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La Quenta

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Posts posted by La Quenta

  1. Quote


    The takeaway is, for the next couple years (or more), it is quite likely that Vietnam will be totally out of the question for anyone who doesn't fit the following 2 criteria.


    1. A tourist staying 30 days or less

    2.An expert worker, with a minimum of a Bachelor Degree, 3 years+ verified experience in the field for the job in question outside of Vietnam (that can be formally verified).


    In short, it has become very very very expat unfriendly in a very short space of time. 


    I'm the OP.


    Just coming in to say I told you so. 


    Nothing much has changed, although business visas are available for those with work permits in processing with an employer & the immigration department. Although from all reports, that processing is taking up to (and in some cases over) 6 months. 


    There remain no tourist visas longer than 30 days.

    There remain no viable options for retirees. 

    There remain strict requirements on Bachelors Degrees and verified experience in the field you are working in to secure a working permit application.


    We are just about 2 years on and there have been no real changes. 


    Those in charge do not want long term residents unless they are experts, working under certain criteria and paying their taxes. 


    Even among those experts (not teachers), I know some who have just thrown their hands in the air in exasperation at the situation and walked away. Those who make the extra effort to jump through the hoops are those with ties to the country (such as a business, a family, have been in country for a long time anyway and its become a home).


    Just the way it is now, and will be for some time. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  2. 19 hours ago, Drop the dead donkey said:

    Even though the pilots maybe slow in taxi. The volume of passengers, and international passengers just proves that Vietnam is so far ahead of its neighbours. More importantly a massive difference in positive tourist numbers compared to Thailand.

    Rock on Vietnam.



    Are you claiming the likes of Changi Airport are inferior to Tan Son Nhat?


    Never thought i'd hear that one said with a straight face.

  3. 25 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    In my experience, Thailand's Muslims are easier to be around with, friendlier, and better educated than the rest of Thailand's population.


    Yeah, the Muslim = Bad rhetoric is pretty childish. 


    Cambodia is a good example: The Muslim Cham's have a habit of respecting others property, whereas the Buddhist Khmer majority have a bad habit of stealing anything that isn't nailed down. 


  4. On 8/11/2021 at 2:06 PM, thaitom said:

    Have you accepted any job offers yet ? just wondering . As every person I have talked to recently say that I must be in the Country to apply for a job.


    You aren't responding to my post, but i'm the OP. 


    Yes correct - unless you are 'in-country' your chances of getting a visa are currently almost nil.


    At the moment, aside from Diplomatic Staff, or perhaps Tier 3 investors and above - I don't believe any foreigners can enter Vietnam until further notice. When those restrictions do lift, the issue of requiring a work visa (applied for by the company who wants to employ you) is basically a non-negotiable for the forseeable future. 

  5. 5 hours ago, madmen said:

    Thailand and Vietnam have the same human rights record. You must be joking. 

    Google is your friend get educated  

    No i'm not joking. You get educated ( https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country) - there is a difference but it's negligible. Considering Thailand never had colonialisation or extended war time to deal with, it's interesting that Thailand still ranks so poorly.
    On Corruptions index, they are totally identical (https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020/index/tha



    Don't put Thailand in the same basket as Vietnam.

    Nothing I have said about Thailand is untrue. If you think so, prove it.

    And I like Thailand as well - im not sure why you think i'm attacking Thailand just because I happen to prefer Vietnam.

    You've arced up massively for some reason, and it is really not warranted. 



    You can still stay with your family here and return to your condo

    Really not sure what this means.




    Why do you have such as hard on for Vietnam anyway




    Because i've lived in Vietnam for years and I like it. I'm still here.



    Just another hypocrite still living here.




    Vietnam Is a total 3rd world, War battered disaster.


    I see you've clearly never visited or lived in Vietnam. So you clearly aren't qualified to comment at all. 

    • Like 2
  6. On 7/15/2021 at 2:29 AM, madmen said:

    The Vietnam apologists are still dreaming its the promised land even though they have taken Thailand's "they don't want us here" and ramped it up 1000 %


    A land of xenophobic communists what an amazing combo! 

