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Molly Malone

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Everything posted by Molly Malone

  1. OH what a SHOCK, amazing revelation. Hundreds of photo copies for drivers license, registrations, proof of residency blah blah blah, Are you kidding us? I reckon you'd need to chop down a forrest just to get married!!! It's always amazed me, where does all that insanely unimportant paper get stored??? Oh do wake up Gov brain surgeons!
  2. Seroiously, I love Thais, the common folks, but you Gov egocentric dullards are beyond crazy. You have over bloated bank accounts and over bloated opinions of yourselves. When in fact my dog has more sense than all of you. The airports are full because it's a cheap destination and mostly lovely, but your roads and beaches are rubbish and not to mention all the visa garbage and soaring road tolls. You are NOT the French or Italian riviera, or even Florida for that matter. Wake up and be happy !
  3. YES and what a IDIOT IDEA of all idiot ideas. Supermarkets make more money than ma and pop shops, BECAUSE THEY ARE CHEAPER!!!! Basic common sense and worldwide proven phenomenon. Tourists are pouring in now because the rules have been relaxed and it's cheap here! You dummies!
  4. All true, above. But took a long long long time for the Gov genius's to wake up! Thailand is a paradise of wonderful people, locations, weather, SMILES, etc. The 90 day reports could well go into the rubbish bin as well!
  5. 9.5 out of 10 the men are ancient, obese and crude. Well that's ok, you can't all be George Clooneys. BUT what beats me (as a ex profiler) is how they delude themselves that the young very SWAY girls are totally besotted by their NON EXISTENT charms and it's really just, money, money, money = fullstop! Sorry dudes but I see it everyday in BKK and occasionally in Pattaya on visits.
  6. Yeah like taking the ancient vehicles OFF THE STREETS, which spew mountains of BLACK TOXIC FUMES out into to the lungs of all those unlucky enough to be nearby!
  7. Just curious, is there a BKK protest march being planned in the near future!? Paralyzing STUPIDITY of this magnitude needs to be highlighted, if only to spare the potential foreign tourists from all the sensible countries in the world, so they will be forewarned that they are about to pay money to enter MASKVILLE, a loverly place run by idiotic eunuchs! Who ignore science amongst other things.
  8. Good on Miss Siri, do wear your mask forever and enjoy Madame! I will continue to wear one in heavy BKK traffic while on my bike, as they do block some of the exhaust fumes as I did in years past BEFORE COVID! BUT once the general law is changed that's it for everywhere else, nada, alto, YUT, NO MAS! Albeit some Gov puppet declared in February that there was no legal requirement to wear one! But we are all used to the Gov geniuses changing their minds daily along with the laws.
  9. I have considerable real jewelry which I have owned for decades, been in and out of Thailand many times, never a problem, not a word. Is this some NEW sting they have conjured up? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. The hotel quarantine rip off was bad enough, now this, BEHAVE your selves TAT!
  10. Delta COVID is way way way in the rear window, thank GOD/Buddha. Scrap Thai PASS and hotel rip offs etc, just go back to the old entry method and give us those loverly Thai smiles again.
  11. Anyone on the planet who believes this? Please contact me, I have a cheap island for sale! It's a bit like Thais lifting up their masks to cover their mouths and noses when a farang comes towards them, they not only think we are brain dead, they also think we are odds on to have covid, unlike themselves. Yet I love them all, anyway.
  12. If my 300 went to the shop owners that lost their business's during extended lockdowns and street vendors etc, I'd be happy, this insurance hoax excuse is ting tong! OMICRON = the flipping flu, move along Gov greedy farrang swindlers. Concentrate on getting the white devils into Thailand for your tourist economy boost! Ps is the re entry visa thing still available at the airport office, before one leaves for a short trip?
  13. I have lived here for 5 years and am NOT leaving, last time I booked into a hotel in Nana it was 600 Bt per night, and last time I bought PCR tests 6 months ago they cost about 150/200 Bt each, I still have them, unused! It's an ENDEMIC now = the flu etc, time to move on with life...
  14. I LIVE here, no intention of going anywhere, so I have ZERO interest in Thai test/go etc. I was quoting two friends who live here also, they went to Japan for 10 days, and paid 5K EACH for a night in a hotel upon return. I don't doubt their story, nor pathetic whingers and know all's!
  15. Well my friends just returned from a 10 day trip to Japan, I was SHOCKED to learn they had to pay 5,000 Baht each for a single night in a hotel, when they have a home to go to. And they say that applies to everyone!? Oh but I am not sure if that "everyone", applies to Thais? Hmmm
  16. GREAT NEWS! TEST all the red buses, worker carrying trucks for starters, they are TERRIBLE, have to hold my breath so many times when stuck behind them. Please fix them all!
  17. fix the road surfaces, for motorbikes it is deadly! Red buses and work trucks exhausts are diabolically BAD! In most countries people have to study the road rules for a week or more to pass the test. MY dog can do the test here! Thais think putting a blinker on means they can CUT IN FRONT of anyone no matter what the speed, every Thai has the right of way = WRONG!
  18. Exactly, but Dunces doesn't quite go far enough. I LOVE Thailand/the people, so so much, but everyday the FAKE CLOWNS who make up these super dumb rules, make me despair for the welfare of the economy and by that I mean the mums and pops, the shops, restaurant owners etc. buying insurance/paying outrageous RIP OFF hotel bills is NOT the answer!
  19. In your DREAMS you greedy idiots! Just another prime example of "some" Thais who think of us white devils as walking wallets waiting to be fleeced! Donate the money to Ukraine and I might pay 100 TBH.
  20. Putin wants to take over Europe, he is failing badly. China wants to take over the WORLD! Put a cap on your GREED for Bahts and do the right thing. STOP everything with Russia, in and out FULLSTOP!.
  21. Dear GENIUS MINIster, DO NOT push ya luck! Stick to your entrenched sources of getting tea money. Your country needs tourists, insisting on a "payment" for landing here will be seen as an annoying money grab. It's a LOT like the persistant Thai price versus the Farrang price swindle. Petty, racist, aggravating and corrupt!
  22. There must be some super secret Thai herb, spice, medicine or fruit that gives these ELITES galaxy sized inflated ego's, which only the most dimwitted morons on planet earth would take seriously! Just keep counting your tea money pal & stop insulting our intelligence.
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