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Posts posted by weka

  1. I understand for the sale to go through, the husband must sign a few documents

    We sold our house (wife's name) two months ago and I taught I needed to sign, but that was not the case.

    My wife sold her house in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago. I traveled to Bangkok and spent several hours in the Government office waiting to sign something, but nothing was required from me.

    Looks like there are more than a few Farang who reckon they somehow have an equal and legal share in the wife's property, and have to sign documents before it can be legally sold sad.png


    Not at all - it is true there are a lot of Farang who've been totally perplexed by illogical and ridiculous bureaucracy, and plan for every eventuality

    Similarly there are a lot of Farang who think they know everything and take every opportunity to snidely advertise that

  2. The document that you signed while purchasing (at the land office) was probably a declaration that you played no part in the purchase and that you have no interest whatsoever in the land. It's standard practice for a foreign spouse.

    The land office can provide a power of attorney document for you to sign if needed but it's all in Thai and not intended for foreigner use because of course only Thai people can own land in the first place.

    I'm fairly sure that you need play no part in the sale but if you discover something that you need to do ... Please post the information for others to see.

    Yeah I think you're right, thanks for your input

    The agent helping to sell the house said best to sign a simple doc saying you want the house sold. Said probably won't use it but because you are away it'll be the easiest thing

    I imagine a Thai husband has to sign something as I'd bet there have been instances of spouses selling unbeknown to their spouse.

    Agree with most on here that nothing NEEDS to be signed but it's exactly this type of logical thinking that trips you up in this joint :)

  3. How did you get around the legalities of buying the houses in the first place?

    Nah Cyberfarang nothing out of the ordinary. The wife bought the houses and marriage certs and income statements for the mortgage were some of the docs. I remember signing something and being present at the gov. office

    It's all in her name, nothing out of the ordinary.

    I'm off soon and heard a signature may be required and wanted to get "ducks in a row" before the bureaucracy scuttled them and then lined them up again as seems to be their way of doing things.

    Stretching a metaphor but I'm just trying to plan for whatever nonsense Thai bureaucracy decides to come up with on any given day (a futile pursuit really :) )

  4. The wife will sell one of our houses while I'm overseas

    We have official Thai Marriage Certificate

    I understand for the sale to go through, the husband must sign a few documents

    I'm leaving soon and the house will be sold while I'm away

    Anyone got a list of the documents I need to sign?

    I'd like to get this done before I leave if possible (will save on courier services later)

    Any help, much appreciated

  5. Trouble is if you play russian roulette with the jabs and opt not have them...and the dog has rabies...you die. No ifs or buts

    Get the cousin to apply the same tactics to pay for the jabs

    Wife got bitten at a temple, surprisingly no one at the temple wanted to take responsibility, least of all the woman who defends and feeds them. They also baulked at our cousin's (well her brother actually) offer to euthanize the biter

  6. Mike

    100% suggest you make a decision AFTER you've lived here for a bit. You can always arrange things later if you need to

    The hidden worry here is the stress and distraction you'd feel if you brought the dog and things don't work as you'd hoped.

    Dog gets stressed because of lack of exercise, you get stressed, neighbours start chipping in and it's just not a good life for your hound

    Check it all out first I reckon mate

    We're in the suburbs with our 2 Jack russells and can walk them everyday for an hour, but it's never properly stress free. Other dogs and people, the place we walk them could become unavailable. We'd be totally shafted if we lived in Sukhumvit. Edit, sorry you're working there, my bad

    There's just no REAL free space anywhere in Bangkok, IMO and so many variables to contend with.

    I know it's tough on you and the hound but reality bites (no pun intended). I don't think you'll have the carefree walking, running, ball throwing quality time with your pal that you do now

    All the best man - I know how hard this is.

    ps great advice from Sheryl as usual and the bringing him back info is imperative. Mine are basically "locked" here due to NZ and Aus quarantine regs and procedures (at least six months quarantine kennel, if at all possible to repatriate)

  7. Carry a pocket knife

    Absurd. A stick is the best defensive weapon there is. Especially for dogs. Why would you want to get close enough to the animal to cut it? Even against a knife a stick is a far better defense than another knife. Of course, the recommended defense against a knife is your feet -- run as fast as you can.

    Totally agree. I think I'd back the dogs if someone tried to get them with a pocket knife. While you're stabbing one, another 3 or 4 frenzied by the excitement would latch on from behind

    The stick is best because if you have to use it the swinging motion will keep them at bay

  8. It's terrible driving/riding all round really.

    Bike going too fast, should have been in the lane proper. Car ponderously turning with no indicator

    Horrible to say but the bike rider caused the deaths (if that's true).

