine doses. Those who are unvaccinated will be quarantined for 14 days. Hun Sen said vaccinated foreigners and Cambodians who are in quarantine will be allowed to leave from tomorrow. "This is a quick way to re-open the country and facilitate travel for our people. I know some of our citizens want to go abroad but are worried about coming back with quarantine required," he said. Cambodia has vaccinated nearly 90% of its more than 16 million people, one of Asia's highest inoculation rates. Reporting by Prak Chan Thul. Writing by Kay Johnson SOURCE: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/cambodia-end-quarantine-vaccinated-travellers-nov-15-pm-hun-sen-2021-11-14/ Khun Prayuth could learn a thing or two.
  2. Sinothai Propaganda account with 4 posts created 3 days ago. We see you.
  3. And my experience is the complete opposite. - Having lived nearly 20 years in France, most of the crimes/murders/rapes are perpetrated by muslims mostly from Algeria. - Having also lived about a year in Brussels, Belgium, large majority of crimes are perpetrated by muslims with strong ties and origins to Morocco. - Having also lived six months in the Londonian borroughs of Barking & Dagenham (Essex sh*thole), I ran into similar issues twice and you guessed it again, they were Pakistani muslims. Now, now, I know what you're thinking... "this guy's a racist", but before you get to reply, I must en-light you with the next bit as I've kept the best for last: - Having also lived in Marrakesh Morocco (a muslim country, duh) for almost 10 months, dated a Marrocean girl (muslim obviously, duh) during my entire stay and was engaged with her even (we could not meet her father but I was introduced and accepted by her mother aside being agnostic), I can tell you in the end, I almost ended up in jail and had to flee the country, it was just not worth it. So stereotyping and making broad generalizations might not be the smartest thing to do, but again in my personal experience, I have learnt to stay away from specific groups of people. I'll let you draw your conclusions. PS: Most buddhists aren't any better. I think the key to salvation might be the Philippines, afterall.
  4. Tree Town is just too tiny to contain all that Pattaya would have to eventually offer. Besides I know from a very reliable source the rents have been DOUBLED for the upcoming 2022 season (in a very Thai fashion), which ultimately is going to drive away quite a few food vendors/food cart sellers and Thai businesses owners out of business.
  5. And THAT sir, is exactly what they wanted you to do. Precisely what they are trying to achieve. First it was PayPal less than a week ago... now it's Grab and Bolt's turn. What's next? Uber...? Food Panda...? Do you feel the ever tightening noose around your neck, yet? I'm telling you, Amazing Thailand 2.0.
  6. I'm well aware and I have to start "everything over again" as the shift from Pattaya to Phuket is obviously happening IMHO. Sigh.
  7. Pay attention to Sunset Bar and the famous Kangaroo bars from 4:44 to 5:11 (preferably with sound on): Pay attention to Sunset Bar and the famous Kangaroo bars from 4:44 to 5:11 (preferably with sound on).
  8. Knowing how resilient Nick can be, he definitely broke down on camera, the cracks were clearly showing. Same goes for Phil "Egg" from Le Pub Pattaya and of course the Nightwish gang, they all know the party's over, it's time to pack up and move on.
  9. Indeed. Pattaya as we knew it is gone for good. They are turning the city into a prolonged weekend getaway location for the average upcoming Thai middle-class from Bangkok. What the tourists and foreigners want is irrelevant to them. Want in on some seedy action? Head to Phuket, it's where the action is at. Yet more evidences, this is from Thursday night:
  10. THIS. 2000% THIS. If they could come up with an elaborated scheme on how to fleece you out of your earned ca$h as soon as you set afoot at Swampy then put your farang ass on your return plane right away back home, they'd do it in a heartbeat.
  11. When I posted a few days ago in a different thread a "mini-guide" on how to maintain yourself legally in Thailand by first acquiring the Brazilian/Peruvian/Chilean/Argentinean/South Korean citizenship and whatnot in order to "ease" the 800k visa requirements, people laughed it off... Guess who's laughing now? Yes and yes and yes to all three, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos are becoming attractive alternatives, plus should you get married with a bird, there's a clear simplified path to citizenship after 3, 5 and 5 years respectively. Something that Thailand will NEVER offer you or me, no matter how much ca$h you have spent/invested in the Kingdom. Xenophobic pricks, the whole Junta lot.
  12. Good point. But I doubt the family of 6-8 10 patrons booking our villa over the course of the week-end would visit a whore house regardless. But then again with the Thais, you'd never know... afterall wasn't Surachat "Big Joke" himself caught out visiting a "massage parlor" in Bangkok last year'ish?
  13. I'm very well aware, last year we rented out our villa 14 times, 13 out of 14 times it was to semi-wealthy (very sting) and emerging class Thais from Bangkok, the remaining one was to a wealthy Indian family. Thanks to your English proficiency, the expression I was looking for is "weekend getaway", Patts being only an 1 hour 30 minutes direct drive from Bangkok makes it the perfect getaway for Bangkokians.
  14. Hope no one has any real estate valuables in Pattaya because without the seedy nightlife to attract sexpats and alike, that city is a complete dead dump, thus means the real estate market bubble could finally just go "pop". You wake up the next day, "your" houses and condos have lost 80% of their values. GGWP.
  15. Glad I got rid of my house in Pattaya earlier this year, time to relocate to Phuket. Hope the local Phuket authorities garnish enough power to make it a truly autonomous "international" sub-zone of Thailand.
  16. Anywhere but Thailand is looking more enticing every day. Fixed it for you.
  17. Precisely. Technology evolves constantly. PayPal has ran it's course, it belongs to the past. Let it rot.
  18. Reminds me of what the Chinese did in Sianoukhville in Cambodia. They (the chinese) demolished every bars, shacks, etc, rebuilt massages spas casinos and other shops catered towards chinese customers only. Some of these new shops even bear "CHINESE CUSTOMERS ONLY" signs on their porch. Reminds me of good old America with it's "For colored only" signs left and right. Story repeats itself over again.
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