"We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong".
This is not the relevant issue here. A can't see the forest for the trees thing. The major issue has now moved from a person's culpability to court subpoena powers and the threats of perjury. No more fancy footwork, ignoring subpoenas and hedging and dodging. All than has gone before is now different. It was all civil matters.
Now it's all criminal. Avoiding a summons, ignoring a subpoena, attorneys obstructing proceedings and so forth is no longer acceptable. Regardless of reason or purpose, disobeying a court order now falls under obstruction of justice. An entirely separate criminal offense. Dozens of such obstructions have already taken place but now, as the saying goes, the buck stops at the courtroom door.
This is a major concern with many of Trump's former and present attorneys as well as cronies. They too can be found guilty of obstruction as well as criminal contempt. Criminal acts in and of themselves that will stand even if Trump proves his innocence. Trump's allies have been moved from an eight lane highway to a very narrow tightrope.