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Everything posted by PadPrikKhing

  1. I swear I'm not a bot either. But isn't that exactly what a bot who's trying to win your trust would say??
  2. What? No one, including any doctor or other medical professional I've seen here in the US, has ever mentioned that without K2 (what is MK7? Never mind, I'll Google it), the body will channel the calcium to the heart instead of the bones. That's very important info. I've been taking 5,000 IU D3 for at least two years, but no K vitamins.
  3. I don't really know how to tell you this, so I'll just spit it out... The toenails on your little toes somehow got side-mounted, instead of on top. You might want to complain to the manufacturer. Are the feet out of warranty?
  4. Doe snot... my guess is that just as it is with buck drool, some may find it unappealing.
  5. It varies with different monetization schemes and types of content, but I saw one guy who said that he made $83 off a video that had a bit over 100k views.
  6. I think the point is humor. That's how it came across to me, anyway. The fly unzipped on his pants set the tone, and I went with it. I enjoyed it from that angle. And he bought and smoked a joint, so you can't fault him there! That's intrepid reporting!
  7. I believe Grecian was speaking metaphorically, with the "pitcher's mound"/baseball game representing the rat race of business and his former life. When he decided to step off and let somone else take over the grind, he reflexively began to regret it, and it took a while (the "walk down the tunnel") before he realized that he was going to like relaxing instead of working hard (the soak in the hot water).
  8. No, they're not. An extract is the product of an extraction process. To make an extract or a concentrate, buds/flowers are either extracted chemically with a solvent (i.e. alcohol or a petrochemical like butane or hexane) or are extracted with heat and pressure (produces a product known as "rosin"). Hash could be called an extract although it's really a concentrate. Hash can be made by extracting with ice water or by agitation (producing "kif"). I hope that clarifies it for you.
  9. I've always been a little confused by the account name "webfact," because it implies subliminally that everything that comes out of it is fact, and combined with this member being an admin, it has the effect of creating a false sense of authority. What or who is "webfact" and what is their role on this forum (besides being an admin)? Are they a real person who is actually writing these "articles"?
  10. Have you considered that this itself could be the cause of it? From what I've read, aspirin is caustic and potentially dangerous when used daily for any length of time. And it sounds like you've been using it for five years? That would easily be the #1 suspect to my mind (though I'm not a doctor). From https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/in-depth/daily-aspirin-therapy/art-20046797: While taking an occasional aspirin or two is safe for most adults to use for headaches, body aches or fever, daily use of aspirin can have serious side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding.
  11. The implication of this statement is quite incredible. You're basically saying that in Thai culture, anyone can blatantly rip someone else off, but because of the potential "loss of face" for the fraudster, the victim of the ripoff dares not attempt to get any satisfaction or justice. "Yes, I've ripped you off, and if you dare try to get any justice, I'll kill you because you will have embarrassed me by doing so." It's just mind-blowing. It's an infantile, sociopathic gangster mentality. Is there absolutely zero responsibility taken by the person doing the ripping off? If anything, they caused the loss of face to themselves by creating the situation. I realize that it's a major "cultural difference," but it's still astonishing.
  12. I'm curious whether you had a series of landladies with those characteristics, or you had just one landlady that had all of those characteristics. As someone who is planning to come there to live (Chiang Mai, most probably), you're scaring me a little, but I don't expect to escape all of those things. I have to focus on the good things about Thailand that I will experience that I don't get here. So even if I have to endure intermittent construction noise (which I aready experience here) and a shrewish landlady (I have a somewhat shrewish roommate, right now!), I will be getting in trade inexpensive & more authentic Thai food, warmer weather, 1000X better prospects of meeting a non-shrewish girlfriend, easy access to the rest of Thailand and Asia, and a bunch of other nice things. I have to look at it this way.
