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Posts posted by pete_r

  1. Hi everyone,

    I need a very reliable travel agency for the following task: Take the passport of a Thai national in Bangkok, travel to the Embassy of a third country in New Delhi (India) to take reception of a visa, then travel back to Bangkok. It's a 24-hour trip, and I'm willing to pay the fee.

    Any suggestion?



  2. Thanks for the answers.

    Any experience on whether an invitation letter from the Thai institution is enough for the Non-B visa application?

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (http://www.mfa.go.th/web/2482.php?id=2489) lists certain requirements for a non-B, which do not match the situation of being hosted by a Thai university (Kasetsart in this case) with a foreign salary:

    - Document showing correspondence with trading partners in Thailand. ("B") - Letter of invitation from companies qualified to employ foreigners. ("B")

    - Employment contract indicating rationale for employing the applicant as well as his/her salary, position and qualifications (document must be signed by authorized managing director and affixed the seal of the company) ("B")


    - Copy of corporate documents; namely 1) list of shareholders 2) business registration and business license 3) company profile 4) details of business operation 5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions 6) map indicating the location of the company 7) Balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30) of the latest year 8) Alien income tax return (Por Ngor Dor 91) and 9) Value-added tax registration (Por Ngor Dor 20) , etc.("B")

  3. Hi,

    My employer plans to assign me to work full time in Thailand, hosted at a Thai research institution, while my salary will still be paid in Europe.

    Looking at visa options, can I apply for a Non-immigrant type B, or is this type relevant only when the salary is paid in Thailand by a Thai employer?

    If Non-B is not an option in my situation, what other types may be suitable?

    Thanks in advance,

    PS: Apologies if this topic has been discussed before, as my search hasn't brought up much details.

  4. Her mum keeps emailing saying she wants her daughter to come to the uk as she cannot take care of her and keeps having to leave her in the village with her mum, i ask her to provide me with necessary info and then i hear no more from her. We have always paid prob a little to much we pay £80 per week.

    £80 per week is definitely too much. If she sends her daughter to the UK, she will lose that, and for most in Thailand £80/week is just too good to give up, whatever she says in her e-mails.

    For some perspective, a factory worker in Bangkok or Rayong (the main industrial regions) earns 1200-1500 Bahts/week basic salary, perhaps 2000 Bahts/week with overtime, meaning 12 hours a day 6 days per week. That works out to £40/week. Currently with her daughter she can get twice that amount for free.

    Conclusion, you need to reduce how much you send, but be prepared for complaints and emotional blackmail such as hospital/school/... bills to pay. Request her to send a (readable) photo or scan of the invoice, and have someone who can read Thai confirm that it was for the daughter.

  5. Something fishy's going on here.

    Why is Gaddafi suddenly the bad guy again?

    First he was on the terrorists list after Lockerbie, then after 9/11 he made some deal and was officially declared a good guy (visit to Blair in the UK (or was it Blair visiting Libya?), release of the Lockerbie bomber just a few years ago...), and now he's back to being a bad guy. Fishy.

  6. All buyers in my area are happy with 18-20 month tubers. Cassava researchers report that starch content starts to reduce after 18 months but none of my buyers measure starch content.

    Hi Khonwan,

    Do you sell directly to the starch factories? I thought they were checking starch content systematically to determine the price of the truckload.

    Thanks and regards,

  7. What sort of article is this? If the writer hasnt noticed; Cinema and Television co-exist in unison and have been doing so since the early 50's. Thats a good 60 years! If TV hasnt destroyed cinema yet....it never will! Even with pirated DVD's flooding the market, cinema will still hold its ground. As long as ticket sales are reasonable, people will always go see motion pictures on the big screen, its the experience. And how do bad drivers come into it?...strange segue. What i would really like to see is a World class Thai film made without the clown whistles and boing spring sample effects, quite over that one.

    Try this- doesn't get the best reviews in the world, but no boings and some of the cinematography is nice.


    Or this one, palme d'or at Cannes this year.


  8. I was at the airport yesterday and today and have to mention the Thai Airways staff at the reservation office are doing a good job in a difficult situation. They can't do much apart from rebooking to a later date (much later as the backlog is big) and advising to standby at the airport in case a flight can depart, but at least the management seems to have given them a good level of flexibility and initiative for dealing with customers (no fee for re-booking, extension of ticket validity until flights resume...).

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