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frankie machine

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  1. Although some modern air rifles and pistols can be very powerful and deadly, one air rifle hardly constitutes "an arsenal fit for a Hollywood set"
  2. well, by looks of the photo, he seems to have a good attitude at least.
  3. Two Indian men and two Thai women? Sounds like a fair fight to me.
  4. Water buffaloes often have trouble with immigration.
  5. why fed up? why the outrage? why the bunched up panties? last time i checked (admittedly a long time ago), that sea there was an open sewer. these guys were just saving pattaya the cost of transporting the human waste.
  6. maybe now they will start to care about guarding the accounts of their depositors.
  7. He's fortunate they didn't ratpack him and beat him into a coma, in typical fashion.
  8. amazing that these water buffaloes can make a living in thailand, a place of tiny, shapely, sweet, ultra feminine ladies. well, as sly stone said: "different strokes for different folks"
  9. not at all, i am just stating the facts. addiction is a terrible disease, and i am very grateful to have escaped it.
  10. or benzodiazepams, such as xanax, easily available in thailand, over the counter. benzos are by far the worst addiction i ever encountered, and i am including heroin and methadone.
  11. marijuana does not have withdrawal symptoms, it is not physically addictive.
  12. i wouldn't call that mayhem, it's just low-class, selfish behavior.
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