  13. Please try to refrain from lecturing me if you find this distasteful, but by "connected" I mean I need an agent who has the connections to make the Non-O and subsequent one-year Non-O extension for retirement happen for me (nor use the income method). Before anyone yells at me that this is illegal and all that, I already know from lots of research that this is a very, very common thing to have done and that lots of agents can do it, so I'd say it's a bit of a gray area if it results in a valid visa. My understanding is that this is a service that is widely available if one is willing to pay for it. And I am, as long as I can feel confident about the agent, which is why I'm asking for a recommendation rather than trying to pick one at semi-random. If you prefer to PM me about it instead of posting publicly, please do, as that obviously would be the more discreet way to do this anyway. I'm already aware of an agent in Pattaya who can do this, but I'm unsure about the complications inherent in using an agent to get a visa in one province and then proceeding to go live in another province far away. My assumption is that if I make the deal in Pattaya, I would then end up having to travel periodically to Pattaya to do things (90 day reporting?) and that it's much more convenient to have the agent and immigration office be located in the province where I will be living (I've chosen CM). Please correct me if I'm wrong about this, or confirm that I'm right, if you would. I also need the agent to be willing to answer a round or two of questions for my reassurance via email/LINE texts/LINE voice call/LINE video call first, months before I ever get to Thailand. The Pattaya agent I mentioned (who is a British guy) isn't willing to have such a pre-sale exchange with me, and expects me to just relocate to Thailand relying on his simple statement of "see me when you get here, I'll take care of everything for you." The problem with that is, I won't be able to confidently come there in the first place without some reassurances that his services are going to work smoothly, as they are the whole basis of my relocating there. Thank you.
  14. Fair enough, and if someone should be found growing some plants who has failed to "jot jaeng," a small donation to whatever police agency is making contact about it should be sufficient to smooth matters over, I would think.
  15. I'm one of those people who gets bitten very frequently and I get huge, angry, quarter-sized welts when I do, so I need to go with whatever works best (that isn't DEET). Picaridin sounds like it really works well (at 20% and higher concentration) and since it's non-toxic and odorless, I can't imagine anything better. I'm really just wondering if it's available in stores.
  16. Is that what you rely on, even with dengue being a threat? I've heard that tip as well, but I don't know that I'd count on it as the main repellent.
  17. I ask because I looked these up on Lazada a couple of months ago, and found some, yet now when I looked today the search finds none (same at Shopee). Do they sell this type of repellent in drugstores? I don't want to use DEET at all, and everything about Picaridin sounds good (non-toxic, no odor, etc.). I am planning to rely on it as my main defense against mosquitos when out and about, and I'd like to be assured that I can find it easily. Thanks guys.
  18. If you have an SSD drive, then your browser, bookmarks, Win 7 and everything else that is software is still on it. You just need to disconnect it from the machine. There is a little connector that you will unplug from the motherboard. Your bookmarks, Thunderbird, etc. should all be safe and on that drive. With your SSD in hand, you can do a number of things... you can take it somewhere for a tech to connect to some to other machine and fetch your stuff, you could buy a new PC and install it as the main drive... or, you could even buy a new motherboard and CPU and install it in the same old machine without ever removing the SSD (this may not be a very good option... if your motherboard kicked the bucket, you should probably get a new machine because [hardware] things are clearly getting outdated).
  19. WHAT? Thai Stick was the very, very best of all the imports in its day. It was sublime. I doubt you lived in that time if you say this.
  20. Would you mind telling me where this is and the name of the business? Please PM me if you're not comfortable with posting it
  21. Maybe you could teach me this skill. I used to be like that too... and then I actually got cancer five years ago. I survived it, of course, but now I really take it in when warnings are given about this or that being carcinogenic or toxic. My biggest mental challenge currently with this is that I'm reading more and more scary warnings about the levels of pesticides in fruits and vegetables in Thailand right when I'm trying to pump myself up for a long term stay there and after having become vegetarian (okay, pesca-vegetarian... I can't give up fish). Anyway, back to mattresses... sorry for the digression.
  22. I would say that no, there is no end to the atrocities. The only thing that changes is who finds what atrocious. The kids that like what you hate now will get older and then they will find atrocious the music that young people like at that future time.
  23. Hold on a minute here... I don't know about GI bleeding, but diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease don't just develop in a week or two. I suspect these things were already present and COVID made them flare up, or something.
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