    Another thing we've learned is there are some dangerously thick people contributing to this thread.

    You hit someone from a position behind in this country, you better expect to be at fault - everybody who drives here knows that drivers only pay attention to what's in front of them

  9. You hear of so many here who kill their lovers, and spouses. The level of jealousy and insecurity here is insane. So many kill over love. Why not just walk away, and find a new woman? Why get so myopic, and blinded by love? What is up with that? Why such immaturity?

    I often travel separately from my Thai wife. This week she is headed to Korat for a week, to visit some friends, and I am headed to Bangkok and Hua Hin to visit my friends. She often finds my friends boring, as we chat in english all day, about all kinds of things that mean little to her. I can say the same about her, and her friends, who chat in Thai, and even if I could understand it, not sure I would find it interesting or engaging. At least not for hours on end. We are both happy to do so. It is great for the relationship. We both trust each other, and are comfortable with being apart for a little while. She is trying to get some of her friends to join, and NONE of their Thai boyfriends or husbands will let them go. Not even her sister's husband! They are all so terribly insecure. They are all so terribly jealous and possessive. It strikes me as quite unattractive, and petty minded.

    Personally, I could not live like that. For me, a little bit of space and independence, in a good long term relationship, is healthy and refreshing. My woman appreciates that too. She is always remarking on how surprised her girlfriends are, that I am ok with her traveling on her own, and how much she treasures that independence and trust. They say their men would never allow that. Seems a bit small minded to me. Such limitation, and such insecurity. Does that simply come from a relative lack of emotional development? I always felt that if one is secure enough in a relationship, you can trust your woman to be on her own a bit, and visa versa. What do you think?

    Sounds like we have the same minded wives and they have the same kinds of friends and family members. Quite ridiculous when you think about it. My wives sister's husbands get so jealous of their wives if they are even sitting close to me.

    Many, many moons ago, when I was with my ex-wife, she got a call from an ex-boyfriend. They were engaged for a while, then she broke it off, just prior to us meeting each other. I did not know many of the details, and I did not know him. as we had never met. She asked if she could go and meet him, as she said they still had some things they needed to work out. My intuition told me it was the right thing to do, to give my blessing to that effort. She came back a couple of hours later. He accompanied her, and introduced himself to me. He seemed like a real gentleman. She came inside, and gave me a big hug, started crying, and told me she had never been with a man before, who really trusted her, and it meant the world to her. She told me that one act said more about my heart, and my nature than anything I had done to date. Later we got married, and we enjoyed a very good relationship that lasted 10 years. I have look back on that day many times, and it is always with a great degree of satisfaction. I was very young at the time, but it told me alot about myself, and I liked what I saw.

    Since then, I have never really understood the true nature of jealously and possessiveness. They feel like very dark, ugly qualities, that do not represent a sound mind, a mature and developed soul, nor a trusting heart. It feels so much better to believe in my woman, and allow her to have a life, apart from mine. I tend to get involved with women who have alot of friends, and they are able to spend time with their friends, and I am able to do the same. Sometimes for an entire day, or in the case of the above quote, several days at a time. We both love it. And it seems to make us closer, and more comfortable with each other. Many of her friends remark on how amazing it would be to find a man like me, that believes in them, and how oppressive it can be to live with a man who does not trust them, or believe that their intentions are noble and correct.

    I am told that many Thai men are not well developed emotionally. That they are extremely possessive, and very jealous. I guess that is what contributes to some of the more extreme acts we hear about. The whole thing feels so undignified to me. So small. If you feel good about yourself, and know and like who you are, you can allow your woman to be herself, and do her own thing, from time to time. Right?

    Male role models I reckon Spider

    Massive generalisation but not necessarily untrue. Also it's pointless to deride the society, it is what it is because of history as are ours

    All women over, say 35 have fathers, uncles, brothers and TV stars and soaps that all display and enact infidelity. Traditionally women have to put up with it or better the rival

    Hugely ingrained into society is the notion of a mia noi. Happy new mia ALWAYS gets guffaws

    In a hugely patriarchal society nobody ever considered how the women really felt about being the victim of infidelity. Still don't, yet we can see how men deal with exactly the same circumstance.

    You found out how women feel about it, as did I. I'm pleased for you two. It's great to see and feel the genuine affection and respect from our wives

    Now about 15 odd million Thai fellas need to realise it's no joke having a happy new mia

    When in large groups Thai men ask me, in front of the wife, "you have a mia noi?" It's partly a test of reaction but also not deemed rude or overly impolite to the wife. I always answer "no way do I need another headache, got a big one right here" All people laugh and the women look at the wife with some friendly envy.

