It seems you don't really know history, but have very strong "opinions" do you? Just document yourself before shouting false statements. "Palestine" is originally just a place name , not a people identity. Do you think "Palestinian" as people say now is the name of people "owning" this land? Well, it happens that it is not the case. Extensively documented hundreds of years ago, "Palestine" was already home for Jewish people.
For instance in the book "Palaestina" written in roman latin language in 1695 by Hadrian Reland, a Dutch cartographer, geographer and philosophy teacher, who, beside latin spoke fluently hebrew, arab and ancient greek.
He performed on site (yes in 1695) an extensive population census which shows many interesting things. Most of the population are Jewish, he found only a few families of Christians and Muslims (mosly bedoins). None of the towns had arab names, vast majority were hebrew names, (same as named in the bible, does he note), and a few
In the whole area have greek or latin/roman names.
Look also at the Palestine flag (french most famous dictionary "Larousse", 1939 édition, see image attached):white and blue background, and yellow Jewish star....
The deeper archeologists dig in Israel, the more Jewish remains they find.
What makes a country yours? Big question... Is it because your ancestors were originally the ones to live there? Is it because you bought that land? Is it because you fought for it and won?
Well, jewish people check all three boxes. Not an opinion, just facts....