    It's not the promised land, but it has many benefits over Thailand. I much prefer it in many regards (whilst still liking Thailand a lot)


    I disagree on the 'don't want us here' bit. Thailand officials have openly said xenophobic statements time and time again, as well as the tiered pricing issue etc. You don't get any of that in Vietnam. There is an element of it in Vietnam, but Thailand is more xeno in my experience. 


    Using Communism as a slur is not really relevant. Vietnam does not operate as a Commuinist Society. It's very much free market Capitalism these days. Aside from the one party state (which is the status quo in all of SE asia) the Communistic elements of society fall more and more away every year. 


    You either have never been to Vietnam for any length of time, or you don't understand Vietnam. 



    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, SVC Porter said:

    I've had a number of Job interviews for work in Vietnam recently and another on Tuesday coming. So far they've all indicated that visas are not a problem. I'll wait and see when I decide if I'm taking up any of the current offers!


    I'm afraid you are being mislead. 




    It might take some time before you can get approved to work and enter. 


  8. On 6/17/2021 at 1:33 PM, BobinBKK said:

    Are the Philippines or Malaysia worth considering?


    Have had a number of trips to both, but never lived long term. 


    Personally, despite the fact many Filipinos are very very nice people, there is a really dark and violent underbelly to the Phillippines which has never allowed me to put it into a viable consideration for long term living.


    Malaysia - friendly, great shopping, incredible food. Having said that, the Malay culture is very conservative by SE-Asian standards so best to be aware of that. It can be difficult to get laid, if that is important to you. Then again, maybe i'm just ugly. 


    I'd go Malaysia personally. Either KL or Penang. 


    But really, I feel much more at home in either Vietnam or Thailand. 


    Overall, this is my hierachy for living in SE Asia:


    1. Vietnam (visa issues notwithstanding)

    2. Thailand

    3. Singapore (as long as i'm on a generous enough work contract +have access to easy flights for regular Vietnam/Thailand visits)

    4. Malaysia

    5. Indonesia (neck and neck with Malaysia really....but hugely depends on where though - Lombok = massive yes, Jakarta = massive no)

    6. Cambodia (enjoy visiting, but would not enjoy living in Phnom Penh. Perhaps on a beach down south)

    7. Phillipines

    8. Myanmar & Laos - havent been to either so cant comment. 



  9. Currently, chances of getting in are highly unlikely. 


    Incoming new investors without VN partner are generally required to show evidence of $130k capital or more.


    The lower capital D4 visa is apparently rare to get approved these days.


    If you have a VN partner/wife you get a lot more options to start a business with really low capital

    • Sad 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, thaitero said:

    So one can be tourist for 30 days,,

    What sort of rule there is to be 30 day tourist again after first 30 touristdays ?

     Up until this April, there were options to get a permit (with just a Degree, no other caveats) with 2-3 year resident card. Also 3 month business and 3 month tourist visas.


    The difference now - work permits are much trickier to get all of a sudden, and only 1 month tourist visas and almost all the business visas are being eradicated. 

    • Like 1
  11. Well.....it's all happening in Vietnam. 


    For those not informed, since approx 1st April, Vietnam started rejecting the vast majority of rolling business visas and a very large number of tourist visas. People who are trying to do new work permits to change jobs or get new jobs are ALSO being rejected.


    The vast majority of those whose visa has been 'flagged' are being asked to leave the country within 15 days on an exit visa (which costs additional fees). Its basically a mass deportation. The deportees largely consist of retirees, digital nomads, workers whose workplace 1. improperly processed work permits or 2. didnt do it at all, or 3. used a dodgy agent to process (all unbelieveably common).


    It is quite likely that once all is said and done, Vietnam will lose 75% of foreigners living in situ by around August this year. Hundreds and hundreds have already left (no choice really) just in the past few weeks alone. 


    There remains no official Government announcement aside from "Those who entered Vietnam - specifically those after March 2020 - on a tourist visa have been granted an extra month stay"  Aside from that, no official notice at all.  It was just a decision made and executed. 


    What does this mean? The takeaway is, for the next few years, it is quite likely that Vietnam will be totally out of the question for anyone who doesn't fit the following 2 criteria.


    1. A tourist staying 30 days or less

    2.An expert worker, with a minimum of a Bachelor Degree, 3 years+ verified experience in the field for the job in question outside of Vietnam (that can be formally verified).


    In short, it has become very very very expat unfriendly in a very short space of time. 

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