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Molly Malone

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Everything posted by Molly Malone

  1. SPOT ON correct, we were all screeching at the GOV to pull their fingers out, BUT no they did not!
  2. Oh Boy, delusional Thai megalomania on full display here, but hey you can also get a work permit for the bargain basement price (I give you discount) of 32 MILLION Baht .........................aren't us white devils lucky?
  3. Well said, Sir! Ya took the words right out of my mouth, bravo! Please insert the word "delusional" into your next comments, or maybe just TING TONG so the dullards will pay attention! Ka
  4. I will always call it Bangkok, my home, the place I love above all others. When I speak to Thais I call it Krung Thep, but to change it internationally will be a DUMB mistake. If the Gov think this will elevate tourism then that's MISTAKE number two!
  5. You cannot be serious! Of all the dumbest ideas they have come up with, this is the WORST! Wake up you dopes! Who is going to love that "vegetable soup dish of forgettable words"!
  6. YES, Cold & Yucky, I do happen to know an awful lot about journalism. NOT that it's any of your business! I also know this cite is full of very old hideously unattractive brain dead sexual predators who parade around the red-light districts with a Thai girl, many decades younger than them. I understand the girls motives $! And I understand the mens disgusting, delusional mind-set. Headlines about white tourists doing outrageous acts, are cheap and meaningless stories.
  7. a drunken idiot, maybe drug affected also, but why is this a headline? Because he is white/foreigner? Get your priorities right Asesan News, worry about the poor, the sick, the mum and pop shops that have gone out of business, government stupidity/waste. The tourism trade coming alive again, Omicron is hopefully the end of this mess. You have GREAT country/people focus on them, not some stupid farrangs, who cares!?
  8. Oh really?! You would never know it is illegal if you rode a bike every day around BKK like I do and saw 9 out of ten riders and drivers constantly on their phones and driving like MORONS who shouldn't be allowed to use a skateboard, is it any wonder the road toll of deaths is so high!? STOP the pulling out in front of ongoing traffic STUPIDITY, it's a MAFIA like tactic saying "I'm more important than you, so stop and let me interrupt the flow of traffic".
  9. They (Gov) screwed up the lock downs, took forever to order the vaccines, the distribution of injections was mind blowingly awful, insane alcohol bans left & right, I still shake my head over what that was about, they promised the poor money handouts, they are still waiting, a zillion shops went BROKE, the tourist trade was destroyed & not just by the travel bans, but the racist remarks, change of rules daily. And now they supposedly have legalized pot, yes, no, maybe??? Yawn, it will happen when it happens.................................
  10. Makes perfect sense if you have a bizarrely inflated egotistical opinion of yourself, see it many times every day on the roads, they creep out of side lanes in front of oncoming traffic with a gangster like mentality of "you will stop for me, because I am a rich Thai". Thai price/farrang price, same thing, get over yourselves and behave like normal people!
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