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Everything posted by Midwit

  1. Why should 100% of the population be vaccinated? So the 1 million plus need to be jabbed also? Seems to me that natural immunity is far superior than these jabs that have limited effectiveness from reports from Israel. Also why should a healthy 2 to 18 year old get the jab? They are more at risk of falling down stairs to their death compared to this virus. I think 100% of the at risk population should be vaccinated and let the children resume life along with the others that are not at significant risk. https://bestlifeonline.com/news-covid-obesity/
  2. At risk to public health? There is no such thing as public health. It’s an individual thing. You are either healthy or you are not. It has nothing to do with my health. As far as having an infectious disease we have faced that everyday if our lives. If I get sick it’s not what you did to me but what the virus has done.
  3. https://bestlifeonline.com/news-covid-obesity/ I will be eating out. I know my risks and I am ok with it. At no time will I be hiding in my cave waiting for the government to protect me. Most comments on this site sound like a bunch of women telling everyone to be careful.
  4. If customers are afraid they can stay home. No one is holding a gun to their heads to force them to go eat out.
  5. Freedom is not without risk. It’s also not up to the government to protect you from yourself. I am willing to take the risk of getting sick from you everyday when I leave my house. We all did this with the flu, measles, TB, dengue fever and a whole list of other diseases long before Covid. Guess what we will have to do this with or without a Covid vaccine that may or may not be effective. It’s also your right to wear a face diaper, inject what ever you want into your body and live your life.
  6. Your assuming that any of the powers thst be are using logic. Lack of logic has been the norm for the last 17 months.
  7. https://bestlifeonline.com/news-covid-obesity/ yet not a single word by health officials to lose weight. Instead it’s lockdowns, close gyms and parks.
  8. You must live in another city. Here in Bangkok where I live it’s a ghost town with pretty much everything closed. A little bit of street food but most shops have been closed up for months.
  9. What was the stated purpose of the lockdowns? I’m young enough to remember 2 weeks to flatten the curve. At some point you need to reopen. Open and closing is failing?
  10. Yep we are guests so when the police shake you down do as your asked. When you get to pay extra thanks to the dual pricing do as your asked. When you have to jump through hoop number 500 to get a visa just for as your asked and be happy because we are guests.
  11. The police should take drastic action for these terrible people. Anyone that sits outside on a beach with no mask should be shot, stabbed, hung and then water boarded to root out any wrong think. After they should be deported, tar and feathered and have their birthdays taken away. Only then will they learn that a piece of paper over your face will protect you from this delta variant of the China virus.
  12. I hope the government takes your feelings into account. More lockdowns and more poverty for everyone.
  13. “President Joe Biden’s speech was perhaps the most powerful by a US president this century.” are you serious? The most powerful in a century? I guess JFK’s speech in Berlin can’t compare to Biden’s mush mouth speech blaming everyone but himself while he claims the buck stops with him.
  14. How about treatment and medications that help with sever cases of the virus? We have vaccines for the flu but they are not 100% effective so we have to focus on treatments and medications for serious flu cases.
  15. This isn’t the plague and most people are able to evaluate the risks to themselves and their families. If you are 18 and healthy you don’t have the same risk as a person that is over weight, diabetic with a compromised immune system.
  16. I think just keep extending the lockdowns for another 2 weeks to fix everything. It seems to have really helped. Maybe making a law saying you have to wear 2 masks instead of 1 outdoors will help. If that doesn’t work keep restaurants closed until 2023.
  17. So with 1 million cases out of the total adult population having had Covid why are those numbers not being accounted for? They have natural immunity now, which everyone can agree is better than the vaccine. Add those to the 7.4% and the numbers are looking much better. The adult population is roughly 59 million and 1 million have been tested and have had Covid.
  18. It’s nice to know members of the EU gave up passports for vaccine passports in order to travel. Makes sense to me.
  19. Your virtue and compassion is a model for all of us. The paper mask will definitely keep everyone safe. Good work. Just would like to know how long a mask should be worn before it is considered ineffective. Is it 10 minutes? 1 hour? 1 day? How small of particles does it filter? Asking for a friend.
  20. During flu season do you ask anyone about if they have been jabbed for the flu? Amazing how suddenly you are afraid anyone will make you sick. It also seems like the vaccines are a lot less effective than we were promised so what will you now that vaccinated people are catching and spreading Covid?
  21. The biggest problem is that the goal of 100% vaccines is not vital. There is very little benefit to jabbing an 18 year old. 100% of people over 70 should have the shot. After that 100% of anyone over 60 or with sever health issues. After that open it up to anyone that wants it and let’s get back to life.
  22. Delusional. 2 or 3 week total lockdowns will never work. Should the water, sewer and power grids be shut off because workers need to stay home? How about if a fire starts? Let it burn down with all people in place? So spread of the virus will end at your door and not go to the next condo? The virus is airborne, it’s invisible, tasteless and odorless. It will spread and continue to spread. Masks and lockdowns haven’t stopped the spread anywhere in the world. Vaccines seem to be far less effective than promised. Lockdowns may slow it for a bit but when we have all been exposed to the virus is when it will end. Colds and the flu are with us now and forever. We have treatments for them but they still kill people every year.
  23. That is nice for you to say. Your virtue is very clear. I’m sure all of the people that have lost everything wish you the best. Enjoy your beer while they beg for food or go through your garbage looking for plastic/ glass to recycle.
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