    The whole place is crying out for decent authentic role models. but that's not to say there aren't many good thai people - it's my opinion that the percentage of farangs that are total feckwits massively outnumber the equivalent thais in this country....as no doubt some responses to my post will demonstrate.

    So, in a world where every man will stray, (why would they think otherwise, it's ingrained in conversations, TV, songs, New year, tourism and prostitution industry), the surprise and experience of living with a man that will not is a great feeling of comfort for our girls...in my opinion

  10. My serious answer is that I would never leave my dogs at a boarding kennel in Thailand.

    Leaving a dog like that for weeks in a strange environment the dog is likely to fret. It`s just something a responsible dog owner would do.

    I'm curious what your solution is. What does a "responsible dog owner" do when they want a holiday?

    I've left my 2 dogs in kennels for a week and more on a few occasions

    The little shits had a rollicking time, 2 walks a day, swimming, eating and sleeping. I know this because the resident vet showed me how to monitor the web cam while we were away.

    I must be irresponsible I guess

  11. The system is flawed I agree but will remain flawed if no one does anything about it I really can't see what the problem of giving the cops a few thousand so you get 20000. Am I missing something here.

    My guess: You give it to them upfront, they don't actually do anything and say sorry cannot find, (used your money for expenses incurred)

    You tell them you'll pay when the other guy pays. He'll never pay, but they know that and don't do anything anyway, because it's all a bit difficult.

    Am I too cynical?

  12. I got in an All Thai Taxi in December. He was stopped on the side of the road.

    Very good experience.

    Nice guy, spotlessly clean car (Prius). He asked about the radio and if the air conditioning was ok, never drove above the speed limit, (was a 220 baht fare/distance)

    We got chatting and he gets 18k baht per month salary, 12 hour shifts. Nothing dependant on trips or fares

    The cars have GPS so dispatch can monitor and all have cameras on the ceiling where normal interior lights are

    The meter is exactly the same as normal taxis

    A great formula for taxi trips. No refusals, clean and professionally monitored cars and drivers, very safe for all, especially solo women

    Hope it becomes a success!

  13. I was in a Psych class at a University in the west (proper one) in the 90's and one of the professors conducted a valid and comprehensive study of this. It made for a good lesson for students on a bit of a "fun" topic and demonstrating effective hypothesis testing.

    Accredited research findings:

    Load of <deleted>, well I mean there was no correlation to water bottles and dog shit or lack thereof

    Good old human nature biases and how misinformation spreads I'd say

  14. I used a car that they supplied back in 2009

    There was a bolt through the middle of the accelerator so that you could only push the accelerator about 1-2 cm. The bolt hit the floor so no more movement of the accelerator

    Basically the car (automatic) was just idling around the small course. Hilliarious but I could see that some of the others taking the test were very much capable of putting the car through buildings, so a necessary safety feature.

    One test (of 3!) was to reverse about 10 metres in a straight line between cones. The woman in front of me tried about 7 times and then got out crying and left the car in the middle and on top of the cones. She scuttled off

    It might have changed. I got the licence and won bets off my Thai inlaws as they were sure the scam is fail first time, pay extra to pass second time. They cheerfully grumbled about falang privileged

  15. Use rat bait (poison) cats / dogs if they eat it they can be sick, rats cannot be sick. Rat bait will not kill dogs/cats.

    I can tell you form personal experience here in Thailand that rat bait CAN and DOES KILL dogs

  16. Thanks Ayg

    When I took the rat snake around the locals at the school who I know really well, they all jumped back worried and insisted that it was a cobra. I was pretty sure it wasn't but it did bite the dogs numerous times so the 5 minute trip to the vet was compulsory in my mind.

    However Ayg the word for cobra sounded like "Ngoo How"

    Do you know what it is and it's translation please?

    BTW I talked to my vet about symptoms of snake bites and he said usually 3-6 hours, look for foamy saliva and convulsions from the stomach. Perhaps some information of use to TV members.

    They've survived green pit viper bites before but the wife was on hand to kill the snake and bring it tot he vets, thus saving their lives

  17. Thank you for the rat info Ayg, was wondering what the "sing" (don't know the Thai spelling) meant. I knew and meant the "ngoo" part for snake, hence the "g"

    As for the death of the snake, well it was at a primary school and I had no input to it's death (or the numerous rats, cats, lizards and odd bird my dogs hunt), but take the view that this is the way of the jungle, and it's artificial to prevent these types of things happening.

    The snakes have taken a fair few chunks out of the dogs over the years, and have killed many people's dogs, so it's not a one way street

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