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Posts posted by rtaxron

  1. Most taxi drivers around the World (I am one of them in the UK) try to fiddle Foreigners/Tourist etc. Worst of all are the London black cab drivers and Major City's.

    A mate of mine used to be based at Heathrow and when he picked up Americans and they wanted to go to some hotel in central London, he would say to th them '' The Queen is at home today, would you like to pass by the Palace to see if she is on the balcony'' Most of them were over the moon and usually said '' WOW YES'', not knowing that they were being taken miles away from where their hotel was and finally paying ££££££ extra what it would have cost for a direct journey.

    Its happens in all trades, plumbers, electricians, motor mechanics etc. Taxi drivers are no different from other rip-off merchants whichever Country you are in.

    Another trick/fiddle is to ask them if they have been in your Town before, if they say no you just change the tariff along the journey from day rates to the more expensive night rates, as they dont know the average charge.

    PS: I never do this, HONEST. :o

  2. Had a death near the house recently just before I came back to the U.K. and plenty of the younger ones (teenagers) were wary about going near the house alone. Scared of Ghosts. Seems to me that out i8n the sticks it is accepted ghosts do exist though on asking, no one had ever admitted to seeing any.

    Flame me as a nutter if you like, but I have seen plenty of ghosts here in the U.K. over the years but never even got a snifter of one in almost a year in Thailand. In fact it was the calmest place I have ever been to in that respect.

    Tell us more please. :o

  3. I have a TG who is 20 yrs younger than me, I am 60 and I am very proud of her and we have been together for 3 years and very happy.

    Last night as i was leaving Tesco I saw this beautiful TG about 25 yrs getting out of a newish Mercedes car. I couldn't help but look at her and then when the Guy got out of the car he was about 70 yrs.

    At first I thought you dirty bastard, then I thought, hold on she could be a lot older than she looks like a lot of TGs, and if not why shouldn't he have a young female partner.

    On the other hand it could have been his nanny/housekeeper who was going to help him with the shopping as his wife is an invalid at home.

    Who knows what their circumstances are, but people do tend to believe what they see on the surface rather than what is underneath.

    My TG looks about 30 yrs, she is 40 so I suppose people may think the same about me when we are out shopping etc.

    If I see them again I will say Hi and try to make a conversation to satisfy my curiosity.

    Yes I am a nosey bastard :o

  4. Let’s put it this way, if I had to put my children on any airline to fly internationally alone, the only airline I would consider is BA




    I assume your from UK?

  5. Windsor Davies of It Ain't Half Hot Mum spent 5 days in my pub in south London making an advert for a welsh beer. He spent a lot of time asleep in our bedroom as the film company wanted him to have froth on his moustache after he took a gulp, so to many takes got him pissed. He was a great bloke and posed for a photo with my two of my youngest kids and myself. photo included. Hope you like the hair-style :D

    I also stayed 4 days with Alex Higgins in Sheffield when he won his 2nd Snooker world championship in 1982. What a weekend that was, drugs, booze and ladies etc. Met all the then top players and will never forget the party's. :o


  6. Quote,

    These groups are dressed up and usually charge $1 for a few pictures. However, the quality of the dress and modeling ability is somewhat lacking. I am looking for more professional models.................................................................................



    What do you expect for $1 for a few photos, Naomi Campbell? You are taking the piss out of Thai ladies.

  7. Variations on a theme: Thai women and foreign husbands

    By Richard Bernstein The New York Times

    Sunday, August 12, 2007

    The main road leading through this village of 800 people in Thailand's northeast mostly runs through a scene of rural dishevelment, simple shacks with the ubiquitous rusted corrugated roofs, ragged clumps of banana trees and palms, and, here and there, a simple open-air restaurant or grocery store.

    But next to the Ban Cao post office is a sort of anomaly: an imposing iron gate leads to a spacious house with verandas, a sloping tile roof, a garage, a well-tended garden with sculptures and lawns. It is one of several like it in this otherwise nondescript Thai town not far from Udon Thani, which was an American air base during the Vietnam War.

    Are these the weekend getaways of Bangkok businessmen who have decided for some reason to build here, not far from the Mekong River and the border with Laos, rather than on some island resort like Phuket or Ko Samui? Not at all.

    "Normally in the northeast when you see a big house, you know that this house belongs to a foreigner who has married a Thai woman," Adul Khankeaw, Ban Cao's headman, explained. "And if you go to buy a new motorbike or car and pay cash, the salesman will ask you if you or one of your relatives is married to a foreigner."

    Thailand, of course, has always attracted foreign men interested in the local women, not least of course during the Vietnam War when the country was the favored "rest and recreation" destination for tens of thousands of GIs, as well as construction workers, Air America pilots, diplomats and journalists.

    And, while the GIs are long gone, this country has, almost ever since the Vietnam War ended, been one of the chief sex tourism capitals of the world. Even a relatively remote place like Udon Thani, which is the local provincial capital, shows the marks of this. "Great Food, Drinks, Pool, Girls" is the way one restaurant advertises its offerings on the official map distributed by the town's hotels.

    But what those imposing houses in Ban Cao show is a variation on the theme of Thai women and foreign men. They are the homes of men, mostly middle-aged and older, who have married local women, in many instances former bar girls whom they met in Bangkok or Pattaya, the two major centers of the Thai sex trade, and settled down in retirement in rural Thailand.

    Usually an economic consideration has entered into these marriages at the outset. Quite clearly, comely Thai women are marrying European men, often 20 or 30 or even 40 years older than they are, because of the economic advantage of it to them. And for the men, they have companionship, an easy life in a country very cheap by Western standards, and somebody to look after them as they get older.

