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  1. I am afraid on Samui I couldn't communicate with the locals, I don't speak Russian
  2. There is no healthy Thai bread. The much lauded Farmhouse sponges "breads " contain 5% sugar and are unbearably sweet. It's useful as bubble foil, though. Baguettes at BigC (not Lotusss) are edible, but sweet, of course. Macro sells bread without sugar. Tastes like cardboard. Some German bakeries sell ok bread, not all.
  3. The rice has been harvested, ready to burn the fields. The local sugar mill did a test run, working fine. 7-11 reintroduced free plastic bags. Preparing everything to gas us one more smog season (while we still enjoy the present, clean air). I have a ticket out of here. Happy breathing!
  4. I wouldn't mind if all those YouTubers shut up. Had to endure a conversation this morning, about how fascinating Msphere is on YouTube - must see!
  5. Your answer is complete BS. This mail is just a logical consequence of CRS (and FATCA). It's actually very nice of Kbank to send people this mail. They ask questions first. There is a Belgian guy who posted, his bank told him after the fact what they had done with his financial information. In my home-country, they don't tell you at all, neither before or after the fact. And, of course, they don't ask you questions. They just send your financial information all over the world without you ever knowing.
  6. They wrote it in the emailed answer someone posted here. They are not obliged to ask everybody. Only if there is reason to suspect foreign tax residency. CRS is much more relaxed than the US FATCA, European banks often ask every single customer to fill out a FATCA form.
  7. Thats normal slave labor, like in sweatshops in many places or, for example, in the Thai fishing fleet. The scamming industry is different in 3 ways: - the product is illegal (scamming calls) - the slaves are not only from poor countries like Myanmar, but from rich countries, too (Taiwan, Russia) - it operates often outside the jurisdiction of nation states
  8. It's Paederus. The effects are sometimes called Nairobi eye. When I had it for the first time, everybody asked me how I had gotten into a fist fight. I never got it that bad again, but, yes, I respect them very much. Never touch!
  9. That's 39 out of about 390,000
  10. We just found the same thing in our bedroom. GF doesn't like them. I put a plastic bag over it and let it fly outside.
  11. 1. The others should do it, too. Some are slow. Some dont care about self- certification and just assume you are Thai tax resident (this may get the bank into trouble) or assume you are a foreign tax resident (this may get you into trouble ) 2. Download the forms from their website, links have been posted in this thread. 3. Yes. But the girl at a small branch may not know what you are talking about.
  12. I guess they won't accept many of the TEDAs etc. They won't accept DTAs, only after a looooot of hassle. They won't accept gifts (that has been said by another poster) or inheritances from outside Thailand. Most important: they are preparing to be well informed of our financial situation once taxation of worldwide income starts. The red Kbank emails are very hostile. I expect the worst.
  13. I am sure my local RD office will be very unhappy if all the farangs in the neighborhood (there are many) turn up and want to file nil returns or similar cr@p. I remember my last filing. I include the complete conversation: ไม่มีรายได้อื่น? ไม่มี That's the level, they (and I) can handle. But from Kbanks red mails, it's clear, that - as in my home country - the TRD uses the banks as tax inspectors, expects every foreigner to get a TIN (guess why?) and is going after the pensioners. I never believed those who in the beginning said they wouldn't go after the pensioners - they are. Low hanging fruit. Who will win? The local RD office and @JimGant? Or their bosses, far away, and @chiang mai?
  14. Yes Staff at the branch will have no idea. In their desperation, they (or you) will call the call center. Call center will have no idea. After about 30 minutes on the phone, call center may find someone who has heard the letters "CRS" and who will tell you something that's most probably wrong. Hints: They all know FATCA. They will ask you if you are American. If you are not, they say it doesn't apply to you - wrong (if you are American, you are f...d). CRS applies to many farang. Unfortunately, the people in the bank who deal with CRS are the team FATCA. And these guys don't talk to customers. I Normally not. They will ask again. They really have to do this, late a bit ( like a year or 2) is ok, but not forever The bank has to ask people if they have reason to assume they have a foreign tax residency. Somchai from Ban Nadi in Surin? No. Tony? Yes, in theory. Yes, if your account has been opened recently - if the branch would have known. It probably didn't know and didn't care. Yes, its part of CRS. Very common. People rent condos (and pay deposits) like this.

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