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Posts posted by w7mux

  1. I could go on forever about the Philippines as I started going there in the mid '60's when in the U.S. Navy. The next 33 years as a merchant seaman I could not count the time spent in the P.I. The mid to late 80's I was on ships chartered to the U.S.N. that never left Subic Bay. I am married to a Filipina, owned and lived in homes in southern Luzon (Bicol), Palawan and Angeles, and lived in Davao City and Manila. Having been there as a young single guy and as a married man, having had kids in school there, having gone through the court system to adopt two kids at two different times in two different cities, having gone through the red tape of an immigrant visa (13a), having bought and sold property there, and about anything else you would go through living, working, and playing in a place, the best advice I can offer is don't. We left for four years (my wife got the U.S. citizenship) and returned. The contrast was amazing, the Philippines is fast going to ####. The crime, corruption, kidnapping for ransom and rising poverity (and the problems that it causes) is overwhelming. I think if a survey were taken of the expats who are leaving, you would find much the same as I've said. Not only the single guys, and you don't see many young single guys there anymore, but also the retired military, and married guys with families. The place was great for me as a young single hard dick sailor but it has changed very much since the 60's and 70's. All I can offer is look hard before making the jump. Thailand, Chiang Mai anyway, is great.
  2. Manila is a bitch! They don't trust the Filipinos so they treat everyone the same. Be prepared to show return or onward plane ticket and a bank statement. I was with my wife (Filipino) but U.S. passport, and they ask for our marrage contract. We were married in Manila 15 years ago so that was no problem to get, but what if we had been married Bum F*** Egypt, who carries their marrage contract around?
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