    "At first it wasn't about love but for a better life," acknowledged one woman, Supee, 45 years old, who is married to a retired German named Peter, aged 62. Peter was a tourist in Thailand when they met 21 years ago and, after living in Germany for most of the years since, they moved to Ban Cao, Supee's native village.

    "I didn't like him so much at first," another Thai married to a European man said of her husband, a retired French oil engineer named Jean-Claude. She gave her name as Boonyong, and she was working as a waitress in Bangkok (she was not in the sex trade) when Jean-Claude met her on a visit and asked her to live with him.

    "I said, 'O.K.,' because I had just lost my father and now I could go home and be with my mother, which is what I wanted," Boonyong said. In Ban Cao alone, out of 180 families, 30 local women have married foreigners. There's a village in Roi Et Province, the Thai press has reported, where 200 women are married to foreigners, the majority of them German and Swiss. There are only 500 families in the entire village.

    About 15 percent of all marriages in the northeast, a study published by Khon Kaen University found, are now between Thai women and foreign men. Most of the men are Europeans, but there are upwards of 300 or so Americans, many of them veterans of the Vietnam War who were based in Udon Thani in the 1960s and early 1970s and are living here, most of them with Thai wives as well.

    There is a sort of calculated redemption on both sides of these marriages. Many of the women have painful stories, of working as prostitutes, of abandonment by Thai husbands and boyfriends, of children they couldn't afford to take care of. They make no secret of the fact that marrying some nice, older foreign man saved both them and their extended families from poverty and unhappiness.

    And as for the men, many of them are divorced or unhappily married back home. They came to Thailand for a brief touristic encounter with the local sex-for-sale industry and ended up staying for life.

    "In Vienna you have so many obligations," said a retired Austrian international lawyer who gave his name as Christoph Killy. He has been married for 14 years to a woman from Ban Cao. "There's so much you have to do and so much you aren't allowed to do there. Here you are free."

    The truth is that deceit and tragedy, along with happy stories, are part of the picture. Houses and land, by law, have to be owned by Thais, and so there have been cases where Thai wives simply expropriated the properties built for them by their foreign husbands whom they expelled, and then invited their Thai boyfriends to move in with them.

    "I've seen terrible things here," Killy said. "Some women are married to Thai men and they tell their foreign boyfriends that they are their brothers. So they sit together and eat together, and the foreigner even buys a motorbike for the Thai 'brother.' "

    Still, it's easy to meet what seem like normally happy couples here. According to that university study, marrying a foreigner not so long ago carried a stigma. Now, asked what they want for their daughters, 90 percent of the inhabitants of the Thai northeast replied: "I want for them to marry a foreigner."

  8. I think if we are all honest, a Thai GF/Wife is usually a few years or a lot younger than you would expect a Western female to be attracted to yourself.

    This of course depends on the Thai girls status regarding responsibility to her Family or wanting to come out of debt or poverty.

    If they marry a Farang whom shall we say is 20/25 years older, they would know that they would probably live a lot longer and would assume they would have security, be it life insurance or a few bob in the bank for the rest of their life.

    Just a thought?

  9. Whats the worst you have done in the past 10/20 years of playing a hoax, joke or a cruel misdemeanour?

    I worked in the Middle East for 11 years and the Arabs were a pain in the arse towards the Brits.

    So travelling to different parts and staying in so many hotels, I got a kick out of moving the plastic sticker by the bedside of the arrow pointing to Mecca for the Muslims to pray to the opposite direction.

    I dont think that many of them were sent to hel_l by Alla. :o

  10. My Wife is on a long Holiday back with the family in Udon Thani,

    while the children are young, I sugested that the children and herself

    stayed with her family for 3 months, as when they get to school age

    this will not be possible,

    So far they have been there for 2 of the 3 months, tonight I get a phone call, telling me that

    her Father has kicked the crap out of her,

    The reason is from what I can gather, my wife has made her family loose face,

    She has met up with some old school friends (male) and gone out for a drink at the local

    bar with them,Nothing untoward has happened,My son was with her at the time playing with the Bar owners childeren,

    Father has seen red and punished her.also hurt my son accidently in the process,

    Now I have to arrange some flights so that I can bring them all home.

    I am very very angry at his reaction in my opinoin is way over the top.

    When I get to Udon I want to punish him for his actions, but as a farlang I know I can not.

    (fight fire with fire) any sugestions as what I can do.

    Sorry if this does not may 100% sense but the red mist is still with me

    I will be flying out from the UK on Tuesday, from the UK, and want to sort the problem out, one way or another, before we return.



    Be careful Templer, they dont understand our culture so her father may think she is being disrespectful to his Family, unaware to what your wife has been used to in UK. Send me a PM and phone number if you want to chat before you go, i dont live to far from you, I have experienced this myself.

  11. Pls help.

    I purchased an item over the internet last tuesday and have had a complete change of circumstances therefore nor requiring the item any more. I was wondering if there is such a thing as a cooling off period for internet purchases fron Uk websites, say 7 days or more where I can cancel and recieve a refund. By the way the item is not due for delivery for 10-14 days.




    I agreed to buy a web cam 10 days ago from a seller in Hong Kong, but didnt pay for it straight away, I never do till about 3 days later. I had one bought for me 2 days later so I sent an e-mail to the seller and he was OK with it, but he couldn't do to much except report me to Ebay and they dont want to lose customers over a $9 transaction.

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