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Posts posted by JamesRied

  1. On 5/28/2021 at 11:27 AM, Crossy said:

    I think the local HV distribution is at 25kV, but that matters little.


    HV underground, even at much higher voltages is definitely possible, it's also expensive, very expensive! Who is going to pay for this job? PEA are not renowned for spending $$$ when they don't have to (they don't actually have much funding).


    Is this for your own power or someone else (whole village)? 500m at LV isn't impossible, but again the cable costs could be prohibitive.


    Whose land is being crossed by this power line?



    Thanks for the insight. The cables are slotted to go along a road which is deemed to become public in the near future. The power is for a development of 15-20 hours. The other landowner and I are willing so subsidize the increased cost of it because we stand to lose a couple million in property value because the otherwise perfect view will be destroyed.

    Indeed I have to investigate further the cable costs for LV. I see regular LV overhead cabling all over the place running at least 500m so I don't quite understand the issue. Thank you for your useful response. 

  2. I am looking for advice on how to convince local PEA to put 38KV lines underground.


    I live on a hill with a view and a nearby subdivision wants to bring in power. Given the distance from existing electric poles (300-500 M) I am told it is too far to drop down the voltage for low voltage underground cable. The 38KV lines would run right across sight lines destroying the view.


    I am certain it is technically possible as they are doing it everywhere in Thailand but the current opinion is that they wont' do it here because they haven't done it before.


    Advice would be most appreciated.

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