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Posts posted by eWarrior

  1. 15 hours ago, Will B Good said:

    Well in theory the more infectious the virus the less virulent it is likely to be....presumably based on the idea it is not killing its hosts so readily allowing it to spread more easily.

    Okay, there’s some misconception here.  You need to think about the Covid infection as the first step in a process: you’re infected and start shedding virus that is intended to infect as many people as possible.  This is why the asymptomatic disease has been such a pain.


    only AFTER the infectious stage has taken place, will the serious disease start to take place. 

    Covid is not like Ebola which infects in the serious disease stage. Covid infects successfully BEFORE you are very sick.  If Covid had thoughts, they’d frankly wouldn’t care what happens to you when you are in the hospital - work’s already been long done by then. 

    the medical approval communities (in the US, FDA and CDC) are making a mistake in looking at whether vaccines are preventing serious illness and death.  We should primarily be looking at how effective vaccines are in preventing INFECTION of a vaccinated individual.   If you stop infection, you stop everything else:  you are not sick, you do not infect other people, and you don’t end up in the hospital. 

    And only as an important secondary goal, should we be looking at how successful the vaccines are in reducing the impact of breakthrough infections. 


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