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Posts posted by stevenk

  1. What is a Lottery? Does a Lottery make some governments money even though gambling is illegal...


    A lottery is a form of gambling that involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize. Some governments outlaw lotteries, while others endorse it to the extent of organizing a national or state lottery. ... Lotteries come in many formats. For example, the prize can be a fixed amount of cash or goods. 


    Obviously these poor girls were not providing proceeds into little brown envelopes....

  2. They simply still do not get it, they can relax quarantine regulations as much as they like but tourists from the majority of countries will not come until:


    1. Thailand, not just Phuket has conducted a country wide vaccination program. Thailand has proven it can not control external borders so, controlling people in and out of Phuket will not happen.


    2. Many countries have their own COVID regulations for nationals returning  from vacations. I can speak for the UK and anyone returning from Thailand (AMBER listed country) will have to complete quarantine/self isolation) on return. And with the new reports of a "Thai COVID-19 Mutation" now recorded in the UP the situation is only going to get worse. 


    3. Also after what CHINA has done to the world introducing COVID-19, do you think First World Countries will trust countries vaccinated with majority Chinese vaccines. Other countries are monitoring Thailand and will implement stricter measures on anyone returning, this will deter travel. I bet Thailand goes on the UK RED List soon!!!!!


    Many European countries are now opening up giving tourists a "No quarantine either end option" so Thailand for sure is way behind, not only that Thailand is worsening by the day

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  3. Governments and Government scientists just make it up as they go along, pointing fingers at who ever points fingers at them. In my humble opinion only one person has got this right over the past 18 months or so, Donald Trump. Love him or hate him but COVID-19 is THE CHINA VIRUS that over time has mutated as viruses do. Stop pointing fingers and get on with vaccinating people who wish to be vaccinated. Personally I believe vaccines are the only sensible way forward...... 

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  4. I've see so many flip flops over the past few months with regards to the COVID-19 vaccine roll out in Thailand. The only thing that is consistent is that the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) and PM are consistently inconsistent. Let's wait out and see what wonderful inconsistencies come to fruition in the coming days, months or even hours. The left hand seems to have no idea what the right hand is saying or doing, good governance and trust can only be achieved though accurate dissemination of information from the governing authority.  

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  5. https://www.astrazeneca.com/country-sites/thailand.html


    Significant progress on AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine production in Thailand

    Bangkok, 28 April 2021 – AstraZeneca’s plans to produce its COVID-19 Vaccine in Thailand has made significant progress and the first batch of the vaccine will be ready for delivery to the Thailand Government in June of this year. 


    A very interesting read, I hope that Siam BioScience look first to providing vaccines to the Thai population prior to selling throughout the Asian region.

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